On Oblivion.

  • With the release of Skyrim being less than three days away, today is as good a day as any to load up your old Oblivion save file, to revisit Tamriel once more before venturing into the colder, Northern regions of the continent.

    Surely, there are regions in Cyrodiil that you haven't entirely explored, with possible quests lying in wait. Have you, for example, completed - they are well worth completing - all of the Daedric shrine quests? Perhaps you've fully completed your Oblivion game and would like to extend your Oblivion experience by adding new quests into the game? [1] [2] Possibly, you have some time on your hands the following days and haven't completed the expansion yet [3], or are willing to try an overhaul? [4]

    However you do it, I highly recommend you to fire up that good ole friend you've spent so much time with, to get yourself in the mood for the 5th addition of the Elder Scrolls series; I've done the same and I have been sucked right back up into Bethesda's famed universe: I can only imagine how utterly glorious it will be to set foot in the white snow of Skyrim, this Friday...


  • Arthur Keen
    Arthur Keen   ·  November 8, 2011
    I've done EVERYTHING in Oblivion, but even so I was playing it again up until a few days ago, when the Skyrim hype overcame my enjoyment. I kept getting stuck levelling up 'the right way' until I was incapable of playing without thinking how much better P...  more
  • Paul Haley
    Paul Haley   ·  November 8, 2011
    i did this a few months ago finished the only remaining quests i had left (fighters guild) and hackdirt! but ya im pretty sure i finished at least 85% of oblivion's quests. no way i got them all