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Character Building Help Desk

Tags: #Help Desk  #Crucial Discussion 
  • Member
    March 1, 2018

    Wow, havnt been on this site in like 3 years, all my likes have gone from my first build D: also looks like the sites a lot less active with lower like boundries for build ranks. Never the less, after a break and then Uni, I've decided to revisit Skyrim and have been planning a build to play when I finally get it on switch (my ps3 finnally died). 

    I'm revisiting a potentially new build concept I had to cancel due to exams 3 years ago, but can't test a few things yet until I get my game, so just wanna ask some quick questions to help with gameplay / roleplaying aspects. 

    1)  I'm wanting to include a small section for people with access to console commands, but I'm obviously not going to be able to test this myself, so I was wondering if killing these essential npcs: Elenwen, Skald, Thongvor Silver-Blood, Vignar Gray-Mane or any of the Stormcloak Commanders, have any major consequences on quests, bugs or anything else after the main questline and 4 factions have been completed?

    2) Im making an Imperial build, so just wondering if people could list some Stormcloak or Thalmor characters, supporters or spies that you've come across during your play time not directly inolved with them, like maybe mentioned it in a journal or alluded to in some other way. For example: like Runil in Falkreath being an old Thalmor battle mage, mentioned in a journal, or Ambarys Rendar, the New Gnsis Corner Club owner being hinted at as an Imperial with Imperial weapons and armour found in his room. 

    Sorry if the second questions a bit vague, its just I'm trying to compile a list of people for the player to investigate them selves as part of the game play

    Thanks in advance 


  • March 1, 2018

    Wow, havnt been on this site in like 3 years, all my likes have gone from my first build D: also looks like the sites a lot less active with lower like boundries for build ranks.

    Yeah as we crossed over to the new site (because the old site was barely working sometimes, server's crashing, that sort of thing) likes weren't something we could move. They are still archived and counted towards the older ranks (which you can use for older builds) but if you wanted to use the new ranks, then you have to drop the older ones.

    I'm revisiting a potentially new build concept I had to cancel due to exams 3 years ago, but can't test a few things yet until I get my game, so just wanna ask some quick questions to help with gameplay / roleplaying aspects. 

    1)  I'm wanting to include a small section for people with access to console commands, but I'm obviously not going to be able to test this myself, so I was wondering if killing these essential npcs: Elenwen, Skald, Thongvor Silver-Blood, Vignar Gray-Mane or any of the Stormcloak Commanders, have any major consequences on quests, bugs or anything else after the main questline and 4 factions have been completed?

    2) Im making an Imperial build, so just wondering if people could list some Stormcloak or Thalmor characters, supporters or spies that you've come across during your play time not directly inolved with them, like maybe mentioned it in a journal or alluded to in some other way. For example: like Runil in Falkreath being an old Thalmor battle mage, mentioned in a journal, or Ambarys Rendar, the New Gnsis Corner Club owner being hinted at as an Imperial with Imperial weapons and armour found in his room. 

    Sorry if the second questions a bit vague, its just I'm trying to compile a list of people for the player to investigate them selves as part of the game play

    Thanks in advance 

    For one, it's fair to point out that I'm 66% sure you'll be able to get a mod for that on any console...possibly other than PS4, not 100% sure on that one but I think it should be something available on Switch, PC and Xbox (and either possible or impossible for PS4) something to think about, but outside of the Main Quest, Civil War and a few quests related to them, you should be good. Unless those characters are still Jarls, then that's an issue because there are a fair number of quests that would have you talk to them. If you do it post Civil War, then well... you can kill them a lot easier if they've been dethroned, and Elenwen becomes non-essential (but crazy hard to get to) after Season Unending/The end of the Dragon Crisis. 

    The second one. Well honestly not really, you've kind of listed the only two that I know about off the top of my head, though I think there are some other fringe groups in caves that are against the Legion, you know, groups of Bandits or Mages that have a leader with a grudge against the Legion, but I can't remember any of them off the top of my head, will try and find them for you.

  • Member
    March 7, 2018

    Hey ya'll 

    I working on a Necromancer build who uses staves and poison runes instead of Destruction. 

    My Skills are: Conjuration, Restoration, Alchemy, Destruction but only for the Rune master perk, Enchanting and 1 point in Sneak.

    My Question is will i be to weak later on in the game with only staves and Poison Runes? Also is Alteration really necessary if i only support my zombies from the sidelines and throw runes? 

  • March 7, 2018

    Vezrabuto said:

    Hey ya'll 

    I working on a Necromancer build who uses staves and poison runes instead of Destruction. 

    My Skills are: Conjuration, Restoration, Alchemy, Destruction but only for the Rune master perk, Enchanting and 1 point in Sneak.

    My Question is will i be to weak later on in the game with only staves and Poison Runes? Also is Alteration really necessary if i only support my zombies from the sidelines and throw runes? 

    Ah finally. Thanks for asking this about Runes Vezrabuto. Saves me having to create a Discussion (for now at least).

    Fire/Frost/Shock Runes are affected by Fortify Destruction Potions but not Aug Perks.

    Poison Rune is affected by Fortify Restoration Potions (see Shin Jins Healer Build, its badass and helpful for your build). 

