101 - ToC


    Is it on? Good. Alright. My name is James Darwin. The surname might sound familiar to some of you. The surname of a great scientist and explorer. My father, also named James, took it after coming to the Capital Wasteland. That's right, I'm from the Capital Wasteland, far to the south. You may be wondering why is there a holotape in the middle of Boston, on top of Trinity Tower about someone from D.C.


    Let me explain. A year and a half ago, I first came into the Commonwealth after following a track that there might be other Vault Dwellers that are alive besides the ones in my Vault, Vault 101. That turned out to be a false lead, well, maybe not completely. I found someone. Someone like me, new to this world. A Vault Dweller. He was the sole survivor of his Vault.


    PART 1: The Commonwealth

    Chapter 1: Ice Cold


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