Character backstory ( unfinished )

  • My character was imprisoned before, at the time he was innocent, but it seemed that the justice system was not perfect, but corrupt. As a trained battlemage he managed to escape and swore to find out the truth about his imprisonment. After years and years of bribing, killing and pesuadinng people to gind out who did it, it seemed that a high ranked Count wanted to dispose of him, that Count would have made money out of it.
    During a public speech of the Count, my character could not hide his anger anymore, he attacked, the gaurds managed to get him but not before the Count was dead.
    He might be older, but he has also become wiser, so escape seemed an easy option.
    What he thought, while he was led to his execution, was:
    'By Azura, today I swear to take down the corrupt system that holds Skyrim in it's claws, and release Skyrim, to be free of an imprisonment that is forced by the upper system of Tamriel, may the Nine Devine guard my words...!'