    Both Destruction and Poison Runes are affected by Dual Casting (not too sure about Poison Rune though).

    To my knowledge, you can increase the damage of Staves via Potions (Staff of Fireballs + Fortify Destruction Potions). No idea if Aug perks affect Destruction Staves. An idea, I just got to create a awesome Necromancer is Dead Thrall some high level Necromancers, which then THEY will raise nearby corpses.

    Oh god, that is horrifying, chuck in the Ritual Stone and you have complete chaos!

    (Why didn't I think of this during Lazareth, stuff it Lazareth is getting a revamp/update!)

  • Member
    March 7, 2018


    Well the only drawback of having a Necro thrall would be if you have a second thrall. if the second thrall dies and youre necro thrall reanimates him he will turn to ash after death ^^ 

    Thanks for the Staff and Rune tipps ^^ 

    But what exactly would dual casting a Poison Rune do, double Poison duration or double dot? :D 

    Also my character builds around "Curses" something like Ahzidals Fire and Ice dot spells, do you have any suggestions for spells i could use as a Curse?^^ 

  • Member
    March 7, 2018
    The UESP Wiki doesn't mention anything about dual casting affecting the poison tune, so I'm not sure whether or not it does. Something you may be interested in is that the damage from multiple poison runes stacks over time, so as long as you have magicka, you can continue to do damage to the same enemy. Also, using runemaster, you can cast a rune far away and set it off by striking it with the sun flare spell
  • Member
    March 7, 2018
    While I'm here, I have a question of my own. I'm working on making an Alteration only build centered on making the ultimate werewolf. Basically, flesh spells stay on you when you transform. Is there anything else in the form of powers/abilities/blessings that could really beef up this character and make them unique?
  • March 7, 2018

    Xenla said: The UESP Wiki doesn't mention anything about dual casting affecting the poison tune, so I'm not sure whether or not it does. Something you may be interested in is that the damage from multiple poison runes stacks over time, so as long as you have magicka, you can continue to do damage to the same enemy. Also, using runemaster, you can cast a rune far away and set it off by striking it with the sun flare spell

    Hmm... Well I assume Dual Casting Poison Rune would either increase Damage or Duration. Purely theoritical though.

    Vezrabuto said:


    Well the only drawback of having a Necro thrall would be if you have a second thrall. if the second thrall dies and youre necro thrall reanimates him he will turn to ash after death ^^ 

    Thanks for the Staff and Rune tipps ^^ 

    But what exactly would dual casting a Poison Rune do, double Poison duration or double dot? :D 

    Also my character builds around "Curses" something like Ahzidals Fire and Ice dot spells, do you have any suggestions for spells i could use as a Curse?^^ 

    PERFECT! Thank you! I can use this perfectly with my Warlock.

    BUT this does make battling Necromancers even easier, because what do they do? They raise nearby corpses.

    I assume Dual Casting Poison Rune 'would' increase the Duration. 

    Also, Curses eh?

    This is straight off the top of my head:


    Ahzials Fire
       -Ingite, Fear/Intense Flames

    Chilling Embrace
       -Frost Cloak, Death Hound (inflicts Slow/Frost Damage), possible Fortify Destruction perks, Deep Freeze (Optional)
          -Frost Cloak range is increased via Fortify Destruction Potion, Death Hound does further Frost Damage. If you REALLY want to feel the chill, use a Weakness to Frost Poison

       -Paralyze/Serpent Stone, Raise Spell
          -Basically, kill any thing while it is under the effect of Paralyze and Raise it. Doing so will create an invincible Zombie, like a meat shield. But it will be unable to move. Check out Shinjins Librarian (I have little to no idea on spelling his name)

    Just to name a few, try out Blizzard along with Weakness to Frost/Magicka


  • Member
    March 7, 2018

    Xenla said: While I'm here, I have a question of my own. I'm working on making an Alteration only build centered on making the ultimate werewolf. Basically, flesh spells stay on you when you transform. Is there anything else in the form of powers/abilities/blessings that could really beef up this character and make them unique?

    You can use the Orcs Berserker Rage right before you transform and deal double dmg and receive half dmg, that mixed with a flesh spell would be fucking metal. 

  • March 7, 2018

    Xenla said: While I'm here, I have a question of my own. I'm working on making an Alteration only build centered on making the ultimate werewolf. Basically, flesh spells stay on you when you transform. Is there anything else in the form of powers/abilities/blessings that could really beef up this character and make them unique?

    Ok, good. Spells that work in Beast Form are;

    Cloaks, Stendarrs Aura, Flesh Spells.

    You can also use weapons, (check out the Nethermancer by Alaistor (something like that)).

    I hate to say this, but I probably won't be using this in the Beast Master so try this;

    Dragon Aspect, Totem of the Werewolves (something like that, summons 2 Werewolves), Flesh Spells.

    Activate DA and any Flesh Spells, then use the Beast Form Power. Use the Howl (forgot its name), to summon 2 Werewolves. The great thing about this is ALL the effects from DA go into Beast Form, and at low health summons the Ancient Dragonborn.

    To get an idea, on how powerful this is, I wiped out the Exterior of Robbers Gorge, on Expert/Master at Level 43 with ease. Use with caution.