Forums » Elder Scrolls

Still Feeling Jaded over the Dragonborn Expansion...

    • 12 posts
    January 26, 2013 10:29 PM EST

    Hey all,

    I know this might sound like wining or complaining, but it's just the way I feel, and I wanted to express what I feel...

    The preferential treatment Bethesda has given the Xbox in the UI, the controls, limiting the graphics engine to DX9, that all took some time to get over.   Todd Howard's comments in an interview before it's release regarding his decision to keep the game at DX9 because "more processing power only delivers more pixels" was a punch in the stomach for someone who know's gaming hardware.  It showed he either had a stupendously poor understanding of gaming hardware, or completely underestimated his customers' intelligence, and neither one was a very nice thing to think about.  It's like a Pro Photographer standing around other photographers and saying that a DSLR is only better than a cell phone camera because it has more pixels.

    Anyway, I had gotten over most of that, and enjoyed the game.  I wound up having to put in a few mods to avoid the UI being as much of an irritation, but that was doable...

    Then came these expansions, and that's when it was revealed they would be XBox 360 first for a month.  Now, I understand that was a licencing agreement, but I don't believe that was completely out of Todd Howard's hands, he made the decision to sign that agreement, and it again reflected his preferential treatment of the console.

    And then the whole long delay after the month required by the licence, without any date, and it just feels like Bethesda's not being as genuine and honest with their customer as they should be.  I feel like I'm being told a "tall tale", and that feels like an insult to my intelligence as a customer.

    I want to enjoy the game.  I have enjoyed it in the past.  There are so many things I truly love about the game, but it's such a joy-kill when stuff like this happens, and I have a hard time relocating that joy once it's been killed.

    I am still a huge TES fan, I just seem to have lost my groove with Skyrim now that this whole Dragonborn thing has happened.

    Any thoughts? Ideas?

    Dan O.

    • 2 posts
    January 27, 2013 11:29 AM EST

    No I think he has a point. This isn't him complaining about them getting the DLC's first, it's talking about how Bethesda has shot PC players in the foot by preferring console, and how they have given Xbox the month, but after the month have still left us and most definitely the PS3 players hanging, without a release date. He's not complaining about how Bethesda gobbled up Microsoft's money, he's talking about how they've just left us out to dry for too long.

    • 1913 posts
    January 27, 2013 11:38 AM EST
    Oh my god! It is going to be released on Feb. 5... Just drop it. I'm sick of this whole argument because it has been done over and over and over and over and over and over again... They have made a release date, they didn't have to give the dlc to ps3 users, they could have just made it where it was on Xbox 360 only, but they didn't. Wait for 9 more days and just please drop it
  • January 27, 2013 11:42 AM EST
    Hmm, I played Skyrim on the PC at my friend's house, and I didn't think the UI was that bad. Especially since I could just key bind EVERYTHING! I was hoping to try Frostfall over there, but he didn't want to download it -_- Even if it is bad for you, there are plenty of mods to improve, I'm sure.
    • 952 posts
    January 27, 2013 11:50 AM EST

    I bought Dragonborn for PC on Steam today, now I just have to wait. I'm annoyed a bit by how non-xbox players are being treated but I guess there's nothing we can do. I just hope that they'll get the idea of doing that again out of their heads, because I don't think it made a lot of people happy.

    • 952 posts
    January 27, 2013 11:54 AM EST

    Well, compared to PC games made for PC it's really not that good. It's a bit annoying to use with mouse and keyboard and doesn't always respond well to it. Truth is that the best mod on Skyrimnexus is SkyUI, which only proves how many people are annoyed with the UI issue.

    • 291 posts
    January 27, 2013 11:55 AM EST

    Yeah, it was pretty rotten of them to release for another platform, but not have a fixed release date for the other platforms.  However, what that tells me is that beyond marketing schemes, there was something very, very buggy about the PC version that needed correcting and will probably still be buggy at release. ;)

    I dunno, I tend to take it with a grain of salt.  If anything, modders get more time to come up with ideas for things they would like to implement from their Xbox versions.  They get a little more lead in with how they might want to update their existing mods.  And we get a heads up on inherent bugs in the DLC.

