Memoirs of Larz D'Ovakine ~ Homecoming pt. 1(spoilers)

  • For the rest of the night I didn't get much sleep. In fact I spent most of it pacing my room trying to formulate a new plan. Against all my believes I knew I would have to let Elisif down. I couldn't get distracted by the problems of Solitude any longer. That would be my first call. The following morning I walked down to the Blue Palace from the Skeever. Elisif was already sat on her throne when I entered the court. She welcomed me and I went about explaining the news I had received from home. Her understanding was impeccable and wished me luck on saving my family. As I turned to leave Falk rushed to my side telling me that if I needed to get back to Cyrodill the best people to speak to would be the Companions of Whiterun. He told me to seek out Kodlak Whitemane the current Companion leader. Thanking him I shook his hand and made haste to the Stables.

    With the hi jinx of Sanguine I hadn't seen Drago for three days, he whinnied on my arrival to the stables and I spent a few minutes stood cradling his muzzle whispering into his ears. Strapping my saddle to his back I mounted Drago and sped him down the road to Whiterun. I didn't stop for anything. Even when a group of bandits stormed the road from both sides I simply encouraged Drago and he ploughed through the blockade of flesh bowling them over and into the gutters of the road. We made it in record time. Whiterun was a buzz with the afternoon markets in full swing. The skies were clear and the sun high as I walked up the steps towards Jorvaskkar, the home of the Companions.

    The old, wooden, nordic long house stood separate to the rest of the hold. A path led around to a back entrance and up to the Ancient Skyforge. All the posts and panels of the building were adorned with some of the most intricate nordic carvings, pushing on the large double doors I entered. The most delightful sights and smells greeted me. In the middle of the space a huge hearth glowed surrounded on three sides by tables and chairs. The smoke of the fire mixing with the smells of roasting meats, spices, mead and sweat. A fight broke out between two of the companions drawing everyone's attention from me to the tussle on the ground. It all instantly reminded me of my days back at the Guild. This was a step in the right direction.

    With a smile I approached an attractive young women showing more flesh than armour sat at one of the tables, the only one not drawn in by the melee of the younger members. 

    "Afternoon, I'm looking for Kodlak Whitemane, could you tell me where I might find him?" I asked to the young women. She looked up from her book, eyes piercing like a sabre cat through the tribal war paint she wore. "He's down in his chambers." Returning to the pages of the book.

    At one end of the hall I found the way down to the Companions quarters. The low arched room led the full length of Jorvaskkar. The chambers of each member led off from the sides as I made my way down to the far end. In a room I found two men sat round a small table discussing some sort of curse to their blood. They ceased to converse when they saw me enter. 

    "Good Afternoon gentlemen, My name's Larz D'Ovakine and I'm hoping to speak to Kodlak Whitemane." I introduced myself. The younger of the two snapping back.

    "What do you want with Kodlak old man?" The older man rose from his chair.

    "Vilkas enough of that. I wondered when I might finally get to meet you Larz. You are most welcome. I am Kodlak Whitemane, I have heard the stories of your adventures whisper about the hold and the Jarl only gushes praise at what you have done for Whiterun. What is it I could do for you?" Kodlak shooed Vilkas from his chair insisting I sit.

    "Thank you Kodlak" I accepted glancing at Vilkas as I sat down.

    "Don't mind him Larz, How can I help?"

    I went about telling my tale to Kodlak, showing him the letter from Augustus finshing by asking him if the Companions would be able to help me back across the Jerral Mountains to save my family from Altan. Once I had finished Kodlak slumped back in his chair and ran his hand through his beard.

    "Hmmmm, Now that is an interesting tale. I don't doubt the truth of it. I heard the Greybeards summon you. But you understand I may be the Harbinger of the Companions but I do not command them. I will allow you to put it to the rest of the group. We can let them decide for themselves." Vilkas erupted at Kodlaks words.

    "Kodlak! You don't mean you believe him do you? The story is farce. We can't trust this Imperial!" Kodlak glared at Vilkas.

    "If I wasn't so far into my elder years I would be the first volunteer but your right the others won't trust you Larz not unless......" Kodlak stroked his beard again obviously contemplating a new idea.

