Faelen GrayOwl: Backstory Part I "The Silver Dagger"

  • The Silver Dagger

         Running, pain, vision fading; barely reaching the cavern's entrance only to be met by another one of those things. Pale skin and red eyes, laughing as if he has known this moment many times before. How many explores, treasure seekers or weary travelers fell prey to these abominations? as the foul being drew closer, Aden GrayOwl could smell the stale odor of old blood and pondered his best strategy. Running past was no option, returning down the cavern was curtain death. Feigning surrender he slumped back to the wall of the cave catching himself with his left hand behind his back grasping the dagger Helga had giving him.                                                                                                       {please take it she said, it was my father's. tarnished from cutting fish but still sharp. }

         Raising the axe in his right hand, he struck at the beast with a purposefully wide swing. Drawing the vampire's guard he unsheathed the silver blade tucked in his belt. Mustering all strength, he plunged the blade deep and with a shove that surprised even him, sent the vampire across the cave gasping for life and clawing for any part of Aden he could reach. “I'll see you again” the beast gasped as he lay slumped.

         Outside the stars were veiled by a thin sheet of clouds. A steady wind blew the fragrance of nightshade over the marsh. Aden's mind drifted as he began toward Khuul.

         While exploring the west gash region Aden met Helga. She was a hard working, kind Nord gal, daughter of Frik, Nord fishermen, and Runa, net and sail maker. Helga was born in Khuul and grew up learning much from both her parents until a raid on the city by Redguard pirates left her orphaned. Helga was fifteen. She survived, rebuilt her small home and carried on with her life using what she knew to make a living.

         That was all Aden knew of her, besides her warm eyes. He must make it back to the waterfront. back to her, and another bowl of fish stew. To learn of the years after her parent's death; of her plans, her dreams. What would become of the young woman in the little fishing hut?

         He pushed forward, staggering, stumbling. Sweat and blood stinging his eyes! Was it his blood or the vampire's? He couldn't be sure. All the more reason to push on. If only to return the dagger that had saved his life.

         Blurring flashes, teeth, ragging red eyes. That smell, the smell of death and worse. Clawing, biting, grabbing. run!, run! fear! panic! AAAHAHAHH!!!

    Gasp, ! A dream thats all.

         What's that?, fish stew? fresh bread? An image of newly picked nightshade in a small vase resting on a withered old table as he opened his eyes. “You're awake, at last! it's been a days and a night. I was very worried!” she said while dipping a ladle into the pot hanging over the fire. “The night guard found you at the edge of town and brought you here. Your wounds are healing quickly. Here, have some stew.” The stew was warm and hearty but lacked the taste he remembered from the night they met. Why is it so bright? Somethings wrong. Probably just the pain. Wait, that's it. The pain, there isn't any? “I must go now”, he said without an idea if that was the right decision. His mind was still reeling from the cave and the dream and seeing her again after being sure he would not. “No, you must rest one more night to regain your strength. Besides, it is too late in the day to journey out. That's final!” she said with the authority only a Nord woman can wield. “I will fix a bath after we eat” smiling the way she did that night in the tavern before challenging any man in the place to a drinking contest.

         Night came with little warning and was barely noticed inside the small hut. Aden could not sleep, replaying the incident in the cave over and over in his head. Had he been a coward? or just over confident in his abilities. to venture into such a cavern alone. “Foolhardy at best” he chuckled to himself. She stirred; rolling over and effectively pinning him where he lay. He chucked again and drifted off to sleep.

         Blurring flashes!, teeth, enrage red eyes. That smell, the smell of death and worse. “Come with us” said a voice. “Come with us” and that laugh. evil laugh. clawing, biting, grabbing. fear! panic! AAAHAHAHH!!!

         Up and out of bed in a flash as if the town's bell was rung. he said “I must leave. I must seek the temple. I must not stay any longer.” “Will you return?” she asked with little hope of an answer. as he left he placed the dagger on the table. “I gave that to you” she said “To protect you” as he turned “I know, and it has” “Now, I leave it here to protect you.”

         Aden visited Helga many times after that. bringing her gifts from his travels and stories from far off lands. Never mentioning what happened to him in the cave or that he narrowly escaped death so many times after that. He felt it was best for her and for the child.  


1 Comment
  • Batman
    Batman   ·  November 15, 2011
    It was a nice story and a interesting twist. thanks for sharing it.
    might I suggest that you change it so that whole thing isn't written in capitals? and I think you changed her name from Olga to Helga :)