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Character Build: The Cybernetic

Tags: #Character Build Juggernaut  #Character Build Elementalist  #Character Build Battlemage  #Race:Argonian  #Rank:Recognized 
  • Member
    April 10, 2015

    The Cybernetic

    Far away, in the land of black marsh was an argonian of untold legend. He was blessed by the Hist itself with the power of nature. Revered as the most powerful shaman who ever lived, none dared to challenge him, this argonian was called, the hist mage. One day a young argonian warrior had the audacity to challenge the hist mage to a duel. Spells flew and greatswords clashed as their battle raged on. For quite a while it seemed an even fight, but then the challenger swiftly dodged a jab from the hist mage and struck him down, it would appear he had won. However something else happened in that moment, an aura of light surrounded the hist mage healing him, the challenger stood astonished. Then, rejuvenated by the hist, the mage blasted down his opponent. The challenger lay still, the fight was over, and the hist mage was once again victorious. Most of the citizens were favoring the hist mage and almost none wanted to help the challenger after the fight. There was one, a hermit doctor who generally stuck to the outskirts. He took the young lizard to his home. It was immediately apparent that he was in a critical condition. The doctor had no choice, the only way to save him was to replace his infected armor with a cyber arm and patch him up with steel in spots that wouldn't regenerate. When the lizard woke to find himself bound to a metal suit he cursed the both the hist and their damn champion and swore revenge...

    At the core the cybernetic is a battlemage who uses electric magic and a greatsword. His abilities are magnified and enhanced by his cyber suit which is also his life source. It keeps him protected, increases his energy output, and has many other uses both in and out of combat.

    However even the cyber suit has its limits and the cybernetic has mastered the ability to balance and apply them to varied combat situations. Some enemies will take just a greatsword wall others will require well planned tactics.


    Stone:Lord(atronach made it to difficult to summon atronach)

    Skills: Two-handed, Heavy Armor, Destruction, Alteration, Alchemy, Conjuration

    Quests: Main Quest(till Lydia), College of Winterhold, Companions Or Dawnguard(Explanation Later), Black Books (Optional), Raven Rock Mine Quest

    Stats: 1/2/3

    Early on you will want to put points into health for survivability, after you get your heavy armor stat up and perked a little you can start to dump points into your mana pool, you will need alot to make up for the reduced regen of the atronach stone.

    The Cyber Suit

    The Helm(Morokei/Zahkriisos)- The helmet of the cyber suit stimulates the mind increasing cerebral processing and allowing the cybernetic to regenerate magicka faster or deal more damage. It is the core for his geo-conducting abilities. His mind is able to conduct energy through the rocks and dust and manifest itself into a creature(storm atronach).

    The Chestplate(Steel Plate)-  The bulk of the cyber suit protects the cybernetic from both physical and magical harm as well as providing artificial healing(regen health enchant). Aside from being a bulwark in itself, it projects a digital layer of armor for additional protection(flesh spells) and blocks spells(atronach perk and stone + magic resistance perks). 

    The Gauntlets(Steel Plate)- Perhaps the most critical piece of the cyber suit. These fists of steel are the conductors for the cybernetic's powerful electric magic. This shock magic is far more powerful than most being enhanced by the suit's batter packs(destruction potions) and having the ability to vaporize foes(disintegrate perk). Sometimes the jolt is enough to leave foes unable to move(paralysis spell). The gauntlets also give him a better grip on his blade(Two-handed enhance).

    The Boots(Steel Plate)- While slightly less vital this piece is important all the same. High traction boots give the cybernetic spring in his step(conditioning perk) and improve his balance in combat as a warrior(two-handed enchant + sweep perk).

    The Cyber Blade(Bloodskal Blade)- To complete a fitting suit of cyber armor, one needs a blade of equal power. This weapon when used by most is in ordinary greatsword, but in the hands of the cybernetic, it allows him to channel his energy straight through his blade with concentrated blasts.

    Perk Spread Coming Soon

    Shock and Steel (Perk Choice)

    Alteration and heavy armor are the defensive skills for the build. The alteration perks are pretty standard they will eventually go up to expert to get the best flesh spell. Magic Resistance and Atronach will be perked seeing as it was a mage who put him in a suit it should prevent that in the future, combined with shock spells mages are a breeze. Heavy Armor is perked less standardly, Juggernaut will of course be maxed out and the left will be perked up, however when it comes to the right side thats a choice. I used Zahkriisos in battle and Morokei out of combat so I took the first perk for full heavy armor set but it isn't essential.

