The Remaining - A Skyrim Tale - Chapter 2: Two Brothers - Part 1

  • Chapter Two : Two Brothers Part 1


    Utadeek lead his brother down the boardwalk and up over a bridge before the fishery entrance. "Utadeek, brother the fis-"

    "Azeel, there is no work for a sell-sword at a fishery." Utadeek cut him off.

    Walking among the bustling docks with merchants and fishermen and guards, hawking wares or yelling warnings about hauling someone to jail. Azeel smiled it reminded of his childhood home in the Imperial City running around the docks with his brother stealing goods and septims from merchants and buyers.

    Utadeek pushed past a guard and knocked on a unnoticeable wooden door.  No one answered for a quarter hour, the door open slightly to reveal a Nord. He had short, shaved black hair and stubble around his face and deep blue eyes. He looked at the two Argonians, "Utadeek?"

    "Yeah, you got the stuff?"

    "Yeah, you need to travel to Cragslane Cavern. Yeah? Retrieve the moon sugar for the creation of Skooma here on the docks." The Nord whispered. He handed Utadeek a bag, "Fill this with the moon sugar, and no other container. Understand?"

    "Yeah, we'll return within a fortnight." Utadeek grabbed the bag and left the docks with his brother trailing.

    Azeel followed his brother back into the central market. "UTADEEK!" He called to his brother gaining ground on him.

    Utadeek turned and raised his hand in question. Azeel gestured towards the Bee and Bard, the local Inn. Azeel moved towards the inn with his brother moving after him. Azeel looked around behind him as they entered the Inn, he locked eyes with a man leaning on a railing with a bow across his back. He looked poor, but a dangerous man and his watchful gaze was unsettling. He shook his head clear and entered the Inn.

    [Two Hours Later]

    Azeel downed his seventh mug of ale and laughed with his brother about some off their more humorous adventures together. Azeel rose, and stumbled backwards falling over. Utadeek laughed as he tossed a handful of septims on the table. Leaning on his brother, Azeel was lead out of the building by his younger brother and down the streets of Riften to their tent just outside of the city walls.

    The tent was up against a wall of the city, the newly lit fire blazed bright against the stone walls. Utadeek removed the shield from his brothers back and leaned in up against the wall. Azeel pulled himself in to the tent and his brother would wake him later for the second shift. Utadeek sat and used the wall as support his eyes becoming accustomed to low light of the night. He was in for a long boring night, but he was unaware to man watching them from a distance.



    Yeah, it's MrNoahCow. Yeah, the first three - five parts should be uploaded in a week. That's how many I want per week. So, the story can move a good pace, but I'm going have parts 2-3 or so with our Argonians Brothers and then a part or so will be taking place at the SAME TIME!! (omg so kewl right??!!) Using our Redguard, Malachi Theod.

    If this is the first post you see by me, please check out the other chapters!

    Twitter for when chapters go live, or questions regarding anything:

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