Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: Mistress of Balance

Tags: #  #Character Build Healer  #Character Build Mage  #Character Build Supporter  #Rank:Mythic 
  • November 9, 2013

    This build has a good concept. Might I suggest heading over to Zimbu's screenshot request thread and getting some quality screenshots from him? He does some marvelous work that I think could greatly improve the overall quality of the build. 

    I think the build has a good enough concept to deserve a like. I like builds like these that rely on a champion rather than doing the fighting on one's own. 

  • November 10, 2013

    Hey all, I made a lot of the paragraphs shorter, added some overviews in the quest section and made a request in Zimbu's screenshot discussion. I think I will need to cut down even more on the text, maybe remove the recommended champions bit? And make the Equipment section just a list rather than with pictures as it looks a little messy and takes up a lot of space, although the pictures are a break from all the writing. Let me know what you all think!

  • November 10, 2013

    Thank you! I'm glad you love the healer theme too and are happy with my build :D I appreciate the kind words.

  • November 10, 2013

    Thanks for your like and advice! I have just taken a load of writing out so let me know if it's any better. I expect it's still far too much haha.

    Oh and I added that one special ability as a sort of break from pure support when playing, I wasn't sure if I wanted to because I didn't want any damage skills at all but I felt it really fit with the character background. Although I put (DB) because the ash skill is only from the Dragonborn DLC and I don't recommend doing it if you don't have the skill because your Champion will probably die.

    The damaging skill she uses is not any type of magic or weapon it's just a shout that damage all in it equally and seeing as she is effectively nature I liked that, also it could be Alduin's evil or the dragons that are corrupting therefore it makes sense for it to be a shout. Woah lot of info there sorry hahaha.

  • November 10, 2013

    Thanks for the like and advice! I have made a request in that thread now. I'm glad you like the concept :D

  • Member
    November 10, 2013
    Yes! Especially the equipment section (the individual pics string it out and create a lot of white space--breaks flow). You might even consider moving the special moves pics to the left and having the text alongside it to the right--that'll clear up more of the blank spaces a bit. CND is right, some screenshots would be super cool for this build. It's fun to take your own (Zimbu has a couple tutorials that are incredibly helpful), or you can request some. Zimbu must be running some mods that make characters more lifelike because the character pics he comes up with are gorgeous. Keep in mind though that there are a lot of requests and only so many hours in a day Zimbu can do this. Sorry for the long replies, but the build excites me and I would like to see it go places :)
  • November 10, 2013

    Alright it's done! I removed the pictures in Equipment and the recommended champions bit, it does flow better now. I also did some cleaning up like correcting the font (there were whole sections in the wrong font and I didn't even notice haha). Also yes I've seen some of his shots and they are amazing :D I can't wait to see some of the Mistress if he has time to do them. 

    Don't worry about long replies, I'm grateful for the help and I'm so glad you like the build :D

  • Member
    November 10, 2013

    Kudos for making your character look Asian, I tried very hard to do that with an Akaviri Dragonguard character of mine but I failed badly and had to stitch up my face in Riften. Anyway I always like to see healer/support classes in games like Skyrim so you have my like, apart from that I hope your screenshots get to you soon (I saw your comment earlier in the screenshot request thread).

  • Member
    November 10, 2013

    Nope, I run a fairly mod-free game.  The only mods I'm using are the official High Resolution Texture Pack from Bethesda, the Unofficial Skyrim Patch which fixes bugs but doesn't really alter the appearances other than to fix a few minor mesh problems, and a couple mods that allow me to pose the characters.  I don't use any sort of graphic enhancers or anything like that.  I run the game on "Ultra High Quality" settings.

  • Member
    November 10, 2013

    I'll get you some screenshots.  I haven't read through your build yet, but at first glance it looks like it's fairly well done.  I'll give it a read over then see if I can get some shots that fit your description.

    There's a couple other requests in my queue right now, so it'll probably be a day or two before I can get these for you.