    • 291 posts
    January 27, 2013 11:58 AM EST

    SkyUI is glorious.  So is Categorized Favorites Menu.  Those two together fix most of the problems posed by the console-oriented UI.

    • 952 posts
    January 27, 2013 12:01 PM EST

    Meh, I personally don't like categorized favorites menu, it makes the favourites menu even more clunky like the actual inventory.

    • 2 posts
    January 27, 2013 12:09 PM EST

    Not too sure about percentage, but it has one of the largest community hubs on Steam.

    • 952 posts
    January 27, 2013 12:15 PM EST

    But PC gaming is on the rise again, now that most games are united under Steam, just like how Xbox and Playstation have their own community platform. On top of that there are more and more mods and games being released for PC. Neglecting it now might have severe consequenses in the future.

    • 291 posts
    January 27, 2013 12:21 PM EST

    That would be difficult to determine.  But I have the sales figures from launch giving how many copies of what were sold:

    Xbox: 59%

    PS3: 27%

    PC: 14%

    Note that this is from 11/11/11.  I cannot for the life of me find sales figures projected over the last year, but, at a guess, I would say that the PS3 and PC have probably swapped places.  Given the continuous release of DLCs, Xbox likely still leads in statistics, but the PC has probably increased now that the modding community has developed.

    It is likely that over time, PC users will probably remain the most steadfast users as improvements and changes are almost indefinitely possible.

    However, I'm also sure that at least 2-3% of all PC users also have an Xbox and have gotten the game on Xbox so they could play the DLCs.

    • 952 posts
    January 27, 2013 12:23 PM EST

    Yes, I have sought and found those numbers as well, but as you say, a lot of people bought it for PC on top of buying it for Xbox because of mods. On this site alone I've seen loads of people doing that.

    • 1913 posts
    January 27, 2013 12:24 PM EST
    Never understood why it is so fun to play on PC.everytime I played it, it felt really uncomfortable. All of the buttons for actions were far away so it was awkward to control (and don't say "why don't you just change the keys for the actions to other keys?", if I have to change the controls of a game to make it better... You have failed at making the game), I don't care for graphics so that isn't a selling point for me, and the only thing that I can think of that makes the game better would be mods (which is changing something from the original game, and I feel that if you have to change or add something to the game yourself... Again, you have failed at making a game).
    • 952 posts
    January 27, 2013 12:28 PM EST

    But that's just the point, mods can make bad games good, or flawed games flawless. Mods can add to the time you play games, games for PC a a lot cheaper. And the buttons are certainly not far away but in fact closer that on the controllers for Xbox360 and PS3, maybe the keybinding was changed by someone without you knowing it? My dad always changes them drastically making it impossible to reach some buttons but he just likes to have the buttons in a specific place.

    • 1913 posts
    January 27, 2013 12:33 PM EST
    I bought a game that had just come out... And no one would play a game on the computer in my house except me. And again, if I have to change or add something to a game to make it enjoyable... The game developers failed! (Also, don't use the argument "if you think the keyboard is to difficult to play on why not use an Xbox controller"... If I have to play a game with a consoles controller to make it more easier for me to play, why should I play PC and not just play the console?)
    • 291 posts
    January 27, 2013 12:39 PM EST

    The default buttons are all around the WASD movement keys.  No problem for the most part.  I think I changed two keys to match my set up from Oblivion and better fit my fingers.

    The Vanilla game is just fine by itself.  It's actually not bad at all.  However, PC gamers, especially Bethesda PC gamers know and expect to be able to change whatever they want in one of the games.  It's a different mindset, certainly.  Mods don't mean the base game is bad.  

