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Character Build: The Mystic Rohnin

Tags: #Character Build Summoner  #Character Build Bound Weapons  #Character Build Mage Armor  #Rank:Legendary  #Ronin  #Samurai  #ShinJin Build 
  • Member
    December 19, 2013

    Some music for the vibe:

    Things should have turned out so… different. The lofty visions I had just months ago starting my path as a novice Sai Murai precluded any possibility of the shame I now carry, a shame that both blesses and haunts me. For to know Bjolfr, however briefly, was to share his vision and love of Skyrim. But then again, had I never met him, I had never failed him so utterly…

    The idea of a no-armor, Two-handed, katana-wielding character has always appealed to me. Add to this a dab of archery, a pinch of disgrace, a faltering moral compass, a descent into the planes of Oblivion, and nothing to lose… well, that’s just crazy fun.

    A disgraced and fallen Sai Murai warrior, the Mystic Rohnin lets the ends justify the means in her single-minded quest for redemption... even going so far as to summon minions from the realm of Oblivion. While she uses stealth to scout out enemies from a distance, she doesn’t rely on it to survive (read this as no perks in Sneak). She’ll sneak into a strategic position, simultaneously cast flesh and atronach spells, then commence the work of death either with the bound bow, her blade, or both. I find that gameplay for this build is fairly fluid with very few menu breaks if I keep a flesh spell in the right hand and switch out conjuration spells with my left via the hotkeys (I play on PC). If battling overwhelming numbers, I let the atronachs distract enemies while I thin down mobs with the bound bow, then mop up whatever’s left with the Ebony Blade.

    Yes, you heard right—the weak-tea Ebony Blade. Its frustratingly low base damage and inability to be improved through Smithing was previously a deal breaker for me (the first time I used it I got thoroughly trounced by a lowlife in the Ratways). I figured the blade was rubbish… until I read James’ article “An Argument for Marked for Death.” The article opened my eyes to the possibilities of one of the weakest but (for me) most desirable two-handed blades in Skyrim. I picked it up again and used it in conjunction with Marked for Death to kill Astrid and wipe out the Dark Brotherhood—it was amazing! I’ll not waste any more time on this other than to say read James’ article and give the blade a shot… you have to experience it to fully appreciate the synergy between the Marked for Death shout and the Ebony Blade.

    Suitable Races

    • Breton: purely from a mechanics-based standpoint this is the logical choice. With a +10 racial bonus to Conjuration, +5 in Alteration and Speech, 25% Resist Magic, and the Dragonskin power it’s almost a no-brainer.
    • Bosmer: +10 to Archery (huge) and +5 to Pickpocket (meh).
    • Nord: +10 to Two-handed and +5 in Block and Speech. Resist Frost racial ability and Battlecry power are also quite useful.
    • Dunmer: for role play reasons I chose Dunmer even though I was gimping myself (a paltry +5 to Alteration only). It just feels right for the build—exotic, dark, and brooding… the perfect fallen hero (that and I really enjoy playing Dunmer).

    Stone: when you leave Helgen you can choose Warrior to level up your Melee skills, but plan on the Lord Stone as soon as possible to boost your Armor Rating and Magic Resistance.

    Stats: 2 magica-1 health-1 stamina till level 20, and 1 magica-1 health thereafter. You could drop stamina altogether, but I like to have a little extra in the tank for sprinting and blocking.

    Master Bjolfr slipped into a rage when he saw the first of his seven magnificent protectors fall to the highly organized, massively manned Stormcloak ambush—a rage that successively grew as each protector fell, one by one, until only he and I remained. Whole camps of Stormcloaks were giving way before him now, and I, guarding his rear as best I could, dared allow myself to hope. Perhaps my master could break through the ranks. I might be able to buy time enough for him to escape—this would be an honorable death. He could rebuild. He and six new protectors could turn Skyrim into a sanctuary of beauty and peace. The dream would live on... it must live on. Then Bjolfr took an arrow to the knee…

    Major Skills


    The Mystic Rhonin has aligned herself with the powers of Oblivion in her obsessive pursuit of redemption. Bound bows provide damage dealing from a distance—longbow rate of fire with daedric damage… nice! Atronachs provide tank support and cover fire. I trained to adept as quickly as possible to efficiently cast these spells.

