
  • Well I was reading up on the lore of the Elder Scrolls and I just had an idea, for a future DLC or just game do any of you think it'd be cool to be a character that joins up with an expedition led by the Legion (Or some other group) to Akavir? Working towards forming a beachhead or something (Like Solsthiem (Not sure I spelled that right)), like could you see marching with some legionnaires and all of a sudden being pelted by arrows or so? 

    The main quest could be:


    1. Exploring the beachhead.

    2. Securing the beachhead.

    3. Building up the beachhead. (Reinforcements are to come soon supposedly!)

    4. A scout is caught and confesses to an attack by the Akavir on the expedition.

    MAIN PLOT CONTINUED (Here you are free to walk around now and explore Akavir)

    5. Having to go spy and discover Akavir plans.

    6. Escape a dungeon (Caught!)

    7. Escape to the expedition camp. 

    8. Warn expedition and prepare.

    9. Final Battle.

    Of course it'd be longer then this and after you become the spy your free to move around. Anyways just an idea that I had to publish somewhere 


  • Anonymous Lex
    Anonymous Lex   ·  November 5, 2011
    I'd love this.  I don't really want to go to a realm of Oblivion, I've had too much of those.  I want to go to the Land of the Dragons.  I obviously still want dragons in the DLC (I think) and no place would be better than Akavir.  10 or so more shouts, m...  more
  • Evan
    Evan   ·  November 4, 2011
    That'd be cool, is it just me or.. the elder scrolls has always seemed real, but .. hasn't it always felt a little barren of people in cities. (I kinda take it you agree with your comment)
  • Jay
    Jay   ·  November 4, 2011
    Yeah, Evan, or a mod that adds crowds of NPC's, like how they're handled in Assassin's Creed.  They don't need to do anything in particular, just walk around, maybe chat in groups - and then when a dragon comes they would all scatter or screen and run.  L...  more
  • Evan
    Evan   ·  November 4, 2011
    Kevin, this community here should just try and come up with the best dlc or TES game ideas. I think though we all have ideas like that and want to see that happen.
    Battlefield Tamriel Anyone? Haha.
  • Evan
    Evan   ·  November 4, 2011
    That is a dream we are all praying for man, what if the total war series and Bethesda teamed up to create a mini game if you could become king or something to zoom out on the map and control it total war style before switching back to rpg.
    But sadly...  more
  • Kevin
    Kevin   ·  November 4, 2011
    I would love -- literally LOVE -- a massive all-out war. It would be awesome if your story consisted of huge battles that took place, where everyone would be lined up, ready to charge into battle, and the battle could last at least half of an hour. You co...  more
  • Jay
    Jay   ·  November 4, 2011
    That would be pretty cool.  The only thing is that Bethesda isn't very good at warfare - I don't know if it's just a limitation of the engine, or what, but their "armies" usually consist of like 8 dudes on each side. 
    If they can somehow incorporate...  more