Memoirs of Larz D'Ovakine ~ The Turning of the Tide pt.3 (spoilers)

  • My patience had worn out. Trudging back down the road towards Windhelm I cursed Sam with profanities I won't repeat in this journal. He had led me all across Skyrim and back with this nonsense. I promised to wring his neck once I caught up with him.

    Not long after passing Mix Water Mill for the third time in as many days I caught sight of the small track leading off the road up a steep slope. As I got further up the hill I came across the ruined gate house of Morvunskar. It wasn't much to look at more ruined than standing. It would of been an impressive keep in its hay day. The look out atop the entranceway spotted me first, I only caught a glance of his back as he ran to warn his companions. One thing I noticed he wore black robes.

    I drew my bow notching an Orc Arrow as I ran to the arch of the entrance. The arch led through a tunnel under the tower into a inner court yard. Stepping into the tunnel the Necromancers appeared at the far end. I let the arrow go as three of them cast shield spells, the fourth threw a fireball straight at me. I didn't react quick enough taking the ball of flame square in the chest knocking me onto my back. Unknowingly I tumbled onto a pressure plate half buried in the ground of the entrance. Clunks and clicks of mechanisms whirring as flame spurted into the far end of the tunnel igniting the Necromancers in an explosion of screams, flailing and fire. In a panic the Necromancers charged down the tunnel towards me, I got another couple of arrows away backing out onto the slope. Still they came casting as they ran, ducking and sidestepping the magical barrage I returned fire with arrow after arrow. Their lightly toasted robes provided no protection as my arrows lay waste to them. Once more I surprised myself with my pleasure at the lethality and precision of my shots. One of the useless mages took an arrow straight through the bridge of his nose, plumb centre of the retches face. Only three made it out of the tunnel I found the fourth black as coal in a charred pose against the stone of the tunnel exit. I tried not to ponder on the frozen expression of torment on their face. 

    The inner court yard was in a worse state of repair than the entrance. The original arch that connected to the main keep had completely collapsed. Rubble was strewn everywhere, to the right hand side a make shift flight of wooden stairs led onto the ramparts. Swapping to my Sword I climbed them up onto the decaying structure. One last Necromancer remained, he leapt out of his skin when he saw I wasn't any of his friends and turned tail to run but he stumbled as I caught up and staked him to the floor through his back with my blade. From my new vantage point I saw that the ramparts led round to what remained of the keep and in front the Necromancers make shift camp set around a hearth.

    The door to the keep led down a set of stone stairs into a large room. It was a tip, empty wine bottles, kegs, tankards littered the floor in the near dark space. In front of me light shone from a small feasting room again the table and floor covered in the detritus of what looked like a most raucous party. To my right on the far wall was a closed wooden door and an open arch with the glow of a fire throbbing in the darkness and the noise of two people talking. The wooden door was barred shut so I drew my bow and sneaked along the wall to the open arch. Pivoting round the corner I fired as soon as I made sight of the Dark elf stoking the forge in the small chamber. The force took him off his feet nearly falling into the white coals of the fire. His female companion charged me with her dagger and scored a couple of hits as I fumbled swapping to my sword. She closed the gap quicker than I expected, backing out into the larger chamber I returned the favour by thrusting my blade through her stomach just as she uttered the words to a healing spell. Lifting her into the air she glowed white with healing energy but the damage of my strike was to great even for her skills of healing. In a flash she ceased to be. 

    Turning back to face the large room I spotted a set of steps leading down to another door that was previously hidden by shadow. Being the only other option I headed down through the door. Again empty wine bottles cluttered the floor as I made my way down more stairs and passageways eventually opening out onto a massive vaulted room. Down to my left it led to a huge grand set of stairs which at the top sat a throne with what looked like a powerful wizard reclining. A number of lesser magicians patrolled the area below his throne.

    I scored a couple of stealth kills waiting until the target was out of sight of others or in the ample swaths of shadow that criss crossed the chamber. I got impatient and fired a split second to early. The shot didn't silence its foe rather he fell to the ground wailing pointing in my direction. A flurry of spells flew at me, fire and ice exploding on the stone walls like the fireworks back in the Imperial city on a festival. There was no way I could withstand an onslaught like that in the open so continued to dive in and out of cover drawing them closer. Once the Ice wizard got close enough he threw more powerful ice storms. I took that as a cue and started to walk back up the corridor I entered through. It worked forcing them into a bottle neck thinned the numbers. I positioned myself in a pocket of shadow letting arrows go whenever they popped round the corner.

    The Ice wizard managed to get a spell off before diving back for cover, the ice wrapped round my arm numbing it to the point my bow merely fell from my grasp. The two remaining mages entered the room with the Ice wizard bringing up the rear. With all my might I unleashed my shout catapulting chair, table, bottle to the opposite end of the room showering the magicians in debris as the shock wave of sound rippled out stunning them. Roaring I charged at them sword drawn, picturing my wife and daughter in my mind, adrenaline coursed through my limbs as I swung my sword down on the first mage. In my rage my memory fails me with what happened next I just had flashes of ice, metal, blood and fire. The next thing I can remember I was stood with my blade stuck in the corpse of the Ice wizard. I used my foot to lever it free, dizzy with the surge of victory I panted regaining my breath and composure. 

