The story of Galkadus Titanus,

  • The following is an excert from the diary of my character galkadus,

    These are the days leadingĀ  to his imprisonment, enjoy :D

    17 days before capture

    I have continued along my path northbound out of valenwood, finally i can see cyrodiil i must continue even though my head is still spinning from that damned forest!

    It seems the bosmer Rayner's word was worthy of my trust, the necklace of homing he imbued me with indeed calmed that damned forest into letting me pass last.It would seem not everyone holds such contempt for a half-blood like me.

    I have come across a bandit is still warm...but their is footsteps leading to the road and no food apart from a few slices of cold rancid venicen...i am to hungry to care ,i must eat and rest Bandits be damned,

    as i watch the flames of my fire lick my damp boot's my thoughts turn to ofeelia,where is she?...