Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: Hunter of DragonKind

Tags: #Character Build Archer  #Character Build Warrior  #Character Build Scout  #Character Build Defender  #SE Rank:Apprentice  #Valric 
  • September 12, 2016

    Nice build Valric i really like the scrren shots and overall feel of this build "very Skyrimy" However, your tags are not correct, currently they don't link to the archives page which can make them problematic to find for members searching up builds.

    You can have three playstyle tags and you need a rank tag.  I would recommend the below tags.

    Character Build Archer, Character Build Warrior, Character Build Scout, Rank:Bloodworks

  • February 14, 2018

    Not sure where I was when this was posted, but damn thanks for mentioning it to me Val. If you were still aiming to tag this then I'd give it the following tags (you can just copy and paste them into the 'tag area'. But yeah, seems like a pretty interesting build and I do enjoy your general presentation style.

    Character Build Warrior, Character Build Archer, Character Build Scout, Character Build Defender, SE Rank:Apprentice, Valric

  • Member
    February 14, 2018

    Tags are finally fixed! Yay!