SOPA and Internet-Killswitch

  • hey guys, im not much of a blogger myself but i am a huge gamer and enjoy the current internet MMOs/RPGs that are streamed online; however as of lately there have been talks of SOPA shutting down websites that host copyrighted materials (yes games such as League of Legends can be "considered" to be linked to hosting/streaming copyrighted materials. yes even websites such as and could be in violation through SOPA). I, for one, am against copyrighted materials; however, this bill seems to do more than protect copyrighted materials from being illegally downloaded. 

    so what is SOPA? (heres a link that describe it quite well)

    as of a few hrs ago. SOPA/FBI has shut down and in response, anonymous hacked FBI.GOV, DOJ's website, and music sites that sides with SOPA. could this be the end of the current internet as we know it?

    LA Times confirms:


    anonymous message to the FED:

    what do you guys think? will this be the end of the current internet as we know it before it gets transformed into the internet of China?