    [Rationale for Soul Stealer perk and Oblivion Binding perk]:

    The Soul Stealer Perk automatically fills soul gems for you. Use these to enchant looted items, sell them, and apply that gold to train up skills each level. Though this build uses no enchantment perks, enchanting looted daggers with Damage Stamina, Turn Undead, or Paralysis gives you quite a bit of gold. 

    Oblivion Binding: I can’t tell you how many times I’ve plunged into battle only to have the enemy summon an atronach to tank me into next Frostfall or raise a zombie wizard that I spent too much effort killing the first time. One shot of the bound bow equals, “Good day to you, Sir!” Tired of waiting for your summoned atronachs to disappear so you can finally get through that narrow passageway? “I said, ‘GOOD DAY!’”

    I have done it. I have bridged the planes between two worlds, binding the weapons and lesser deadra of Oblivion to my will, though I am still unclear as to the implications this will have on my soul…


    While a Sai Murai threatens with death from afar, the Mystic Rohnin promises it. The Bound Bow (especially in early and mid-levels) is deadly. Perk up your Archery skills and you become wicked deadly.

    I met a Bosmer archer in Riverwood. Like Bjolfr, his love for Skyrim runs deep. Upon telling him of my quest to make Bjolfr’s dream a reality, Faendal has graciously offered to help me hone my skills in archery—free of charge. It’s a welcome relief to get some training without having to worry about stealing back my gold…


    A Sai Murai’s blade and life are one… each brings life to the other, but this is especially true for the Mystic Rohnin. Every swing of The Ebony Blade imbues her with an enemy’s spent life force.

    About power attacks: I rarely use them with this build unless it’s for a decisive finishing blow or to break an enemy that’s spam-blocking. They steal one of the Ebony Blade’s greatest assets: the rapid absorption of your enemy’s health. They also leave you open for attack and eat up stamina that is better spent blocking. So stick and move and take advantage of the Ebony Blade’s swing speed and Absorb Health enchantment.

    I have pondered the way of the sword and have it thus determined: no longer will my blade be a weapon—it will be an answer…

    I stood with my back to my master, greatsword at the ready. The enemy was slowly closing in around us when it happened… a roar that shook the very ground upon which we stood. Panic erupted from all sides as the black nightmare tore through the valley scorching everything in its path. How shall I describe my feelings as I stumbled on, my master slung over my shoulders, praying that I might reach the small copse of trees for cover, but each moment expecting a firestorm to engulf us? Instead we were simultaneously pounded to the ground with a force that nearly robbed me of my consciousness, and whipped into the air with dizzying speed. The world wheeled beneath me as I looked up to see a giant claw wrapped around Bjolfr’s waist. With a mere twitch that claw sheared through him, and I watched, horrified, as the two distinct pieces fell with me, one on either side, to come crashing into the very copse I had previously sought…


    Minor Skills


    I have forsaken my armor, just as I have forsaken my honor… they are symbols of the Sai Murai, and I am no longer worthy of either…

    Though conjuration and archery can usually keep enemies far from you, sometimes a threat slips through… and sometimes you just want to get in there and clash it up a bit. Flesh spells will help protect you from the occasional hits that find their way. Also, transmuting iron into gold is incredibly lucrative: make jewelry, enchant it with Fortify Archery or Carry Weight, and sell it for a pretty profit.

    [A warning about the Atronach Perk (and also the Atronach Stone)]:

    To put it simply, if summoning is your bread and butter the Atronach perk and Atronach Stone are trouble—they apply their absorption effects to your summons. Consequently, if you have the Atronach perk you will absorb your own atronachs 30% of the time (which means you’ve just cast a spell in which nothing happens). Now add the Atronach Stone into the mix, and 80% of your summons get eaten up. While it’s true that you absorb your magica back, few things are as frustrating as running into a mob, throwing a flesh and atronach spell, pulling out the Ebony Blade fully expecting some tank-style backup from Frosty only to find yourself all alone in a room full of angry marauders. You can keep casting till you get your atronach, but you’re taking hits all the while. For me, the spell absorption just wasn’t worth the hassle… I want my atronachs NOW!