    Destruction and Two-handed are the "meat" of the build. Two-handed is perked pretty regularly, max out Bladesman go into deep wounds and build up to the sweep perk. You can take either the standing or the running power attack perk. Destruction is perked quite unorthodox-ly(XD), of course pick up the augmented shock and eventually the disintegrate perk, however we will be stopping with dual cast and novice destruction. For this build only the sparks spell is used(more later).

    That leaves us with Conjuration and Alchemy, the "support" skills of the build. Conjuration is also perked standard up to expert for storm atronach and then take the atronach perks, twin souls is optional though you may not always have the mana to afford two. Despite using a weapon poisons are considered to mundane for the cybernetic and he doesn't have to go flower picking and experimenting so only Alchemist,Physician, and Benefactor are taken.

    Phase Shifting and Advanced Thunder(Gameplay)

    When I was discussing this build with ShinJin, he brought up a good point about using 3 magic skills and heavy armor. We came to the conclusion that most of the time this character would end up using only 2 of the 3 magic skills at a time. So I decided to use this as an advantageous combat strategy, and phase shifts were born.

    What is a phase shift? It is basically the shifting from the various battle stages that the cybernetic has at his mechanical finger tips. Phase shifting allows him to adapt to any enemy and situation. Below are the listed battle "phases"

    Thunder Warrior Phase- In this phase the cybernetic wields his mighty greatsword while under the protection of his cyber suit and supported by geo-electric summons. Neglecting his in hand electric magic he conducts it through his blade instead.

    Use: Defensive

    Magics: Alteration and Conjuration

    Storm Sorcerer Phase- This phase is a full frontal assault, used to dispose of enemies quickly. The cybernetic destroys his enemies by bathing the battlefield in sparks while his geo summons assist in the mayhem.

    Use: Offensive

    Magics: Conjuration and Destruction

    Electric Ultima Phase- Maybe the strongest phase, or most useful for the cybernetic. He is both strongly defended and offensively capable utilizing his cyber defense and his shock magic, yet with the ability to fall back on his sword if he needs.

    Use: Hybrid

    Magics: Alteration and Destruction

    Advanced Thunder

    The key aspect of this build is advanced thunder also known as super sparks. It is the augmentation of the basic shock spell into something quite powerful. We begin with the basics 8 damage with both augmented shock perks brings it up to 12 dps. Then we factor in the dual casting 2.2x multiplier which makes it 26.4 dps. Additionally we add on the zahkriisos damage 50% up to 39.6. This is already a big number of damage over time, now however we add even more with fortify destruction potions we can go extreme with fortify restoration or alchemy enhancements but for the sake of this I will just use a 200% for an example. take 39.6 x 200% brings us up to a huge number, 118.8 dps. You could bring it up higher if you wanted to but this huge number should suffice for late game damage. 

    The Path to Power Light or Dark?

    After doing the essential quests for the gear and gameplay development, I found myself at a crossroads. I was deciding whether I was gonna do companions or dawnguard and then I realized that if I did dawnguard what side would I choose. So I created two different stories and paths for which way the cybernetic's morality turned. Would his desire for power and revenge consume him or would he take the nobler path to strength and honor?

    The Dark

    The cybernetic had been recruited by a group of vampire hunters to search a cave in exchange for gold. The search led to a reward much greater. He found a vampire woman in a monolith and she requested he escort her home. After doing so he discovered her dark secret, she was part of a family of vampires. However once he saw the power they had his lust for revenge took over and he became... one of them

    With this path the cybernetic will join the volkihar on his quest for power. His power will take a darker turn, he will use the ring of erudite and the necromancer amulet. After acquiring the ring of erudite you should cure vampirism it has no positive effects and thus it is unnecessary. If you take the dark side your combat will become more magically focused since you have access to the ring of erudite and the necromancer amulet. With some management you can even use all 3 magic skills at once.

