Skyrims Combat, Does any else agree with this??!

  • Im going to receive some hate for this I know, but I love Skyrims combat.
    I feel it's the fairest and most balanced fighting in any game!

    I'll list my reasons here and I'd like to know if anyone else agrees (Or your opinion otherwise.);

    First off I'd like to demonstrate with other games.

    In WoW (World of Warcraft for specifics), you just click on a person really and your automatically aimed. You can't block and you rely on constantly leveling to even be a match for anybody and combat!

    If you sneak up on someone... you still can't really kill them as if you had really snuck up and you might die if you did sneak up, even against people of your same level.. ! You don't have to watch your surroundings cause you can cheaply shoot people still sometimes even with your back turned.

    It relies on no aiming of bows, and even if the guy has a shield it does little to stop anything except better 'defense.'

    In other games, say Assassin's Creed though I love it very much and rate it second in Combat to games in the medieval type era of weaponry, you have automatic moves that kill someone cheaply, even if you see each other and walk up you can kill without precision and the other person can't stop it!

    This is just some of my small griefs combat wise in games.

    Now Skyrim, and why it's so good.

    In Skyrim we depend upon looking around our environment cause if were not careful (And Im sure many have had this happen), we can be mauled by an unfriendly giant we didn't realize we strayed close by or shot done by magic or arrows.

    There is no getting around this realism and no exceeding it. I love it!

    Now, when it comes to ranged weapons we actually can dodge if were skillful and paying attention, and we can actually block!! Its amazing right? Haha.

    Magic doesn't trail someone though their running away (Or arrows for that matter) and we have to rely on aiming the bow for ourselves like in real life. Now I've grown up hunting with bows and all and I can tell you Skyrims system is right on.

    When it comes to sword play its not just a sit and watch two characters automatically swinging, Nor is there moves we cannot escape from automatically that will kill us even with full health and were facing the guy! (Im not talking about stealth options yet)

    Its a fair system of trying to land your blows and where to land them, and being smart enough to dodge or block certain swings or jumping and striking fast while the guy with the big sword is slowly hauling the weapon about.

    Even if you levels below somebody you can still kill them regardless because your skilled enough to move out of the way and attack, there's no trailing of arrows, magic or somehow magically guided sword swings.

    And the only time automatic moves happen is when someone is very low on health and its a finishing move.

    Now when it comes to Stealth, you have to watch out, people can literally sneak up if your not paying  attention and kill ya. There is no magical block to something you wouldn't have been prepared for in real life, its all realistic in its approach.

    Or if your wearing armor well.. your very wounded and can be finished off.

    This is why I believe Skyrims system is the best, and fairest. And truthfully I believe it'd make a great and fair MMO system.

    Teams actually having to rely on protecting each other with shields or catching someone's attention while another sneaks up or someone falls a guy with an arrow as his ally is hemmed in a corner!

    Of course it'd be sweet to add spears, horse combat (Or even chariot for that matter) and throwing weapons. Like for instance a spear on the ground, pick it up and can either throw it or use it regularly. 

    And you actually feel rewarded for leveling up and getting better weapons and armor, or health. But it doesn't mean you can't be smart anymore because people can still kill you if your not paying attention!

    I believe that there should be two small (Online?) games made by Bethesda;

    A gladiator game in the Arena's of Tamriel. Small five on five or something, I think it'd just be fun to fight with friends even if it was just a gladiator arena we could be in.

    And a battle game, you know like the Civil War battles in Skyrim. Except just take certain castles and either have multiplayer in there or just storm the castle itself with the NPCs. I loved that part of the game!

    Anyways thanks for reading, I can't wait for responses!



  • Evan
    Evan   ·  February 8, 2012
    Haha FPS Russia, the shrapnel is going to get him someday if he's not careful. 

    In the movies they do really suck though, I have the same problem. It's especially a dead give away when they have their elbows out xD. 
  • Evan
    Evan   ·  February 8, 2012
    MMO wise I was talking mainly about the Arena or so, I really love Skyrim and Bethesda's efforts on Singleplayer Im just saying if someone ever did make a MMO with this combat it'd rock cause it opens so many possibilities and a real use of tactics becaus...  more
  • Evan
    Evan   ·  February 8, 2012

    I think I just hate that if your level 19 in some games you still can't beat a level 20 for your life and in Skyrim things are nice and balanced so it just relies on human skill like in real life.
    Tell me about it ha...  more
  • Ponty
    Ponty   ·  February 8, 2012
    You've got a point, but I have nothing against the MMO system. The skill in MMO combat is what skills to use and when. Alot of the time I can beat a higher level player using a skill rotation that works well together with buffing and debuffing effects rat...  more
  • Dreema
    Dreema   ·  February 8, 2012
    I actually used to bowhunt and I will tell you right now I HATED Oblivion's archery with a passion that rivalled the burning sun.  It was like firing  curved arrows weighed down with bits of brick on the ends.  Absolutely drove me completely mad.  I don't...  more