Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: The Telvanni Archmagister

Tags: #Character Build Elementalist  #Character Build Mage  #Character Build Illusionist  #Race:Dunmer  #Rank:Exemplar  #Telvanni 
  • Member
    December 4, 2012

    With the imminent and glorious return of mushroom towers to the Elder Scrolls,
    it’s time for the most badass faction in the series. Move over Volkihar, move aside
    Dark Brotherhood, get lost Thalmor; these are the true masters of malicious, dark
    sorcery: House Telvanni.

    Fingers Crossed for a Cephalopod Helm in Dragonborn.


    Isolationist Dark Elf mages, House Telvanni was one of the five Great Houses of
    Morrowind, and one of three open to the player in Elder Scrolls III. The members
    of Telvanni were highly ambitious and eccentric wizards who let nothing get in the
    way of their scholarly pursuits and accumulation of power. Gigantic egoists, high
    ranking members of the House had little to no concern for anyone but themselves
    and anything outside of their narrow range of interest. Their self-centeredness
    even extended into the structure of the guild itself, as the official charter explicitly
    recommends murdering fellow members as a means of advancement. It’s no
    surprise their slogan read “wisdom confers power and power confers right.”

    One of the top ranking members of the House, you’ve spent the last couple hundred
    years traveling through various Oblivion realms conducting esoteric research (“I’d
    try to explain it, but you wouldn’t understand a word”). Returning to Morrowind,
    you are somewhat surprised to find the complete destruction of your homeland in
    your absence. You don’t really care about the rest of your kin, but the obliteration

    of your mushroom tower and all your pretty enchanted loot, your carefully guarded
    artifacts, not to mention your slave concubines; well, that has royally pissed you off.
    In a rage you fly off to Skyrim, intent on reaccumulating a prodigious collection of
    lore and powerful enchanted gear, annoyed at your loss and very confused by the
    complete lack of spellmaking altars and levitation potions.

    Race: Dunmer

    Stone: Mage (Ritual)

    Major Skills: Enchanting, Destruction, Illusion, Conjuration

    Minor Skills: Alteration, Restoration, Alchemy

    Weapons: Aetherial Staff, Staff of Magnus, Skull of Corruption

    Armor: Archmage Robes, Enchanted Daedric Gauntlets and Boots

    Quests: College of Winterhold, Discerning the Transmundane, Shalidor’s Insights,
    Arniel’s Endeavor, Lost to the Ages, A Return to your Roots, Distant Memories,
    Daedric quests


    The Build

    I’ve spent a lot of time making mage builds in Skyrim, and I wanted to make the
    Telvanni feel unique in comparison to other mages. Thinking about what a Telvanni
    wizard would do in Skyrim, two things seemed obvious to me: hoard powerful
    artifacts and create powerful enchanted items. There are a number of “loopholes”
    in the magic system of Skyrim that result in extremely powerful effects: zero-cost
    enchantments, the restoration loop, and necromage/vampire interaction. I had
    typically shied away from these mechanisms, afraid that doing so would break the
    game. But then I realized that that was exactly what a Telvanni Lord would do: he
    would spend all of his time obsessively studying various magical properties and
    their synergetic effects in order to maximize his power over the arcane. Thus the
    crux of the build was born: the use of Enchanting, Alchemy, and the Necromage
    perk to reduce spell cost of three schools of magic to (near) zero.

    The benefits of Enchanting induced spell cost reduction in combat are obvious, but
    in constructing this build I noticed another significant benefit: perk preservation.
    Mage builds are very perk heavy and this build can free up a total of 12 perks
    through spell cost reduction.

    The three schools that should be focused on are Destruction, Illusion, and
    Conjuration. The power of these schools is obvious and they fit the character well,
    but the design and layout of these perk trees also really opens things up, allowing us
    to forgo spending any perks in Apprentice through Master. We can then use these

    free perk points to invest deeply in all our magic schools as well as perk out another
    non-mage skill of our choice (Alchemy for instance).

    Spell cost reduction in Alteration is unnecessary as many of the best Alteration
    perks require reduction perks as prerequisites anyway. Most Restoration spells are
    fairly cheap to cast and Novice Healing is extremely economical. Furthermore, once
    this build gets rolling you will find yourself rarely taking damage and self-created
    potions serve well for emergency healing.


