Forums » Elder Scrolls

Watching Others....

    • 577 posts
    April 4, 2012 6:52 AM EDT

    So I hung out with my buddy yesturday, went fishing, caught a big ass catfish and made it home in time for his kids, ages 12, 10, and 6 to get home from school. The 12 and 10 are Skyrim fans and I always like to talk shop with them when I visit every blue moon. I even brought over my guide to let the borrow it and it was like Chritsmas to them. They loved it! So I ask them to fire up the game so I could check out their characters and watch them play. drove me crazy how these guys play the game!!! They totally power hard through it. Never explore, don't open anything, I can tell they're really not paying attention to what NPC's are saying, etc. They've seen some youtube action and have looked up items/weapons and "want them soooo badly" and ask me how. I try and tell them what they have to go through and it seems to just go straight over there head. I get this look "that seems too much work, is there an easier way?"

    I keep my gaming privite (live alone). Even when I have friends over and they want to see me play, it makes me feel unconfortable. lol I don't know why. Especially with Skyrim (I can bust in a round of mw3 just for fun. Mind you these are usually non-gamer friends and their attention span for this is minimal). Makes me feel rushed and I have to play rushed in which I don't like to.

    Tell me your thoughts on watching others play. Does it bother you? Years ago I use to watch a good friend play DukeNukem, Doom and DarkForces and throughly enjoy it, but it was like "we" were both playing it. Thinking alike....

    note-My buddie's kid let me play a little with one of his characters and of course I was looting, checking everything and sneakin'. Drove him up the wall. All he could say was "go, go, go!!! what are you doing! kill something!!" LOL But hey, everyone plays different!


    • 342 posts
    April 4, 2012 7:03 AM EDT

    omg yes! i really can't stand watching others play (co-op multiplayer are no probs though) my hands are just itching the entire time to yank the controller off them and i have a constant chant in my head "you're doing it wrong, no go that way, go back and pick that up, omg i so can't believe you missed that, argh argh argh" its really quite distracting to myself and quite bad behaviour :(

    on the other hand I don't mind people watching me play but i seem to find myself 'toning it down' around others. in shooters i'm usually shouting my head off at the screen whooping and raging (all in fun not the "i want chocolate milk kinda way) and platformers I'm usually bitching at the character for jumping oddly off the ledge and causing them to die. all this cheering/involving has to be done in my head just gives me headaches.

    • 297 posts
    April 4, 2012 7:08 AM EDT

    it's kinda strange ,

    i know what you mean my friends come over whenever i get a new game and refuse to have a go they like watching me play and not just skyrim but other story driven titles like mass effect aswell,

    when i say "make a character and have a go" they say no im fine watching you, probably because i dont rush and i game as if i were living the moment or playing a movie,i dunno hard too explain

    all i know is when i see other people playing it takes everything i have not too wrassle the control and play my way lol

    but i never do i stay quite

    • 577 posts
    April 4, 2012 7:18 AM EDT

    Hahaha!! NIce!! Yeah, I get self conciences when people around me, but then again, these people don't game and my gamer friends are like "yeah, that's cool. Done that, blah, blah". If anything, they'll just want to see my "stats". lol With my nongamer friends I think I have to sell them the game or something and they don't see the hype. lol Screw them!!! ha!

    But yeah, oh man the thoughts race through my head on "what they should be doing" It's maddening I tell you! lol

    • 577 posts
    April 4, 2012 7:22 AM EDT

    That's cool. You seem laid back, don't mind an audience. Maybe thrive off it. lol I always feel this presure to "perform" when playin in front of others. It's ridiculous!!

    • 342 posts
    April 4, 2012 7:24 AM EDT

    yeah I'm really not a team player unless the other members aren't in the same room e.g online gaming.

    • 297 posts
    April 4, 2012 7:26 AM EDT

    well i dunno about pressure i dont think i have ever felt that around my friends in general lol,

    maybe this is something deep-seeded ty,

    tell me what was you relationship like with your father?...

