Karaa's Journal - Day 2

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    Just a note, I don't know what happened to the sizes of the text in this one, if anyone knows what's up with it. Please tell me, Thanks.

    18th of Last Seed, 4E 201

    On my way out of Riverwood, I harvest some mushrooms, Mora Tapinella, to be precise. I'll investigate them later. Along the path I was ambushed by a wolf! Those damn things... This whole province is full of them! But it was no problem, I managed to fend him off with a few bursts of fire in his face! Before I got close to Whiterun, the view I got from it was incredible! I decided to sit down and take in the view. I fell asleep in the sun, one hour I was gone for! No trouble, I feel it has done me well to rest.

    Again before I reached the gate of Whiterun there were warriors fighting a giant in a local farm. I helped them slightly but they looked like they could handle it. After it was killed, Aela, I believe she was called, approached me and encouraged me to go to 'Jorrvaskr' in Whiterun and join them. I refused. They kill things in return for money... Slightly barbaric, if you ask me. By the stables, a Khajiit caravan had set up a camp there and were selling all kinds of goods! They were offering illegal substances, such as moon sugar and skooma. I considered purchasing some (For purely research purposes, of course), but in the end I decided not to at this moment in time, although I may see them next time and acquire some then. As I finally reached the gate, a guard approached me and said the city was closed due to the dragons! Tempting my luck against being thrown into jail I attempted to bribe the guard to let me in. Much to my amazement, it worked! And finally, I was in Whiterun.

    Arriving at Geeli's house I had the shock of my life. I knocked on the door to see if she was in, but to no answer. Knocking again, harder this time, a priestess of Kynareth who was sitting on a bench under a large, magnificent tree called over to me, “Why are you knocking there?” I replied saying it was my cousin's house and she said in a sympathetic voice, “Oh.. I'm sorry, but the person who lived there perished two nights ago..” and at that moment, my heart shattered. Geeli was my only true friend. We had so much fun collecting and testing alchemy ingredients in Black Marsh when we were young. She had taught me everything I knew now as my parents shunned my love of alchemy. And now, she was dead. I asked her where the key to the house was and she said that the captain of the guard, Commander Caius, should have the key somewhere, in the barracks by the

    gate. At first, he was sceptical of handing over the key but I showed him a few letters she had sent me and he accepted to giving me the key. In her house was a mess, no doubt because of her intense research of the alchemical arts. She had left a note, however, which read;

    Dear Karaa,

    If you are reading this now, I am dead. Within the last few days, I contracted a lethal disease which could not be cured. But no worries, my dear cousin, I have a lead on what we are studying. You must travel to Markarth and look for the apothecary there, she will give you a clue on what to search for.

    With love, Geeli

    In sorrow, I went to the Bannered Mare and rented a room for the night. I have started studying the properties of frostbite venom and I shall begin investigating this further. All I need is something which can damage health and something which can damage stamina and combine them into a potion, then I will have what I need. I tested the Mora Tapinella and all I found was the ability to restore magicka, little use to me at the moment. I decided to sit in sorrow and have a few drinks for a while, the loss of Geeli is a sad one indeed.

    Three hours after I went to Dragonsreach to talk to the court wizard but before I got to him, Ireleth, the Jarl's housecarl approached me and asked what I was doing in here, of course I mentioned I wanted to visit the court wizard and she reluctantly accepted. Farengar, as I found out he was called had a strange accent and, more importantly, a small library of spell tomes, I purchased one that could teach me the spell: Candlelight for a fairly small sum, in comparison to others. Before heading off the bed, I read the spell tome and as it was meant to, taught me how to cast the candlelight. Also Farengar suggested I head up to Winterhold and join the college there. I feel before I head to Markarth, I will need to become stronger in the magickal arts, so I shall join the college and study some more.