    "What is it Kodlak?" I enquired after a moment of silence.

    "If you were to join us and help us with our own problem I bet the others would trust the Dragonborn and more would be likely to volunteer to come to your aid Larz." Vilkas again failed to restrain his frustrations.

    "Kodlak how can he be a Companion. He's older than you. I bet he can't even swing that blade across his back." Folding his arms across his chest he looked down his nose at me. Kodlak rose and placed a hand on Vilkas's shoulder.

    "Well lad, you can put him through his paces then. If he scores a blow on you then I'd say he was one of us. How about it Larz?" I stood as well now reaching out my hand.

    "It's a deal." With that Kodlak shook my outstretched hand firmly. I turned to Vilkas gesturing.

    "After you my friend." With a humpf of breath Vilkas spun and led me out to the training yard out the back of Jorvaskkar.

    Back out in the Sun I stood facing Vilkas shield and sword at the ready. He honestly looked ready to kill me. I drew my sword and started to move. Looking for gaps in his defense, I struggled he held the shield high and strong. I played the waiting game, dummying and feigning an attack. I could see Vilkas becoming redder in the face, muttering under his breath. The man was as easy to rile in combat as well as conversation. He could stand it no longer and struck out with his sword. I swiftly brought my blade to meet his, no sooner had the blades sang out against one another I countered and to Vilkas's surprise found a gap in his defense. Somehow he was quick enough to raise his shield deflecting my blow. His anger seemed to magnify firing a flurry of attacks, I blocked each one and as my sword bit into his I rushed forward metal grating against metal capturing his sword arm under mine. With a quick snap I dislodged his grip sending the blade to the ground. The look of furious rage stared back at me as I broke the embrace kicking his feet out from under him and forcing him on to his back. With my blade at his throat he reluctantly said

    "I yield." I held out my hand and helped him to his feet. Unknowingly a crowd of the Companions had watched my initiation and a gape as Vilkas retrieved his sword from the dirt storming back into Jorvaskkar. 

    "Fine! It's time for the feast everyone back inside!" Vilkas shouted barging through his shield brothers. After many hand shakes and pats on the backs everyone found their seats inside for the evening meal. Once the trays of roasted meat, bread, mead and sweetrolls had done the rounds of the tables Kodlak stood and shushed the increasing merriment. Introducing me to the rest of the Companions he let me take the floor to tell my tale. There were many heckles and shouts of "liar" and "never trust an Imperial" but by the end everyone was engrossed. When I eventually put forth my proposal the room fell quiet.

    Farkas was the first to stand and raise his tankard

    "It would be my honour to aid the Dragonborn." Downing his drink and slamming it on the table making all the cutlery jump. Aela stood next

    "By my arrows I will help protect the Dragonborn." Following suit she hammered the empty tankard down. Silence engulfed the room once more until Kodlak stood

    "Very well if that concludes business. I wish all the favour of the divines on your quest and raise my glass with honour." The rest of the room raised their mugs and the feasting continued. I pulled Farkas and Aela to one side instructing them we would set off at first light. 


  • Guy Corbett
    Guy Corbett   ·  February 4, 2012
    Cheers everyone for the likes and comments.
    @ julian I had to do something I think she is def one of the more strking lady npc's in the game. Next part is up have a read 
  • Guy Corbett
    Guy Corbett   ·  February 4, 2012
    Yeah Im chuffed with the final piece worked out better than I originally thought. Im just about to start the next part now. Really going to be on my own with this one. Should be a couple of hours I think.
  • Kynareth
    Kynareth   ·  February 4, 2012
    Awesome, Guy!  I was a little annoyed (not with you, but the Companions!) that they would not help Larz without some sort of proof/or fight/or whatever, but it worked out very well to his favor, and he has found some very loyal "companions!"  Looking forw...  more
  • Guy Corbett
    Guy Corbett   ·  February 4, 2012
    Thanks Bilal if I'm honest these next post I'm most nervous about quite pivotal in the story Im hoping it will work When Im writing Im very concious of the balance between action, suspense, drama and conversation. I didn't even plan to have Vilkas as such...  more