Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Contest Build: Jo’ji and the Rogue

Tags: #Character Build Rogue  #Character Build Mage  #Character Build Mage Armor  #Race:Khajiit  #Rank:Mythic  #Contest5  #Contest Gold  #ShinJin Build  #MM 2016 Winner 
  • May 25, 2016

    An itty bitty wittle kitty?  Who kills people with fire?  Who doesn't like that?

  • Member
    May 25, 2016

    Thanks, Curse!

    I know what you mean... team ReMan fired off a pretty heavy shot early on. Can't wait to see all the others ;D

  • Member
    May 25, 2016

    Thanks, Mirric!

    I'm half joking and half serious when I say that I might actually use that liking-then-unliking-then-liking again approach for builds that really inspire me ;D

  • Member
    May 25, 2016

    I love it! 

  • Member
    May 25, 2016

    "From Dolls?" xD

    Man! I don't know why, but that thought kind of creeps me out xD

    I'm not a huge fan of followers in general, and only tend to use them if it strengthens the RP, but Faendal fit the bill for this character perfectly, and it turns out he's not a terrible follower once you get used to his little foibles.

    As always, thanks for the comments... I always look forward to hearing from you :D

    BTW--Al's series is pretty short, and it's a fun read. The only downside is it remains unfinished. He's given me a sneak peek into what he has planned for the third and final installment... WOW! ;D

  • May 25, 2016

    Hi, I'm Chucky. Wanna play? 

    You´re not huge fan of follows, yet you use them on few of your builds. I actually love it, that DaD style of gameplay. And Faendal...well, he´s not that bad if you know how to use him. 

    I just found out I actually read Al´s story. But I don´t remember it. Weird. Shame he won´t complete it though.

  • Member
    May 25, 2016

    Thanks, Lissette!

    I only play builds that inspire me (which is why I tend to play more builds I find here than my own), and between Al's story and the lore from Mixed Unit Tactics, I was pretty fired up to get this thing played. I may have to sneak on over to the Story Corner and try this approach again sometime... it's been a gas!

    BTW--at 0.40 Skyrim is an entirely different experience, and with those speed and jump modifiers you bounce along pretty good! ;D

  • Member
    May 25, 2016

    I'm SO glad I wasn't the only one who wound up in that direction (I was singing that for almost a week, btw xD). Others that have crept their way into my mind were Chico and the Man, BJ and the Bear, Beauty and the Beast... it gets maddening after a while. 

    Thanks not only for the kind words, but for the phrase "wombo combo of pure awesomeness"... gonna be stealing that little beauty and using it for years to come ;D

  • Member
    May 25, 2016

    "Theres no pussyfooting around it" xD

    Thanks, Capricorn! While I usually prefer to play alone, I agree... a good buddy-build can be an awful lot of fun! ;D

  • Member
    May 25, 2016

    "What is this?  A Khajiit for ants?!"

      Awesome stuff, ShinJin!