The beginning of the game (Spoiler Alert)


    From the gameplay videos on Youtube I noticed someone having a dialog option with the smith in Riverwood saying that Helgen was attacked by a dragon and that the player and someone else (Hadvar?) fled the city. My guess is that the dragon attacked right before the players execution and destroyed the entire town, but I'm open sor speculation. Do you guys have any thought on this?


  • Ssarrasum Blackscale
    Ssarrasum Blackscale   ·  October 31, 2011
    There was just a set of videos posted on YouTube (probably already taken down by Bethesda) that show the 25 minutes or so of game play from the start of the game until the point that all the demo's picked up near Riverwood.
    I won't give the spoilers...  more
  • Saxi
    Saxi   ·  October 28, 2011
    Maybe the live action trailer has some connection to the start of the game in that sense... The dragon will kick your level 1 butt and send you running for the hills. 
  • Larthjar the Nord
    Larthjar the Nord   ·  October 28, 2011
    I imagine that you have to flee through an underground passage... seem like a smart thing to do with a dragon hunting you down 
  • Atlas Greyson
    Atlas Greyson   ·  October 28, 2011
    I saw that as well! What I'm interested in is where you are at the very beginning; 'Helgen'. You would have to be in an open space for a dragon to attack yet most people who played Skyrim reported stepping out in Skyrim about 30 mins into the game from an...  more