Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: The Dragon of Akavir

Tags: #Character Build Knight  #Character Build Enchanter  #Character Build Hero  #Race:Imperial  #Rank:Recognized  #Chris Diokno Build  #¨#TeejioknoNoodlelords¨ 
  • March 3, 2015

    I will admit to not quite understanding many of your choices within this build, in fact I don't understand most of it.

    I am semi-familiar with the main source of inspiration for this build, not perfectly I'll admit but I have at least heard of the guy. Why Shouts at all, from what I can see they were chosen purely to make this character more powerful, no Roleplay Reason given and to top it off, literally no reason that I can see in the entire build...

    Next up is the use of magic, you list the following spells (Whirlwind Cloak, Courage Spells and Scrolls) and then mention Ash Runes within the next few paragraphs. Why is this not listed with the others but more importantly why do you use spells at all. As with shouts you give no real reason for them and it most certainly doesn't fit the inspiration for the build  (unless Date was a magician in disguise, if so I apologize). It seems, again like you're doing it simply because you can, and I'm not going to bring up that Whirlwind cloak would have cost you around 250+ Magicka to cast, roughly that is.

    Next up I cannot understand the reliance on 7 weapons, yes they all have some reasoning to be there in the fact that a Samurai would have used them, but no Samurai would have kept all of them on him at once, maybe you didn't but if that is the case then you probably should have explained it more. But not even covering the source material, how would you carry it all. You claim to have chosen the Lord Stone, you mentioned the Steed (with Aetherial Crown) but I'm ignoring that because you haven't said anywhere that you've used it or even done the quest (another problem, what quests does this guy do.) With that Stamina you would have around 400 Carry Weight which either mean you aren't picking up any loot/don't use potions at all or aren't bringing them all with you, a highly possible choice but something you should mention if it is correct. 

    My next little gripe is with Enchanting. It's very common in  your builds Chris that you quite often pick Enchanting up purely for overpowering your character. There is no logical reason to pick it up with this character as it is fairly powerful without it, the only enchantment I can see with any real use is Fortify Destruction, all of the other's could easily be done without and worst of all you have Fortify Block, for what reason is this here, this build, from what I can tell, heavily uses dual wielding and only uses Two-Handed weapons on horseback, it just seems pointless. Anyway you often seem to want to make your characters as powerful as possible (which is fine of course, don't get me wrong) but in this case you have a build that if anything should be pure combat skills (and speech). The reliance on Enchanting, Spells and Shouts just seems odd to me. 

    I know it might seem like I'm being an ass but this build makes little sense to me. You're probably going to ignore this because it isn't positive but I'm leaving it here anyway. The build is fairly illogical and seems to say "I'm going to completely ignore the material I have based it on, nah I'll throw in some quotes and sort of base the RP off of him". Again sorry if I'm being an ass with this but consider it constructive criticism, that's what it is.

  • Member
    March 4, 2015

    I Too don't really understand the magic aspect never heard of a samurai wizard. I also think it would be better to store the lord in te crown and equip it against magic users. Then again the entire idea of a circlet goes against japanese culture so Idk. I alos wonder how you find the time to play so many builds to level 55 so fast.

  • Member
    March 4, 2015
    I think we might be getting a bit too literal here... this is samurai inspired, not necessarily a direct translation. I think Chris has done a fine job of fitting this very well into Skyrim while still maintaining that samurai vibe.
  • March 4, 2015
    I agree he got the vibe down pretty well. However I feel that there's a lot that can be cut. Ultimately the goal of a character build is to convince someone else to take the build and invest 100-200 hours trying it. Having 8 different weapons to find and maintain is going to intimidate a lot of players who might otherwise enjoy this build. I feel like this bud could really shine if some unnecessary skills were cut. Chris, consider dropping archery and one handed in favor of two handed sword wielding. Obviously this character is meant to dive head long into battle so two handed weapons would serve you best. I'd also consider cutting back on enchanting. The extra effect perk doesn't seem necessary here.
  • Member
    March 4, 2015

    I actually liked the perk spread... made it feel like he was a weapons master. Ponty's Veteran did the same thing, and I thought it was pretty cool. I also like the inclusion of Enchanting; it makes it feel a bit more Skyrim-y rather than samurai-finds-himself-in-Skyrim.

    I do agree, however, that Enchanting starts to push the character into OP-ville, and Extra Effect is probably a bit over the top. Limiting enchant effects to just one, and keeping effects for worn items defensive (resist, etc.) would keep this character weak enough in later levels to still be exciting.

  • Member
    March 4, 2015

    You;re right, well, I'll have to get a new perk spread

  • March 5, 2015
    If you haven't yet put in the request for a perk spread id be glad to help.
  • Member
    March 5, 2015

    Could yo please do it Curse, just remove Extra Effect, and I'll ask Golden for a new Equip Spread

  • March 5, 2015

    Is there anything else you want cut or are you just sticking to extra effect?

  • Member
    March 5, 2015

    Hmm, I'm thinking of going 2/5 instead of 5/5 in Enchanter, though 5/5 can be handy in battle, especially with Resist Enchants