What should Bethsada add for dlc?

  • I have wondered and wondered what the first dlc will be. I hope they add some thing to be able to sail one of the ships and a quest line to go with it.


  • Jesper
    Jesper   ·  January 17, 2012
    I'm crossing my fingers for either a Daedric Prince's realm (I'd love to stroll through Vaermina's realm of dreams and nightmares ), or an expanding of the Guilds (as there's almost general concencus that they were quite underwhelming in comparison to Oblivion's).
  • Unix
    Unix   ·  January 16, 2012
    Ok, for me a nice castle (as in Oblivion) or a bigger territory to own with fireplace and cooking pot some gardening aaand a lovely comfortable stables for my horse (water and hay included). Nope, not kidding. Please, do not hurt me...
  • Ashley
    Ashley   ·  January 16, 2012
    something Akaviri I hope. Or maybe we'll go down to one of the southern provinces to take on the Thalmor
  • Ryan Clark
    Ryan Clark   ·  January 16, 2012
    I've always theorized that we'll be returning to Cyrodiil. i won't spoil what makes me think this, but if you play the Imperial side of the Civil War quest, some dialog from two specific NPCs will hint at my theory.
    The second thing that hints at th...  more