    Level 50 Perks:


    Enchanter 5/5, Insightful Enchanter, Corpus Enchanter, Extra Effect

    The heart and soul of this build. Enchanting perks should be taken early and often
    in order to allow us to cast our spells. The Telvanni literally uses enchanted apparel
    as a conduit to power his spellcasting.


    Novice, Dual Casting, Animage, Kindred Mage, Hypnotic Gaze, Aspect of Terror,
    Rage, Master of the Mind

    The Telvanni is a master at manipulating the feeble minds of those around him. In
    order to mentally dominate every man, beast, skeleton, and machine he encounters
    most perks are taken as they are needed to increase the efficacy of his spells. Quiet
    Casting is unnecessary as he has little patience for sneaking around.


    Novice, Necromancy, Dark Souls, Summoner, Atromancy, Elemental Potency, Twin

    Ah yes, the Telvanni loves his Conjuration. He prefers to wield his influence from
    a distance, and indirectly. Let summoned underlings get their hands dirty, he has
    better things to do. He is a connoisseur of conjuration and understands the benefits
    of all summons, be they the bodies of his enemies or servants from the planes of
    Oblivion and the Soul Cairn, and he wants all of his minions performing at peak


    Novice, Augmented Flames 2/2, Augmented Shock 2/2, Disintegrate, Dual Casting,

    The Telvanni Wizard also enjoys eviscerating his opponents in a moment’s notice.
    Fire and Lightning possess the right amount of flair and allow him to easily dispatch

    all enemy types. Impact is taken because he will absolutely not abide anyone getting
    close enough to him to sully his robes.


    Novice, Apprentice, Adept, Expert, Master, Dual Casting, Stability, Atronach

    Paralysis is just too much fun and the Atronach perk lets the Telvanni laugh
    off lowly hedge mages. Dual Casting, Stability and Expert Alteration allow the
    Archwizard to cast Dragonhide and shrug off irritating bandits that attempt to
    distract him from his research.


    Novice, Regeneration, Necromage

    Restoration was never one of House Telvanni’s favored schools. The magelord is
    only interested in this “weak” school because he has heard rumors of its powerful
    salutary effects on vampires. He will of course set out to contract sanguinaire
    vampiris deliberately in order to test this theory.


    Alchemist 5/5, Physician, Benefactor

    Alchemy has always been a magic skill for the Telvanni. He has no idea why the
    ignorant Nords seem to think otherwise. This skill boosts his enchanting and
    spell cost reduction and also fulfills his intellectual curiosity as he traverses the
    land studying the many plants and insects of Skyrim and their magical properties;
    effects highly useful to him such as fortify/restore/regenerate magicka, invisibility,
    paralysis, restore health, resist fire, weakness to elements, and fortify magic school.

    For combat, control the battlefield with your Illusion spells and then summon
    demons and dead bodies to join the fray. Once all the attention has been shifted
    away from you feel free to casually toss around Destruction spells at your leisure.

    Alchemy opens up a lot of great effects for the build. In particular I find the skill
    is underrated in Mage builds despite being traditionally a Magic skill. Stock up
    on Restore Magicka potions, especially early/midgame when your cost reduction
    isn’t very strong yet. Powerful effects like Invisibility and Paralysis are available
    straight out of Helgen, provided you know where to look. Potions that fortify your
    spell schools squeeze out even more productivity from your spells, with Fortify
    Destruction an invaluable effect as it is the only manner in which you can increase
    the potency of Destruction spells once the augmentation perks are taken. Weakness
    to Fire/Shock poisons are also invaluable and stack nicely with Fortify Destruction
    potions. Carry around a dagger for poison application only. You are a proud and
    haughty wizard and have little use for weapons or close range combat.

    Shouts should be collected as they are another extension of your wizard’s magical
    prowess. The most useful are Unrelenting Force and Ice Form as they serve as
    excellent crowd control and keep enemies from getting too close. The irony of a
    racist, xenophobic Dark Elf wizard as the ancient Nord hero is not lost on you, so
    take great joy in arrogantly displaying your Thu’um to every Nord you come across.

    Make completing the College of Winterhold a top priority, not only for the crucial
    Archmage Robes at the end of the questline, but also the nice rewards for mages
    along the way. House Telvanni may have had a mortal feud with the Mage’s Guild in
    Cyrodiil, but the College has no affiliation with the disbanded guild, and where else
    would a Dunmer wizard study in Skyrim?

