DLC Date?

  • Anyone know if Bethesda has posted the date of a DLC or so? Im really hoping about the improvements they said they'd put in. 

    Got my fingers crossed. 


  • Evan
    Evan   ·  February 9, 2012
    Anyone have any guesses then when they'll release it?
  • lanep25
    lanep25   ·  February 9, 2012
    This is customary of Bethesda. They only announce a DLC a month or so prior to release. We won't hear anything until it's close to the release date. And then PC players get to wait another month... cuz Xbox gets an exclusive release for the DLC.
  • Tygravius
    Tygravius   ·  February 8, 2012
    negative. It will be up here when any of us hear the slightest whisper! Got alot of ears on the ground for this one!