Big Battles

  • Just wondering, has anyone heard anything about bigger battles at least at some point in the game? At least bigger then Bruma at some epic point in the game or something. (Ps- I don't want any spoilers, Im just wondering if there will be bigger clashes at all.)

    I just remembered being hyped up and getting through the dull closing of Oblivion gates to be disappointed by the amount of soldiers we had with us for this "Epic Battle for the World".


  • Evan
    Evan   ·  November 4, 2011
    Thanks Mather, that's great to hear.
  • Mathersfrench
    Mathersfrench   ·  November 4, 2011
    The entire main quest is full them, even in the begining of the dont worry. Since the rendering of more NPC's on screen has drasticly improved, there will be plent of big battles to fight in.
  • Evan
    Evan   ·  November 4, 2011
    Yeah the civil war probably (Hopefully!)  will yield some big battles. I agree with ya Arthur too, I'd rather not know either but it keeps killing me if we will see anything at least in a scope as Bruma.
  • Casimir Aldwyr
    Casimir Aldwyr   ·  November 4, 2011
    Yeah, agree with Arthur. Even more so as they've combined the cuirass and greaves into one single piece which apparently allows for a wider variety of armour AND more NPCs to be present on screen at anyone time.
  • Bilbo
    Bilbo   ·  November 4, 2011
    I have to belive a civil war would result in some grand battles
  • Arthur Keen
    Arthur Keen   ·  November 4, 2011
    This has been on my mind, too. I'd rather not know until the game comes out, but I seriously hope I'm pleasantly surprised - with the work Bethesda have done on this new engine, it'd be almost criminal if they hadn't worked in the capability for some big ...  more
  • Nels
    Nels   ·  November 4, 2011
    I have no more knowledge than you, unfortunately.   Some previews talk about quests where the previewer teamed up with NPCs to defeat dragons.  Seems like that might fall into your category.  :)