Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: The Fire Rabbit

Tags: #Mods  #Character Build: Healer  #Character Build: Warrior  #Race: Khajiit  #Character Build: Elementalist  #Character Build: Enchanter  #Hasir 
  • Member
    October 1, 2019


    This is build is based off the chinese zodiac of the same name. This build takes all of the traits that the fire rabbit posesses and the personality and attempts to morph this into a fun and believable character for the world of Skyrim. The fire rabbit is known to be a quiet and calm individual with a fiery temper. One does not see the temper of a fire rabbit until it is too late.




    Qing was born in a small cottage on the island of Valenwood to a khajiit father and a bosmer mother. He was a quiet child, never getting into any trouble. His father, a lungaris married a Bosmer woman, they knew that mixed racial marriages were not allowed in Valenwood, but they did not care. All the knew was that they were happy, and that was enough for them.

    One day when Qing was in the back room, sleeping in his crib, the father, whose name was Xiang said to Valia, his mother, in hushed tones so as to not wake their son, "Valia, someone once told me that it's the quiet ones who always have that explosive anger and they always seem to get into trouble even when they try their hardest to avoid it." Valia, who was sitting at the kitchen table reading "The Wood Elf Wander," a newspaper that Xiang had subscribed to months earlier.

    "That person might be right dear," She said, looking up from her paper. "What we need is to have Qing interact with kids his own age, even if they are bosmer." She looked back and the paper until she found an ad for a local school called high tree academy, "This is perfect, we should enroll Qing right away, you know what they say, the earlier the better right?" She looked up at him and smiled.

    A few years passed, and Qing was around school age and his parents took him to buy supplies that he would need at his new school. The first day of school came and Qing's parents drove him since the school was around the corner. Qing moved quickly up the steps and waved to his parents, they waved back and spurred the horse to life and drove the carriage towards their home. 

    That night, Shiang and Valia were sitting enjoying a cup of juniper leaf tea when the door to the hut opened, Xiang looked to see that it was Qing. Something was wrong, though, he had bruises on most of his body and face and his new miner's shirt was ripped. Valia turned her head and immediately, her hand hurried to her mouth and her pupils were magnified two times their normal size, "Oh my...what happened?" His mother asked as she ran and embraced him.

    "Mom, it was terrible, at first everything was going fine, until at one point during my class. someone had the guts to remark how could I be the offspring of a mixed marriage between a khajiit and a bosmer?" He stopped, tears rolling down his cheeks, "It all went down hill from there, kids would call me names like spawn of Mehrunes Dagon and mistake baby." He sobbed into his mother chest. He looked up into her blue eyes with his tear-streaked brown ones, "I did not know what to do, the faculty could not help me though they tried. I got so mad inside that I cast fire storm without thinking and blew up half the classroom. "I hate being quiet, I wish I could speak up!" He half sobbed, half yelled.

    This put his mother in a tough spot, did she punish him? or let him have his wish? She looked at him, "Look son, I know you hate that school, you don't have to go back."  She wiped his tears away with her sleeve. Just then, his father came into the room, "What happened?" He asked. Valia filled him in. He knelt down on one knee and faced Qing. "Look, son, you're a fire rabbit and what you did is characteristic of how fire rabbits handle things. They bottle all their rage up inside until they explode." Qing began to cry more.

    "Listen to me, you did nothing wrong, you are no different from the other children." He shrugged, "and if they can't see that then they are really insecure about themselves," He shook his head, "It is not something to be ashamed about; if you want to change schools than I am fine with that." He looked at his son and smiled.

    That night, Xiang and Valia were at the kitchen table talking, "Valia, I have a brother and sister who live among other khajiit, we can send him there." Shiang tried to protest, but eventually warmed up to the idea. The next morning, they called Qing down, "Son, your mother and I have decided to let you live with your aunt Xing and uncle Guanji on an island southeast of here." Qing began to ask if everyone they is like him. "Yes, everyone is like you, now go upstairs and pack, a boat will be here any minute. He packed as quick as he could. I can't believe it, an island with my own kind he thought, within seconds, he finished packing and went downstairs. His father was in a carriage waiting for him. He waved goodbye to his mother and climbed into the carriage and within minutes, they were at the harbor, Xiang loaded Qing and his bags onto a ferry, gave him a hug. and rode back to his home.

    It only took the ferry five minutes to reach the island. Qing retrieved his stuff and headed for his aunt's house. Over the years, his uncle taught him how to speak up for himself through speech training. She also taught him how to control his anger through some deep breathing exercises and destruction magic training. His uncle also taught him to defend himself from other with some swordmanship training. 

    When they felt he was well in control of his anger and adept at speaking up for himself, they booked a ferry that will bring him to Skyrim.



