Journeys Of Dalorn 03: Back To Town

  • Pain. Relief. Pain. Relief. Pain wakes me up out of my stupor, burning, destroying, consuming my concentration and composure. I think my puffy, bloody wound is infected. I touch my leg and nearly scream in pain. Yes, I am infected. However much I hate to do this, I must go to town and find an apothecary. My mother taught me how to make a basic salve, and I hope it's enouch to get me to a town I'm not sure exists. I swing my legs down from the branch and deftly land on my feet. A lone tear trickles down my face as a wince in agony. Not a good start. I walk to the bush with the blue flowers, my lone tear joined by friends every other step. Seemingly after hours had passed, although really only ten seconds, a reach the Bush at the other end of the clearing. I crush the flowers and spread the mush all over my wound, feeling relief, more so than the gaps between throbs. I set off south, knowing since the mountains aren't far north of me, south is my best bet for a road.

    As I limp into town at around midday, deprived of food for a day and a half, the guard says to me, "Keep your nose clean outsider, I don't want you causing any trouble while you're here."
    I then replied, "I hope I don't." He gave me quite a stare.
    I set out to the apothecary's shop, marked by a sign with a cauldron. When I limped in, bloody and bruised, she offered to fix me up, free of charge, if I told her how I got to her this way. I told her a bear attacked me on the road, and that I don't want to talk about it. She fixed me right up and asked no more questions. I then used my manners and said, "For your generosity, if there is anything I can do to help, please tell me. I long to help a soul as kind as yours."
    She then replied, "Adding a bit of excitement to my life is payment enough," and gave me a wink. "Here, take this gold. You look like you could use a bed and a nice, warm meal. And maybe a drink to warm your belly. Have fun!" And with that the young, cheery alchemist sends me off.


  • Kynareth
    Kynareth   ·  April 21, 2012
    Nice to see Dalorn has found a kind soul to help him in the tough land of Skyrim...maybe he will be able to help her later in the story?   I hope you keep going with the story of this troubled soul!
  • Piper Jo
    Piper Jo   ·  April 21, 2012
    Between this and the last one, very gritty. I like.