Lutherus Sotasius - Chapter I, Part I


    From the Journal of Lutherus Sotasius. Date of Entry: Last Seed, 17th, 4E, 201.

    Lutherus found a brief moment of respite after the escape from Helgen at the foot of the Guardian Stones, to write in his first entry into his journal of his predicament. Penniless, weak, and technically still a convict, Lutherus cluelessly weighed out his options. Being an Imperial, there wasn't much hope for him within the Rebellion, so aligning with them was an absolute no-no. And for the Legion? Well, by all rights he was still their prisoner with a delayed execution. If he walked right to Solitude at this point, he would be offering himself up for another unfair trial.


    All was not at a total loss for Lutherus though. During the skirmishing underneath Helgen, he was able to pinch some Imperial Light Boots that fitted him, far better than the scummy toe rags he had been previously wearing. He also fetched himself a hood from a dead Mage, out of the recommendation from Hadvar - who could not officially pardon him. Lutherus was also lucky enough to find a coin purse in the caves, but hardly enough to afford his planned tuition. Rebel bastards!

    Lutherus's supplies were low if not nonexistent. Faced with the prospect of resting under a tree with no food, he decided to follow Hadvar who knew of a place called Riverwood. At the very least he would be able to get supplies if nothing else. Lutherus had a lot of respect for Hadvar, he unnecessarily put his life at risk to defend Lutherus, despite being a prisoner against his better judgement. But still, somehow Lutherus could not bring his mind around the Legion as a whole, the Legion that abuse their own policies on sovereign Prisoners of War to save a bit of extra paper work. But Hadvar had integrity, something Lutherus was unable to attribute to his, less than kind perception of the Legion. They were just about at the bottom of the incline, when Hadvar heard a recognisable growling.


    "WOLF!" Cried Hadvar. "Stay back Lutherus! Let me handle this!"

    With extreme bravery, Hadvar thrust his sword into the beast, who was then joined by two others. Lutherus took refuge behind a felled tree, watching Hadvar cut the wolves into pieces, one by one with ease. The remaining wolf sprung to it's hind back legs and almost toppled Hadvar over, but the muscular Nord fought back, and drove his sword into the upright wolf's underside, cutting a huge gash from throat to stomach. And as soon as it had all started, it was over. Hadvar, victorious but bloodied, returned to retrieve Lutherus. "Come on." He said. "Let's go."


    The pair meandered down to Riverwood, a settlement nestled on the eastern bank of the White River. Hadvar spotted his Uncle, Alvor tempering with some armour at his Forge. Alvor noticed the blood and sweat mixed on Hadvar's face, and feared the worst, rushing down to him with a clean rag. Hadvar tried to explain of the attack in Helgen, but an old hag was already entertaining the Riverwood populace with her ramblings of seeing the beast.


    "Perhaps it's best we talk inside." Mentioned Lutherus, to Hadvar.


    "I'm sorry, forgive me boy. Who are you?" Asked Alvor.


    "This, is Lutherus." Said Hadvar. "He was at Helgen. Please, let me explain indoors."


    "Yes, of course!" Said Alvor. "I'll have Sigrid cook some food."


    Table of Contents


  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  May 30, 2016
    Yes, it is a nice start and Hadvar is a total badass. 
  • Dean Morrison
    Dean Morrison   ·  May 30, 2016
    Thanks for your feedback Sotek, good advice! I'll make amends :)
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  May 29, 2016
    Not bad for a starting piece and it's nice to see a few pictures to help tell the story.
    One line I have trouble with. Now this could just be me and the way I write so don't just change it. Have a think and see what works for you.
    At Hadvar's ...  more