    Name: Qing (pronounced King)

    Race: Khajiit

    Stats: 3:4:1

    Stand Stone: The Shadow

    Apparel: Robe of Avoidance (Red Byzantine Robe enchanted with fortify destruction and magicka regen and resist magic)

    Weapons: Trueflame, Unyielding Fire (Valenwood Warbow enchanted with fiery soultrap)

    Spells: Wall of Fire, Incendiary Flow, Firebolt, Summon Fire Atronach, Burning Hands

    Shouts: Fire Breath, Whirlwind Sprint, Marked For Death, Become Ethereal

    Major Skills: Enchanting, One Handed, Archery

    Minor Skills: Destruction, Speech 

    Confidance Boosterwerewolf form


    Qing, the calm but occasionally explosive fire rabbit

     Archery - The fire rabbit knows how to hone in on the important things in life

     Destruction - The fire rabbit is a kind, quiet soul. You better run if you should ever get them mad, Things could get ugly fast

      Enchanting - The rabbit has a sharp mind and can put it to anything even enchanting items

    One Handed - the rabbit is fiercely loyal to his friends, you will feel his blade if you hurt one of them

     Speech - the rabbit can take time to warm up to those he likes, but, once he does, he can be quite a chatterbox when he gets to know those people

    Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim- this mod opens the door to a realm of endless possibilty for the fire rabbit

    Aurora - Standing Stones of Skyrim - this mod alters Skyrim's standing stones. it also mean endless possibilities for a fire rabbit

    Byzantine Imperial - Chainmail and Scale Armor - this mod is where the khajiit gets his signature robe which also symbolizes the fire's rabbit's need to protect those he loves and his desire to avoid confilcts

    True Trueflame and Hopesfire - this mods adds two weapons from Morrowind to Skyrim. The fire rabbit uses his innate sense of duty and his fiery spirit to light this sword flame


    Qing's aunt and uncle


    Against bandits forsworn, highwaymen and bounty hunters, Qing uses his become ethereal shout or teleport ability gained from the shadow stone from the Aurora mod to either become invisible and snaek behind the target or teleport behind his target and slit their throats. 

    Against dragon priest and mages, Qing uses his bow unyielding fire with its fiery soul trap enchantment to trap their souls, or lack of one, into a soulgem while burning their body to ash. If that doesn't work he then uses Trueflame to ignite their soul aflame while it is still in the body.

    Against huge creatures like dragons, frost trolls, trolls and giants, he uses either dragonrend and trueflame (For dragons or his Confidance Booster form to deal with the rest (trolls, giants and frost trolls). He can also frego the confindance booster and fire away with Unyielding Fire or his Trueflame sword. The Ordinator mod really helps with all battles the Fire Rabbit will face.

    The Furocious Strength mod symbolizes the rabbit's rarely sgow ferocious side as he is mostly quiet and reserved. Once enraged though, he uses the WindsweptFalling Sword and Clash of Champions perks to crush his enemies if they ever harm or think about harming his friends. The fire rabbit like to keep to himself mostly,  once he is provoked, though, he can be an utter terror to behold with his Disciplined fighter perk.

    Qing's father Xiang (pronounced Shiang)

    When Qing exits Helgen, he goes to Riverwood to start the Main Quest. Then, after starting the main quest, he goes to Whiterun to join up with The Companions to help with his combat avoidance issues. After he does this, he goes to Solitude, both to join The Imperial Legion and to start the Destroy the Dark Brotherhood quest. When he is done there, Qing goes to Winterhold to find a way to control his anger issues at The College Of Winterhold.



    Main Quest - Qing undertakes this quest in order to deal with speaking up more. A trouble for any fire rabbit 

    College of Winterhold - this quest helps Qing control his explosive anger by releasing it in a positive way by helping him release it in a very productive way

    The Companions - this quest is to help Qing with being assertive and resolving conflicts, either peacefully or if need be, violently. These are two qualities a fire rabbit lacks as they can shy away from conflict or assertion

    Destroy The Dark Brotherhood - a fire rabbit does not kill if told to do so, if he can avoid bloodshed in an arguement or conflict, he will almost always choose that way.

    The Imperial Legion - the fire rabbit mostly avoids conflicts, but, will join a side if there is good cause to the disagreement and if his friends are being threatened.

    Constructive Criticism is Appreciated

  • October 3, 2019

    Hmm, again my main issue here is the lack of...explanation or elaboration on how you've used Ordinator. It's such an interesting mod with so many options, and while you've got the Perks here (as opposted to the Great White Wolf) it sort of feels like something you've just thrown on the build. I'd really like to see a gameplay section that rivals the backstory in length, because you've got a really interesting character, I just think the build around it isn't really up to the same level of quality. 

    I will say, definitely enjoyed the backstory here, Qing is a pretty interesting character and the story was nice to read :)