Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: The Burglar

Tags: #Character Build Thief  #Character Build Unarmored  #Character Build Unarmed  #Rank:Legendary  #Hall of Fame Build 
  • June 13, 2012

    A passive role-play build .   I've played a passive character in both Morrowind and Oblivion - but I've yet to do it in Skyrim.  Looks like it's about time.

    Lockpicking perks!  - This build absolutely requires it.  ( I can imagine hearing  'a now inactive member' whining that you wasted x number of perks, and ...  )

    I always have 'goals' for my characters.  A good goal: 100k acheivement - (During a play-through, I quit 'selling' my loot at some point, placing it all in chests with the intention to sell later; but I never do). 

  • June 13, 2012

    Awesome build, guaranteed to do this next time I pop the game in. One question: what do we do in regard of the main quest?

  • June 13, 2012

    Pretty nice build, but one question. Sense you will be making tons of gold on this build, what would you use the money on? If you aren't going to be really the "assassination" type of Thief, what is there to buy that can be used effectively? Because from first hand experience, having a lot of gold isn't really that fun unless you can buy things that you want with it. 

  • June 13, 2012

    This is godamn awesome, I remember talking about an argonian version with you but your build is way more effective than my idea man, very nice job it's exactly the kind of build I'm looking for, designed for people who want to enjoy the game as it is supposed to be, thanks for posting it I will start it asap! A nice way to play it is without using the load function, trying your best to be a skilled thief or going to jail for failing :p

  • Member
    June 13, 2012

    Haha, I got lazy on my first character after buying breezehome and getting about 30k gold - I had a 'stuff I want to keep' chest and 'stuff I can't be bothered selling' chest! When I finally decided to sell it I made about 50k gold...

  • Member
    June 13, 2012

    I highly suggest you don't start it, you won't be able to take on a Dragon with no combat skills and no self-healing besides Alchemy, unless you use like 20 potions.

  • Member
    June 13, 2012

    Training, of course! There's Sneak and Lockpicking master trainers in the thieves guild (then again you can just pickpocket your training gold back). I didn't really plan on buying anything besides a house, but if you do need to go into a fight you could always use it to buy supplies (weapons, armor, potions) for a follower.

  • Member
    June 13, 2012

    Yeah at the start of the game I was raping quicksave while pickpocketing people, but once you get to about Light Fingers 2 you'll have 90% success on pretty much everything. I think I was pickpocketing Maven Black-Briar (she has some good stuff!) while she was sleeping, got caught and ran for my life!

  • June 13, 2012

    Haha that sounds awesome, I have started mine 10 minutes ago, still level 2, the game is paused atm i'm going through embershard mine, barelly started and already have 1000+ gold from the general guy at riverwood :O. Got caught by Hilde pickpocketing 25 bounty on me right now lol.

  • June 13, 2012
    My character is a dirt faced, skinny imperial with ragged robes on. I haven't had this much fun playing skyrim in a while.