    The Light

    While wandering through whiterun hold the cybernetic runs into a group of warriors fighting a giant. After lending his assistance they offer him a place in their ranks. He can see they all possess amazing talent as warriors and gratefully accepts the opportunity to grow. His lust for power is great but in the hands of these hardened warriors, the cybernetic achieves power the noble way

    This path will lead the cybernetic to the companions. He will grow stronger but in a good way and keep a lighter morality. Amulet of talos or gauldur amulet are good substitutes for the necromancer amulet and any enchanted ring will do. If you take the light side you will be somewhat more warrior focused and use your greatsword more. Especially earlier on when you have access to trainer followers your warrior skills can grow faster.

    Final Showdown

    After years of waiting and training it is time for the cybernetic to face his rival, the lizard responsible for crippling him to this cyber state in the first place. This time the battle will take place in skyrim where that bastard hist mage cannot rely on the hist as a crutch to save him. The fight is to the death, the cybernetic wouldn't have a purpose in life if he were not to achieve his goal. The final test is upon him and he is ready.

    How: Coming of Age Quest, after the quest Beem-Ja will track you down and attack you

    Who: Beem-Ja will represent the hist mage

    Fight: Turn up the difficulty to legendary and battle-on!

    Final Notes and Thanks

    So it is pretty obvious but if you haven't figured it out yet this build is created as a rival to Ben C.'s amazingly awesome build the histmage, if you have not seen it I highly suggest you click the link below. The Hist Mage is all about connecting to nature and using only natural resources for magic. My goal with the cybernetic was to create the opposite. He uses power acquired from his technological suit, just about the most anti-natural thing there is. Anyways hope you enjoyed the build and be sure to check out the Hist Mage.

    Thanks Time
    Shinjin- Shinjin was a huge help in deciding what skills I should use and making recommendations on how I could theme the build. 
    Alastor- Alastor also gave me great advice for this build even though I might have ignored him about the ring of erudite :P, his other advice was very helpful
    Hope you like the build please leave suggestions in the comments on how I can improve on this build or in general.
  • Member
    April 10, 2015

    SWEEEET!!! You already know how I feel about this concept and the mechanics (that it's awesome), but the art selection works really well for the build, and your presentation is fantastic as well... it just looks good and really gets that cyber-vibe out there, but still in a Skyrimy way.

    The only minor criticism I could throw your way is that the art placement for the Phase Shifting section is a bit skiwampus... the large white spaces break the flow of what is otherwise a beautifully presented build. Ning is a bit tetchy when you try to position art with text in visual mode. But like I said... minor issue.

    Again, this turned out even better than I hoped it would... congrats on a great build! :D

  • Member
    April 10, 2015

    Thanks for the kind words, and yes ning is my mortal enemy it didn't look like that before I'm going to attempt to fix it

    Edit: Success! at least for the time being

  • Member
    April 11, 2015
    Out of the bloodworks :D This build is really great, Shadow! Great job! Only thing that seemed weird to me was that you use both the atronach perk and stone (80% spell absorption together), but you somehow manage to summon Atfonachs? Or did you just repeatedly cast it until it worked? +1
  • Member
    April 11, 2015

    Amazing build mate, keep them coming. +1

  • Member
    April 11, 2015

    Oh I totally forgot to mention that they get sucked up XD ya I pretty much just put it in both hands and cast it till it worked maybe I should switch the stone for the convenience of others

  • Member
    April 12, 2015
    Nice build shadow... Though I think how you've managed to hit 200% buff on the pots is kinda vague. Also, since this is a battlemage at it's core, it would make more sense to hit the targets with poisons to further augment the Sparks spells. That said, how do you handle multi targets? One at a time with sparks? Or just join in the fray with the greatsword?
  • Member
    April 12, 2015

    Like I said that was just an example seeing as you could make pretty high alchemy enchants with fortify enchanting potions and / or restoration potions so that was just a possible amount.

    As for multiple enemies the thunder warrior phase is probably best. Storm Atronach(s) can tank enemies and the alteration will keep you defended as well. However with all the boosts to sparks you can melt single targets pretty quickly.

  • April 17, 2015

    this build is awsome good job and you helped me finish a idea for a Enginerring build i was planing +1 :D

  • Member
    April 17, 2015

    I like this a lot. Kind of like an Elder Scrolls Darth Vader. My only criticism would be that you maybe work on your grammar, but that's just me being picky.