Karaa's Journal - Day 1

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    Karaa is a female Argonian alchemist, who travelled to Skyrim to discover new alchemical recipes & ingredients. But her arrival didn't go as planned.

    17th of Last Seed, 4E 201

    Today was not how I expected it to be. I had planned on arriving in Skyrim and travelling to Whiterun and visit my cousin, Geeli.

    I happened across a feud in the road. It looked like a battle between the Stormcloaks and Imperials, but because I did not want to get involved I sat on a nearby hill and watched the battle take place. There were guts spilled everywhere, blood covered the road. Although what really surprised me was when one of the Stormcloak fighters commanded everyone to stop fighting and surrender. As the Imperials were tying up the rebels, one of the men stopped and stared at me. He called, “You, state your intentions!” In fear I did not reply. He repeated, “State your intentions or else you will be arrested due to un-loyalty to the empire!” and the soldiers obviously thought I was a threat and they sent someone to me and arrested me.

    Arriving in Helgen, they lined us up for the chopping block to have us executed, including the Stormcloak leader, Ulfric Stormcloak! But what was truly breathtaking was when a dragon appeared as if out of no-where and attacked us all. Luckily, I managed to escape the attack and with the help of Ralof, a Stormcloak soldier. We travelled to the close village of Riverwood where Ralof's sister Gerdur let me stay at her house for a while. She also asked if I could deliver a message to Jarl Balgruuf of Whiterun about the dragon attack but sadly, I had to decline as I am no person to get involved into anything I need not to.

    I went around the village and picked up some alchemy ingredients, mainly thistle outside.. Gerdur had some garlic and frost mirriam hung up (I'm sure she didn't mind me taking them). The inn had an alchemy lab so I rented a room for the night (So I wouldn't take up as much room in Gerdur's house) and tested some ingredients. After that I crafted some potions which I am going to sell after I finish writing this. Then I shall get a good night's rest to journey to Whiterun in the morning to visit my cousin. On note of the news my cousin has to tell me, I have not seen any suspicious activity around these parts other than that dragon! Surely I can't have anything to do with that.. She said it related to my work! My work isn't about dragons.. Unless I'm boiling up a dragon!! I hope tomorrow that Geeli has some more information regarding this mystery. But before I ramble on too much, I shall sit and have a few more drinks at the bar, have some food to eat, then finally settle down to get some sleep so I can be up early tomorrow.


  • Aahin
    Aahin   ·  December 24, 2014
    Okay, Golden Fool, thank you for the help.
  • Golden Fool
    Golden Fool   ·  December 23, 2014
    Hello James, first off I'd like to welcome you to the group... so welcome to the group. 
    About what you've written; to me parts of it didn't really feel like they had any real flow from one event to another; sort of like a list. And yes I do know th...  more