Blog of the Week #2

  • Last Wednesday I introduced the new 'Blog of the Week' feature, with recommendations by our avid blog reader Kynareth.

    This week the selection is one of the older blogs, in that the story finished some time ago and won't be added to. That's a good way to remind people that we have had blogs here on the site for almost one year, and there's a wealth of high quality material that newer members may well have missed.

    Here goes then with the story of Dreema, the female Bosmer. This is what Kynareth has to say about this saga:

    Dreema is a Bosmer who learns to confront her "wyrd" in Skyrim, while being a member of the Companions and the Thieves Guild.  The story is filled with beautiful prose and cleverly weaves the three stories together.  So pull up your chair or sit back with your laptop, ready your cup of tea or coffee, and settle in for a magnificent tale of how a Dragonborn finds her way.

    I hope that this initial post will whet your appetite for Dreema. Here's a link to the index page for the full set of Dreema blog posts. Enjoy