    • 577 posts
    April 4, 2012 7:30 AM EDT

    oh yeah, for sure....right there wit'cha. I've done split screen over at this guys house and couldn't deal. Not for the fact that we were in the same rooom, just that it sucks looking at. I'm like "call me when I get home, we'll play then, this is lame!" ha!

    • 426 posts
    April 4, 2012 7:31 AM EDT

    Exaqctly like my bro he doesnt pay attention at all. Romps through just to get the shiny trinkets at the end lol

    • 577 posts
    April 4, 2012 7:34 AM EDT

    hahahaha!!! awesome!! I come here for Mental Health. You may be on to something!

    • 297 posts
    April 4, 2012 7:37 AM EDT

    first session is for free the next one will be by the hour

    • 426 posts
    April 4, 2012 7:45 AM EDT

    It really doesnt bother me people watching. In fact me and my mate have watched each other play through whiole games before. Its a complete experience being an observer but Im like titan I have to bite my tongue and sit on my hands to stop me taking over. Although those rules don't apply to my younger brother. I just corrects things lol

    • 426 posts
    April 4, 2012 7:45 AM EDT

    You'll need more than a hour session chief lol

    • 342 posts
    April 4, 2012 7:47 AM EDT

    yeah my "correcting things" with my siblings is to yank the controller :P family doesn't get the uber polite gaming me, i'm only semi-nice.

    • 12 posts
    April 4, 2012 7:47 AM EDT

    ummmm... what do you expect - you said the ages yourself!  I'll now ramble on about kids these days and their lack of attention span / patience... ramble... ramble... ramble... ramble... Set good example... ramble... role-model... ramble...

    • 133 posts
    April 4, 2012 7:49 AM EDT

    I've mentioned before that Skyrim may be played as an action game - albeit a huge and very good one. That damn combat system is simply too good and it invite slashing and burning everyone in front of you. Why talk, when it is so easy to go for the kill?

    I never watch nobody playng and I don't like to be watched. I've grw accostumed to play on my own, after hours, and now I play locked in a room and I make clear I don't want to be disturbed.

    • 297 posts
    April 4, 2012 7:50 AM EDT

    oh absolutely i have 3 brothers and its fair game then , screw those a-holes

    • 577 posts
    April 4, 2012 7:55 AM EDT

    Yeah ricardo!! Here we go! Keepin it real.....Niiiice!

    • 426 posts
    April 4, 2012 7:57 AM EDT

    Lol @ titan I couldn't believe it when I watched my bro the other day. Settings got changed and told him to leave his monster lvl 81 charcter in the box now and start a new one lol

    • 577 posts
    April 4, 2012 7:57 AM EDT

    ah expected. The ol'chime in!!!!

    • 426 posts
    April 4, 2012 7:59 AM EDT

    I have to admit I dont think I have anybody watch me play Skyrim. It has been an on my own game this time round. I dont go as far as Bilal does with the lights off immersion wise but my friends who don't play have no interest in it. They think its some form of sex act when I talk about Skyrim lol

    • 708 posts
    April 4, 2012 8:00 AM EDT

    Haha yeah when my brother is watching me play BF3/Tribes Ascend I swear at the screen constantly! (Mostly at retarded teammates or people using the USAS)

    • 577 posts
    April 4, 2012 8:02 AM EDT

    yeah, I know they're just kids. I wasn't expecting a whole lot. It was all in good fun. They just don't want to work to get a kickass weapon/armor....they want it now!!! hurry, hurry!! Found it amusing, yet a little annoying

    • 426 posts
    April 4, 2012 8:02 AM EDT

    You left yourself wide open for that one dude lol

    • 133 posts
    April 4, 2012 8:04 AM EDT

    It's not like I have a line of people wanting to see me playng the game, but Skyrim is a full imersion game, and people who don't play it have a trend to make stupid questions.