    Early game can be a little rough for this build as you are forced to use primarily
    Novice spells since higher level spells will be prohibitively expensive. This is where
    Magical Staves come in! I feel like few players really appreciate their usefulness,
    and for the Telvanni Mage low on magic and an in a bind they are invaluable They
    grant us access to powerful spell effects and no Telvanni Mage Lord is ever seen
    very far from their treasured staves. The Staff of Jyrik Gaulderson is a reward for
    the first College quest, a Staff of Paralysis can be found in Snapleg Cave, and The
    Skull of Corruption following an early visit to Dawnstar (and stealing people’s
    dreams to power an evil staff seems right up your alley).

    The Atronach Forge in the Midden underneath the College of Winterhold should also
    be an early destination. Summoning staves can be made with mundane materials
    available early.

    Staff of Flame Atronach: Broom, Fire Salts, Corundum Ingot, Greater (or higher)
    Soul Gem

    Staff of Frost Atronach: Broom, Frost Salts, Refined Moonstone, Greater (or higher)
    Soul Gem

    Staff of Storm Atronach: Broom, Void Salts, Orichalcum Ingot, Greater (or higher)
    Soul Gem

    In fact, the Atronach Forge should be your prime handout spot for most of your
    playthrough. It’s the perfect place for a Telvanni to set up a lab and experiment with
    the items that can be summoned from Oblivion: staves, scrolls, spell tomes, black
    soul gems, daedra hearts, and of course Daedric Gauntlets and Boots to enchant and
    wear with your robes, Divayth Fyr style.

    In addition to the College questline, make sure to complete any quest that involves
    the search for and acquisition of mysterious and lost knowledge, particularly if
    it is of a darker nature. College sidequests like Arniel’s Endeavor and Shalidor’s
    Insights. Hermaeus Mora’s quest is perfect and literally screams Telvanni In fact,
    all of the Daedric quests should be completed. Many of the Telvanni wizards liked
    to decorate their towers with Daedric artifacts and you should be no exception. If
    you’ve never gotten the Oblivion Walker achievement, now is the time.

    For players with Dawnguard, Lost to the Ages is also an exceptional quest for
    this character. Searching for lost Dwemer cities by parsing through old research
    notes, solving dangerous riddles in the quest for a secret and ancient material of
    incomprehensible magical power? Yes please. For your reward, be sure to pick up
    the Aetherial Staff. Now you can add Dwarven automatons to your list of summons.
    Perfect too since your House Telvanni Stronghold in Morrowind had Dwemer
    Centurions guarding the entrance

    You will obviously want to do the Distant Memories quest as it illuminates the fatal
    fall of your House. Feel free to be massively disappointed by the “final” heir to
    House Telvanni, Brand Shei, and I rather enjoyed tormenting him with Fear spells
    as punishment for his pitiful lack of magical prowess and horrible representation of
    the House.

    Brelyna Maryon is the only acceptable follower, as it seems she is also a de facto
    member of the dismantled House Telvanni. Feel free to treat her as your lowly
    research aide and instruct her to carry your books, fetch your potions, and serve as
    a meat shield distraction while you cast Invisibility. Since most Telvanni love their
    solitude, she may be better off serving as your Steward back home where she can
    guard your prodigious book collection, potion stockpile, and hoard of useful dead

    Never forget that you have an ego the size of Vvardenfell and make sure this shines
    through in all of your roleplaying choices. Other characters don’t exist to you unless
    they can serve some purpose: a body to thrall, a soul to extract. If anybody does
    try to talk to you, be as terse and rude as possible. Tell the Companions that their
    existence is a waste of time, point out to the aspiring mage that his ineptitude is
    painfully obvious to you etc. All radiant quests should be promptly denied unless it
    promises some unique benefit to you.

    The Telvanni were staunch defenders of the Dunmer right to own slaves, so by all
    means treat Khajiit and Argonians as second-class citizens and unworthy of your
    presence. In fact, once you have brushed up on the lore since your absence, all
    Argonians are your mortal enemies. Soul trap and murder them and then thrall
    their naked bodies and parade them through the streets to show that you mean

    Many of the Telvanni possess eccentric behaviors and you should choose a quirk
    for your character, such as an obsession with a certain useless clutter like bowls,
    cabbage, or linen wraps. Be sure to act rashly and display an enormous and
    unpredictable temper at the most trivial events.


