Journal of Adreth Melori - Part 1

  • 3rd of First Seed, 4E 286

    My name is Adreth Melori. Today I arrived in Archfall. I will not write about what happened before arriving, though. My brother, Nelyos, met me at the entry where I, well, burst into tears. Not my best moment, but given my experiences prior to arriving that can be justified. The thing that bothered me, though, was this Khajiit named J'kiir. He kept flirting with me, which only served to annoy me. After that I went to the Commune, where unfortunately J'kiir was, and his friend who was watching the whole ordeal introduced himself as Na'ar. I rented a room and rested for the night.

    4th of First Seed, 4E 286

    Today I decided to go down to Lower Archfall, but I was greeted by a strange sight. Nelyos and his two friends, Birli and Jenyar, appeared to be fighting J'kiir and Na'ar. When I arrived, J'kiir simply looked at me and told Nelyos he "Didn't know this one" All this resulted in Birli's death and Nelyos' and Jenyar's imprisonment for "plotting murder" against the bandits who... attacked me. Afterwards I returned to the Commune, where I went to rest.

    5th of First Seed, 4E 286

    A normal day like any other, apart from my meeting Atharil, an Altmer. Apart from this I walked around Upper Archfall.

    6th of First Seed, 4E 286

    A dull and uneventful day. Nothing of importance happened.

    7th of First Seed, 4E 286

    Went to the Mage's Guildhall, where I met Vingothil (And was dreadfully embarrassed in the process) and he told me to meet him another day to find someone to train with. Explored Dwemer ruin. Found strange device that seemed to create automatons out of any material, not just dwarven metal. Seemed to be powered by black soul gems, but it is unknown what was trapping the souls of the expeditioners. We were only able to escape because the spiders spelled out "RUN" in dwemeris on the ground. This may have been the expeditioner's soul taking momentary control, but this is uncertain, and I personally do not want to think that. We managed to get away, barely. We spent some time in Markarth afterwards, where I met with Calcelmo, the leading expert on the Dwemer. After telling me that he knew nothing of the device, I bought his book series "Dwarves" and left. The books say nothing of the device itself, but it does provide insightful notes on the Dwemer, their architecture, and their creations. After that the group traveled back to Archfall, then most of us went to the Commune, where I am currently writing this.

    8th of First Seed, 4E 286

    I am quite worried about Nelyos. I haven't heard from or about him since the guards dragged him away. It worries me more that Jenyar was able to explore the Dwemer ruin with us, but not Nelyos. I pray to Azura that he is well. I heard that he may be executed for conspiring murder, but that is unconfirmed. I hope to receive word from him soon.