    The battleaxe arced in a blow that was certain to separate my head from my body. As I raised my sword to intercept it, however, a moment of clarity swept through me… I sidestepped the deadly swipe as if it were swung underwater and got in two quick slashes of my own—the bandit died fully believing he had killed me…

    With the right perks a raised sword decreases incoming damage, can be used to stagger an opponent to give you some breathing space, and can even create Zen-like moments that slow the very passage of time itself. Strategic blocking makes the Mystic Rohnin extremely difficult to kill.


    Merchants don’t like dealing in goods outside their areas of expertise; however, I’ve found that if you show them you mean business (and that you know yours) they’ll recognize the value in anything you sell…

     Hiring experts for training is paramount to the Mystic Rohnin—she wants to fulfill Bjolfr’s dream of cleansing Skyrim of evil and danger, so she must become a master of several skills. Training at higher levels is expensive, but you can get your gold back from merchant trainers by selling looted and enchanted items to them afterwards.


    Though I take no pride in it, I am rather adroit at freeing a pocket from the burden of its gold…

    Training takes gold. If trainers can’t be sweet-talked into following you and supporting your cause, or won’t trade your gold for items you have for sale… take the gold back. Think of it as a tax—the Citizen’s Offering for a Safer Skyrim Tax (COSST—it’s a small price to pay).


    Level 30 Perk Spread


     Level 50 Perk Spread

    I had failed Bjolfr. Both my hands were wrapped firmly around the handle of my dagger, prepared to wipe away my disgrace. But a sudden, terrifying realization froze me in the act. I was the last of Bjolfr’s magnificent seven… his dream would perish with me. The enormity of this thought staggered me, and once again I wept openly, not for Bjolfr this time, but for myself and what I would soon become—Rohnin. Disgraced and without honor, I would sacrifice my very soul to create the Skyrim my master envisioned, though there would be no place for me in it when I was done…



    The Ebony Blade—a note on feeding: while the Mystic Rohnin’s shame has weakened her moral compass to some extent, she hasn’t lost it entirely. She’ll fall in with thieves, steal, and even kill in order to attain redemption, but murdering innocents who are friendly to her… well, there’s the invisible line. There are, however, some people who are friendly to her, but whose death would really make Skyrim a better place. The “Destroy the Dark Brotherhood” (the last bullet point), “Lights Out”, “Cannibals”, and “Vampires” section of this article  is most helpful.

    Master Robes of Conjuration (anything that boosts conjuration in the meantime)

    Mage’s Circlet—70 points additional magica

    Talos Amulet: a poignant reminder of Bjolfr (that decreases shout cool-down by 20%)

    or Gauldur Amulet:  30 pt boost to health, stamina and magica

    Shrouded shoes—provides a helpful boost for your unperked sneaking

    Ring: anything that boosts two-handed or archery



    Marked for Death—a massively important compliment to the ebony blade, but this shout can be either game-changing or game-breaking. If you shout, hunker down and wait to one-shot your enemy you will get bored very quickly. But shouting, taking the fight to the enemy, and watching as your blows increasingly gain strength… well, that’s a thing of beauty. It also makes the Bound Bow viable during late-level play.

    Become Ethereal—love this shout: provides stamina free sprinting, a time out from immediate threats, an opportunity to fall back to a more strategic location, a damage-free means of closing in on ranged opponents, and Skyrim’s fastest express down-elevator.

    Unrelenting Force—it’s always useful: from a simple stagger to “it’s time to lie the heck down!”  (Plus, who doesn’t like launching enemies off cliffs, bridges and buildings?)

    Aural Whisper—knowing your enemy is important… knowing where he is is crucial.

    Throw Voice—in the past I’ve only used this for sneaking past enemies. Huge mistake! If you use all three words, your cool-down is almost non-existent, and few things are as fun as throwing your voice to position a group of enemies together, blasting them all with Marked for Death, throwing an atronach or two their way and tearing through them with the Ebony Blade… good, GOOD times!


