Backstory: Namund the alchemist

  • Honor. Glory. Sovnegarde. These words flashed through my thoughts as I mixed the deathbell and nightshade. Was this the way for a true Nord to behave? But then again, was it right for these... protectors of Skyrim to kill my brother? Do they have any honor, bowing to a weak empire? No. So my actions were justified. Am I not doing this to honor my slain brother? I was reassured. Gurad an Advail have sluaghtered my brother becuase he has stood up for me and my path as an alchemist. They deserved to die. After brewing the deadly poison, I sneaked out of my father's inn. The night was eerily still, Helgen's streets deserted save for the soldiers on the walls. I kept within the shadows, heading to their house. I came to their door. Locked. Of course. I did not know much of lock picking, but after a few tries my patience prevailed. I entered the kitchen, with a door to the left leading to the sleeping brothers. Suddenly I felt an urge to slit their throats as they slept, but I reminded myself that I would be easily cought and no doubt executed. So I snuck over to their cooking pot and poured my poison into the boiling stew. The deed was done. Now I only had to get out of town and as far away as possible. I once again entered the silent street. I looked at the walls, the houses and my father's inn. Vilad. He has gone through so much lately. My brother, killed by men who had the hearts of cowards and not those of Nords. My mother, dragged away by the damn thalmor for worshiping Talos. Would he be proud of my actions? Or would he be ashamed of my underhanded tactics. I pushed the thought from my mind. It was time to go. The soldiers had two horses tied to a post just outside the gate. I carefully watched the guards patrolling above, and when his back was turned, I quickly opened the gate a slither and slipped through. Silently I untied the horse. I mounted it and fell into a silent trot. When I was well away from Helgen, I urged him on and galloped until the sun broke over the horizon. Not once did I look back. And here I am now, writing this account for whoever may find it in this damned cave, the voices of the imperial soldiers getting closer and closer. Traveling on the road, I had the luck to wander into an imperial ambush meant for a bunch of stormcloaks. Of course one of the imperials recognized me, so I fled. Cornered in this cave, these are surely my last words Namund, an alchemist.


  • Kynareth
    Kynareth   ·  February 7, 2012
    Louis, I am sorry it has taken so long for me to get to this!  I immediately felt for this character, trying to avenge his brother's death, but trying not to get caught and get executed to further hurt his father, who is also grieving.  Those are some ver...  more
  • Guy Corbett
    Guy Corbett   ·  January 27, 2012
    Good start, I like that he has been affected by the War and that has inspired him to do something. Also I like that he hails from Helgen not thought of that before. Be interesting to see how he copes with his trackers more please