    With the new DLC only hours away we are likely in store for some juicy additions
    to a Telvanni build. Mushroom towers are already confirmed in the trailer as
    well as Hermaeus Mora’s realm. The Apocrypha, described as an endless library
    of “forbidden” knowledge haunted by ghosts sounds like a Telvanni’s favorite place
    to explore and acquire new knowledge and powers. New spells are likely also in
    store, most likely including more summons. Who knows, we might get really lucky
    and be able to join some version of House Telvanni, loot unique Telvanni equipment,
    or even build our very own mushroom tower! I will continue to update the build as
    I play through Dragonborn in the next couple of days and will also be added special
    moves in the near future.

    Thanks to all the excellent build architects for inspiring me to share some of my
    own, and to Google for these great images!

  • Member
    December 4, 2012

    u should of waited for today

  • December 4, 2012

    Great work!

    I have a similar character whit a complex backstory that involves the House Redoran and Divayth Fyr, so he can wield a 2H wep with heavy armor, but dislikes necromancy and alchemy. 

    Their goal in Skyrim was to seek clues about Brand-Shei, Brelyna Maryon and the Azura Star.

    finally, I agree, Brand-Shei is.... meh!

  • Member
    December 4, 2012

    Very nice! Can't wait to beat the final boss of Dragonborn & take his gear so that my character can use it against his enemies. I've always wanted to play as a Dunmer mage & now I have the chance. 

  • December 4, 2012
    I protest the inclusion of the Thalmor in dark sorcery!
  • Member
    December 5, 2012


    Yeah, I have been thinking about making Redoran and Hlaalu builds as well.

  • Member
    December 5, 2012

    I don't know.  They have definitely been typecast as the "evil wizards" of Skyrim.

  • Member
    December 9, 2012

    Nice, but beginning game is VERY VERY hard

    I was never using staves till now, now it is time to start with it

  • Member
    December 9, 2012

    Hey, nice storyline and information on the morrowind culture. However, here's my gripe with this build... on master diffculty, the levelling process is as important as the end game result.

    Given how you have made 0 cost based enchanting the core of your build, this poses several problems when levelling. There is no way that I can think off that you would be able to level normally in your skill (ie: destruction), without using high damage based spells to level.

    Staves could work, but on master, they appear rarely and only at certain junctures in game (usually in the dawnguard questline of falmers, dragonborn questline of falmers and some early bosses like Jyrik and Dawnbreaker and Azura's star questline). Needless to say, to defeat morokei himself, it will take more than just a Lighting staff or flames.

    Also, keep in mind that staves, while useful, only server to fill in a gap that is imposed by the mechanics of a build or an interim solution till a particular skill level is reached. To use staves in late game when you're already versed in the specific school's spells would not make sense at al (Especially with the 0 cost build like yours)

    Therefore, unless you have specifics combination (or combos) in mind, the only way i can see someone level through this would be legally exploiting the levelling process. This would include:

    • Smithing + enchant power levelling - Gets enchants up really right fast and makes profit
    • Illusion Power levelling - 0 cost illusion gear + muffle spell
    • Restoration Power levelling - Equilibrium spell + Healing spells up to adept level heals
    • Alteration Power levelling - 0 cost alteration gear + telekinesis spell
    • Destruction power levelling - 0 cost destruction and Restoration gear (Extra Effect perk) - Companions questline where vilkas tests you out. Spray flames on him and progress in spell difficulty until you reach intended level. Since he will be hitting you, it would be best if you heal yourself to tank damage.

    Honestly, this is the only way I think you build for progression is even viable... if else, levelling in these schools especially destruction will be painfully slow, due to the amount of schools you have to juggle.

    In fact, without so much as on the lore background, just to ensure everyone has an idea on the game mechanics of a build, I will be creating a dark mage build soon enough... perhaps it would showcase the progression level skills + end game. 

    Please do reach out to me if you wanna talk more on this. We can have an in depth discussion to help improve certain aspects of build making.


  • Member
    December 9, 2012
    Im gonna try this out tonight, seems exciting