    Suggestions for Leveling 

    This build has been one of the most rewarding ones I’ve played from a leveling standpoint. Like many people, I enjoy leveling quickly to get on with the game but hate to grind skills. Utilizing trainers for every level is the answer. I do it one of three ways: (a) train from followers and have them give the gold back (think Faendal or members of the Companions), (b) after getting the Merchant perk, train from merchants (like Tolfdir or Phinis Gestor in the College of Winterhold), then sell your accumulated loot to get back your gold, (c) throw a few perks in pickpocket and steal it back.

    Sometimes just buying five skill levels will level you up. If that’s the case, rinse and repeat. Usually though, it takes you about halfway through a level. You can grind skills to reach the next level if you don’t mind doing it, but I prefer to just go questing and delving. This kicks you up to the next level naturally, fairly quickly, and allows you to actually play the game… but as always, to each their own.



    Main quest: rid Nirn of the dragon that brought death to your master and dishonor to you.

    College of Winterhold: the Mystic Rohnin seeks knowledge of the arcane arts in order to sweep Skyrim clean from evil and danger. Tolfdir and Phinis Gestor are excellent sources.

    The Whispering Door: hello, Ebony Blade!

    • Destroy the Dark Brotherhood:rid Skyrim of six professional killers and provide six lives that count toward feeding the Ebony Blade—win/win
    • Lights Out: a double double-cross that gives your Ebony Blade two more lives.
    • The Taste of Death/ Lisbet’s Missing Shipment­: two cannibals are on the menu, and the Ebony Blade is hungry.
    • Laid to Rest: another opportunity to feed the blade… just in case.

    Companion’s: even if you don’t plan on following this through to the end, it’s a good idea to join—expert trainers in Block and Two-handed (and extra Septims to help pay for training) make joining a worthwhile endeavor.

    Thieves Guild: a chance to earn some extra coin, Lass. This is actually pretty fun to do when you aren’t perked in Sneak (I first realized that Sneak might be broken last year when, during the “Hard Answers” quest, I mistimed a jump, landed on top of Calcelmo’s Nephew, and then stood amazed as he continued to stare straight ahead as if nothing had happened—“ShinJin,” I said to myself, “I think you may have perked yourself too much in Sneak”).


    I must live though my heart and my soul fell alongside my master. Bjolfr’s vision of Skyrim must become a reality—no matter the cost. Perhaps when it does I will finally be worthy of honor… and death.


    A very big thanks to: Chris Diokno, Oneness, Curse Never Dying, and Professor Lore Master for their critical eye and willingness to make rough things shiny, and to Zimbu whose screenshot tutorials were so well-written that even a dummy like me could kind of figure it out :)






  • December 19, 2013
    Honored to be the first one to like this build. You really impressed me with this one.
  • Member
    December 19, 2013

    Glad to this finally released. Everything came together really well, not much to say that I haven't said before besides good job!

  • Member
    December 19, 2013
    Thanks guys--your input on organization was invaluable... after a while it's impossible for me to see the forest for the trees. You all were a HUGE help.
  • Member
    December 19, 2013

    Man, I just need to play this one. 

    I've dropped even my projects to play it.

  • Member
    December 19, 2013
    Thanks for the kind words! It's been a blast to play, and my first experience with conjuration and the Marked for Death shout... I'm kicking myself for not having used either of those sooner :D
  • Member
    December 19, 2013

    Haha, You know "Rurouni Kenshin"? Your build inspired me to make an build like him haha,

    Also, ebony blade is an fcking badass weapon.

  • Member
    December 19, 2013
    About a year ago I watched the first season of Samurai X--I love ronin-esque stories. You could really go places with a Kenshin build... even some dark places in the early game before you see the light. I look forward to seeing what you come up with :) I've always loved that blade: beautiful, quick, and throw in the absorb health on top of it all... yeah, it's nice alright. MFD finally let's you use it the way that sword was meant to be used :D
  • Member
    December 19, 2013

    Hehe, yeah. 

    I tought of a no armor build, (maybe if i find some red robes to make the look of kenshin) but i'm uncertain bout' one handed for blades sword or 2handed for ebony blades, so i picked both XD.

    I'm goin' to test this build i'm trying to make as soon i finish playing with this one !

    I only need someone to answer my questions at character building help desk

  • Member
    December 19, 2013

    It's a shame you didn't take power and deadly bash, would really fit this build.