Davve Dun-Ahhe: IV

  • A crisp cruch sounded as snow broke underfoot, Nelkir stopped abruptly at my command and I turned to face him. Behind him was a panoramic landscape encompassing snow capped mountains and even a lone dragon flying serenly past the mountains. I called him closer and together we turned to face the great city of Windhelm, my destination. The city appeared more fortified since I last visited, an occurence somewhat relating to the fact that it is the headquarters of a trivial rebellion against the Empire. Feeling more cautious, Nelkir and I rode down the road a little further untill we passed between two farms just South-East of the city. With an apologetic look I turned to Nelkir: "Were going for a swim".

    As we left the sanctuary, my father pulled me close and explained in hushed tones why i had come with him. Efrin Stormcloak was very close to my age, and was known to share his fathers hatred for us 'dark elves', my father intended to use this to our advantage. I was to engage in an arguement with Stormcloak culminating in a chase to the Hall of The Dead where my father would be waiting.

    The willingness with which Nelkir followed me into the frozen river surprised me, however I attributed it to the fear in which he must be living of me. It was not a long swim, as I had chosen a sensible spot to cross the Yorgrim River, but by the time we reached the shore we were in need of assistance, to my complete disgust an argonian actually asked if he could help. I ignored the beast and instead forced my way into a seemingly abandoned office belonging to the East-Empire Trading Company. However upon my intrusion a man accosted me with accusations that I should not be here, I silence him with a glance and he backs away, terrified. I step towards him and he begins to plead with me, going on about some Shatter-Shield or someone and how they have ruined him and that did they send me to kill him.

    I snort in derision however pause slightly, he goes on to explain that he has been having problems with pirates and that if I was to end these problems it could be beneficial financially. I make him squirm a little however decide that it cannot hurt to have an ally in Skyrim, besides I remember something Ravyn Imyan once said to me about rebuilding the Morag Tong, this could well be my first step towards that eventual aim. Nelkir and I stay in the offices until morning breaks with the thrum of activity on the docks.

    The fool Stormcloak was easy to manipulate and he chased me as planned, I arrived in the deserted graveyard and was about to flee into the Hall of The Dead when an idea struck me. Turning I flung a ball of fire at the boy and he crumpled into a writhing heap. I walked towards the pitiful fool and knelt down besides him, "still think I'm weak, scum?" he shivers, eyes unfocused as i place my hand on his head and pour flames into him, any life left in him was soon extinguished, however a priest walked in as I began to stand. I called for my father and together we fled the city, it had been a long day...

    I wake Nelkir and together we leave the office, my first stop is the offices next door, that of the Shatter-Shields, taking their logbook was simple and I soon had a destination: Dawnstar. However I had become distracted from the true reason for coming to Windhelm, to visit the Sanctuary. As we move into the city I draw my cowl closer about my face and order Nelkir to do so also, as we hurry through the town I see a sign that surely means I'm in the right place: New Gnisis Cornerclub. We move inside, however it appears things have changed, I ask to go downstairs, I even walk to where I know the stairs were hidden, however the barkeep informs me that years ago there was a terrible accident and the house had collapsed. Hetells me it had sounded more like an explosion however no-one had been able to find the source and so the house had simply been rebuilt. Crushed I leave the Cornerclub with Nelkir still in tow.

    I spent the remainder of the day wandering the streets of Windhelm, trying to gather intelligence. I left Nelkir in the offices where we had stayed. It seemed that there was a murderer loose in the city, something i was more than willing to believe, especially considering the fact that I too could fall into that category. Most interestingly, though, I learnt that a young boy had been looking for the Dark Brotherhood. I decided that I would pay him a visit, maybe I would, through him, find my enemies again. The boy was stubborn, when I went to see him he insisted I kill some old lady in Riften for him, he believed I was a member of the Dark Brotherhood and refused to accept I was not, in the end I decided that I would kill the woman in the hope that the Brotherhood would be foolish enough to hunt me down afterwards. I returned to Nelkir reinvigorated and that night I slept well for the first time in years, it appeared my affliction was finally beginning to ease...


  • dovahreid
    dovahreid   ·  August 10, 2012
    haha, did it make more sense now?
  • Eviltrain
    Eviltrain   ·  August 9, 2012
    Oh lord. I didn't realize there are three previous posts to this one!
  • Eviltrain
    Eviltrain   ·  August 7, 2012
    You should at least pass this through a spell checker. Otherwise, its intriguing, if a liiiiitttle bit hard to follow. Jumping back into this guys (childhood) is disorienting but interesting. I hope to see more thought.