Group Spotlight #1 Blackwood Crossing

  • This is the first in an occasional series where we turn the spotlight onto one of the many wonderful groups that we have here on The Skyrim Blog. To kick things off, we're taking a look at one of the most active and hard working groups, namely 'Blackwood Crossing'.

    Whilst the head honcho over in Blackwood is Emer Dareloth, it is long standing Blackwood member Dragon who provides the introduction for us:

     "As many of you know I have been a part of the Blackwood Crossing family since day one, I was always there to watch it grow, and now it’s time for me to say something about the new changes, and the opportunities it presents to our new members. When you first enter our group, you can notice the chatbox in the middle of the page, this is how we roleplay with each other, the front page is more of a general chat page, so that you are able to get to know your fellow members and get any information one would need to join the group.

                    The first thing that any member should do when joining is look over at the three beginner pages. The FAQs are answered by the senior members of the group, and gives answers to many questions that we have heard over our course of the group. We work our best to answer questions and allow those who wish to join us to not get lost in our many ways to roleplay. The Beginner's Guide and Combat Outline are other necessary pages and are self-explanatory.

                    Now for the bread and butter of the group, the roleplay, one starts by going over to the Joining Blackwood page, where you will fill out an application which highlights your character’s traits as well as the all-important alignment. While alignment isn’t all important to our group, it does determine which people you roleplay with, as such choose it carefully. Many Darker Characters enjoy a drink at the Cloaca, the Neutral Characters head to the Brothel, while the people of Lighter alignment enjoy a bed and meal at the Inn.

    There is a money system implemented in Blackwood, money is earned by completing jobs from the senior members, or selling items you might have randomly found. Jobs are started by the rumor system, or by getting a more permanent one at one of the shops in the town center. This money is used to buy armor to replace your ratty clothes, and weapons for protection, all characters start with 500 septims to begin their quest.

                    Lastly you interact with other roleplayers through chatboxes. Our players are very friendly, and allow one to express great creativity with the way our characters interact with each other on a minute and grand level. Do not be discouraged if there is no one in the chat you frequent there are plenty of members hanging around other places ready and waiting for you to join in on the fun."

    I'll be perfectly honest here and say that the RP style of Blackwood isn't really for me, so I'm not active in that Group. But that doesn't mean that I'm not supportive of the group. They are working hard to create an active and engaging experience that is a lot of fun.

    So get on over to Blackwood Crossing and check it out 


  • Hamek
    Hamek   ·  February 1, 2013
    This equals... epicness
  • Todd
    Todd   ·  February 1, 2013
    Awesome Paul. Thanks for "Featuring" the Group.