    Think of them as personalizing your gaming experience.  Maybe you're more into setting up a hardcore realism simulator.  Well, that would not be marketable for the base game, but Bethesda seems to understand this and gives people the tools to make their game into some hardcore realism simulator if they want.  This also means you could turn the game into easy mode on ice.  Or turn dragons into famous wrestlers just for giggles.  Or add more weapons and monsters.  Or build a house anywhere you want.

    That's what mods do.  They let you make the game however you personally want it to be.  You can use mods to make the game fit your mental vision of how you see the TES universe.

    • 1913 posts
    January 27, 2013 12:48 PM EST
    "... if you have to change or add something to the game yourself... Again, you have failed at making a game" also, I have to press buttons that are away from the wasd keys for sneaking, activating things, etc.. The keyboard to me is a mess and I don't like the feel of it, if you can play well with it... Go ahead and play the best way you know how
    • 291 posts
    January 27, 2013 12:54 PM EST

    So, like...using your pinkie (or any other finger) to press one other key...which you are not already using, it's just sitting there, means the keyboard is a mess???

    And, question, doesn't that mean any game in which the developer adds or changes something (like patches or a DLC) in the game a failure?  Since, after all, they had to add or change the base game and I must download and install those patches myself.

    Wouldn't that make every game currently on the market a failure?

    I don't mean to nitpick.  Just the argument I'm seeing doesn't make sense to me.

    • 1913 posts
    January 27, 2013 12:57 PM EST
    If you THE PLAYER have to add something, the game developers failed. And every game I've played on PC the keyboard controls were completely spread out across the keyboard, and I had to take my hand off buttons to do other things.
    • 1913 posts
    January 27, 2013 1:00 PM EST
    That is another point Ben, but I didn't want to bring that up cause I know someone would say one game is cheaper on PC than console, or that their computer was bigger than their tv
    • 952 posts
    January 27, 2013 1:03 PM EST

    @Ben, you can play PC games on your huge TV screen perfectly fine today. The maximum resolution for all PC games is higher then for console games as well. And the sound system of a TV is nowhere near as good as a good speakers system, which you may or may not already use for your TV. Games for PC are also cheaper and everyone uses a PC already so the money you spend on buying a regular PC and a console is just as high as for a higher quality PC.

    Point is that if you look at it really close, you'll notice that there are no real drawbacks these days.

    • 1913 posts
    January 27, 2013 1:07 PM EST
    Dieter... If I can play a game on my tv... Why don't I just play on console? Why do extra work? Also my sound system is just basic speakers that can't even play sound from a video correctly. And no, not everyone has a PC, for example I go the site via my iPad.
    • 426 posts
    January 27, 2013 1:13 PM EST

    Im an Xbox user so have obviously benefitted from the deal that was struck between Bethesda and Microsoft. But I have to say I completely understand where Dan is coming from. Not just as a gamer but as a valued customer of a long serving much beloved series of games. I have def felt pc and PS3 users pain in the trime they have had to wait. I have been a big fan of Bethesda not just for the games they produce but for the way they conduct themselves as a Game developer. They seem to have dropped a couple of big clangers with regards to Skyrim and other platforms.

    Im hoping that Bethesda will stand true to their long standing credentials and correct the wrong that alot of their fans like Dan feel.

    • 12 posts
    January 27, 2013 4:02 PM EST

    There is some inherent risk in giving the preference to the XBox360, currently Forbes has an article questioning whether or not Microsoft will sell it's XBox division.

    Microsoft has never managed to make a profit from the XBox division, and the company overall is on thin ice.  Windows 8 bombed, there's currently 4x as many people using Vista as Windows 8.  Many of their other ventures have also been if not unprofitable, only mediocrely profitable.

    MS gets 70% of it's profits from Windows and Office, and those sales have just tanked with Windows 8.  With the XBox division being a loss for the company, it might be one of the first things to get the axe.

    Still, mostly I just can't get over this jaded feeling.  The whole mess has left a bitter taste in my mouth, one that's mostly killed my taste for the game.

    I really wrote this because I want to like the game, but for some reason I just can't shake that bitterness of the goings on.

    Dan O.