    I ventured up to the throne not four steps from the top an orb of blue energy appeared forming a doorway of light. I had seen no sign of Sam or my Letter so with my eyes closed I stepped up and through the arch of light. An instance of bright white light then all of a sudden the air seemed to change. From the musty, damp of the keep it now felt warm and almost sweet. It reminded me of the smell wafting around the plains near Honningbrew Meadery. I opened my eyes and found I was stood in a dark grotto. A small stream trickled down the middle of the stepped rockery tumbling into mist that seemed to hang in an aura of yellow lit by small lanterns leading over a small arch bridge of stone.  The sound of merry making and drunken singing lilted around the space drawing me over the bridge. More lanterns led the way through the sugary mist over another arching bridge down a slope into a small clearing. 

    Bunting and Lanterns adorned the posts and walls around a long wooden table surrounded by dozens of people at differing levels of inebriation. All seemed to be having a whale of a time, stood at the head of the table, at last, was Sam. I charged over the room grabbing him by the throat slamming him into the wall lifting him off his feet. "WHY YOU DIRTY, ROTTEN SKEEVER. WHERE THE HELL IS MY LETTER?!" Straining to make eye contact Sam simply started to laugh hysterically "Larzzzz excellent, just excellent. My, my your certainly in a much fouler mood than you were the last time you were here,he he he."

    "The last time what do you mean? I've never been here before. I have no memory of what happened to me and have been led on a merry dance all across the realm. Worst of all you took my letter. That was the worst mistake you could make!" squeezing harder round Sam's neck with my fingers he chuckled again

    "Larz, larz, Let me explain. After hearing your tale, your burdens weighed heavy on you, you needed a break so.....I took matters into my own hands and made sure you had a legendary night of revelry and debauchery because you see I'm not really Sam Guevenne."

    In a flash of light I was blasted through the air crashing onto the ground as Sam re materialised into a huge man with red and black skin, horns, yellow bloodshot eyes and clad in pulsing red daedric armour. I sat flabbergasted on the floor, what was happening to me again the form in front of me that was moments ago a man cackled that hysterical laugh again

    "I couldn't let you through my grasp. You were the perfect person for me to lead and push for you see I am Sanguine, Daedric Prince of Debauchery. I was right to for your desperation to get home meant you were easy to manipulate." I got to my feet whilst gathering my thoughts, all that I had just been through, the Giant, the Goat, that ugly Hag in the geyser field and it was for nothing. My anger started to well up inside of me again

    "What so this was just some sort of practical joke?! What have you done with my Letter!" Sanguine's smile dropped from his face

    "Larz, my boy I was doing you a service. You needed a distraction, you needed to forget and you needed to relax. I thought taking the Letter might give you some relief but I obviously miss judge your tenacity." With that he produced my Letter and handed it back to me

    "Also for all the hard work I put you through here take my staff. I think you deserve it and it might come in handy for you."

    It was the strangest staff I'd seen, a long shaft twisted and thorned like the stem of a plant. The head was a withering Rose, it was strangely beautiful and I had no idea what it did. Before I could utter another word Sanguine announced to the revellers still partying

    "I think its time we sent him back don't you?" With a cheer and a flash of light I reappeared in the Winking Skeever sat at the same stool I passed out on three days before. My Letter sat on the bar in front of me as Corpulus turned in surprise

    "Larz! I didn't see you come in. Have you still not opened that Letter?"

    I picked it up and examined it properly for the first time. The envelope had a red wax seal keeping the contents secret. On closer inspection it bore the emblem of the Fighter's Guild. Peeling the wax lock free I opened the Letter:

    My Dear Friend,

    I hope that this finds you well. I'm sorry that this letter isn't from your wife or daughter. But I had to try and get a response to you. Let me explain for no doubt you found the Guild Seal. 

    When you didn't show for our weekly drink and catch up I thought it odd that you hadn't got word to me so I decided to visit your shop and find out if you were OK. Were not the young buck's we used to be are we my friend. 

    On arriving your shop was closed. A note was pinned to the door saying "Under new Management". I was totally dumbfounded surely you wouldn't leave without saying goodbye? It was just by chance that as I went to leave the courier arrived with your Letter. I convinced the lad I was you I hope you don't mind? I'm glad I did, what you have gone through sounds unbelievable and I knew you would be waiting for a response.

    I have looked every where I can think but I have not been able to locate your family my friend. I have not given up. I'm going to increase my efforts and speak with the guild to get an investigation under way. They owe you that much.

    If I find anything be sure I will let you know with all haste. I just hope what ever this Altan has got you into isn't your end. I just wish I could be there by your side like the good old days.

    Keep safe, Fight strong and hurry home.

    Your Friend & Shield Brother,

    Augustus Octavium

    I slumped back onto my stool in shock. So my worst fears had come true. Altan had stole my shop and done who knows what with my beautiful family. I needed to get back to the Imperial city quicker than I anticipated. I needed a new plan.


  • Guy Corbett
    Guy Corbett   ·  February 2, 2012
    Thanks everyone (esp KY) for your comments. I was in a real quandrey about which way to take it. I really want him to do the MQ purely so he is even more bad ass for when he catches up with Altan but Im still not sure where this can lead yet. One idea Ive...  more
  • Kynareth
    Kynareth   ·  February 1, 2012
    Oh, no!!!!  Damn that useless Nord son-in-law!?  Or maybe not?  This was a wonderful choice for a transition into a different plan of attack, and oddly appropriate Daedra to encounter in which to do this.  Many people would appreciate the release that San...  more
  • Ponty
    Ponty   ·  February 1, 2012
    Great work once again Guy. I liked the encounter with Sanguine, and looking forward to his return to Cyrodiil!