Playing with Fire

  •     Aliette was dead. She was beginning to see that the Nords and Redguards were wiser than she had thought. She had laughed at Nords who feared magic, and mocked Redguards who said that to trap a person’s soul was a terrible deed.
        But it was not only Redguards and Nords that she had refused to listen to. Seasoned mages had told her that she was fool-hearted, and headstrong. They told her to practice caution, and invest time in all the magical disciplines. She had seen their pleas as being those of people who only studied magic, and had forgotten how to live it.
         What she had loved had been Conjuration and Destruction magic. She had enjoyed pulling out flaming bound swords, and blasting mer and men apart with fireballs. For her, magic meant feeling powerful and alive. She had no time for either Illusion or Alteration magic.
                   And of course, she trapped the souls of her enemies to fuel a powerful magical staff, a gift of Sanguine.
                But one day, she picked a fight with the wrong mage, a powerful one. She could not escape because she had no way of shielding herself, or of hiding. She fell to him.
              As the mage had bent over her dying body, he whispered into her ear that her soul would be trapped and used to fuel his staff.
           ‘’You are mine,’’ he said.
           Moments later, she found herself in a cold, dark space. She was certain that he had been true to his word.
            She had no body. She was a formless spirit wandering about in a void. Nothing ever happened until the pull.
            These were the times he used his staff. These were the times that she lost memories, one by one.
           The first time, she forgot the color of her hair.
           The second time, she forgot her last name.
           The third time, she forgot who her family back in High Rock supported as King.
              Then she laughed, because that felt like something she should have remembered up to the very end.
          Her memories and identity were giving his staff its power. She was dead, and there would be no afterlife for her because soon she would have no soul for any god to take. This wasn’t an afterlife. It was temporary storage.
         Sometimes she couldn’t remember what was taken from her, only that it was gone. Yet, even then, she knew exactly what was taken from her. A sliver of her soul, lost for all eternity.
             One day, she would forget that she had ever been a mage. Once she forgot she would not remember, ever.
            So in the void, in the nothingness, she told herself the things she still remembered.
            She told herself a tale of a girl who had played with fire, seen dragons, and was fearless.
                                         Let me be brave.


  • WuYiXiang
    WuYiXiang   ·  February 29, 2016
    Beautiful, not in the sense of the content, but rather how the content was delivered.
  • Lyall
    Lyall   ·  February 27, 2016
    Tell that to the mage who killed her...
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  February 27, 2016
    I liked this, the dark reality of it. No, this is specifically what Tolfdir talks about in the first quest for the College of Winterhold, safety!
  • Lyall
    Lyall   ·  February 27, 2016
    While I think a second part would be cool, maybe someone else also goes in the staff, I'm not sure it would entirely fit the theme. I mean, I love happy endings, but I also love things like this, with no happy ending what-so-ever. Meh, it's up to Cinae.
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  February 27, 2016
    I would love to see a second part to this...
    All it takes for evil to win is for the good to do nothing and stand idly by.
  • Cinae
    Cinae   ·  February 26, 2016
    Hey, thanks for commenting! Just fixed that.
  • Lyall
    Lyall   ·  February 26, 2016
    Oh, this is so sad! I like it, but I'm sad now...
    Also, one of your tags is a lone "#", should probably fix that.