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And then I was rampaged by bugs...

    • 95 posts
    January 30, 2014 3:38 AM EST

    Is it just me, or is it normal? The following happened to me:

    I was on my way to Karthspire because of the Main quest. There is a large camp of Frosworn. Suddenly a Revered Dragon Appeard. The anomaly here is that I was level 36, while (according to UESP) they should appear from level 59. (bug nr1). Once it landed, I great critical charged him with full health (360 or something like that), 580 armor and maximum fire resist, suddenly I died (bug nr2). I reloaded, I killed it, I looted a Daedric Boots of Peerless Stamina (+70). Enchanted Dadric armor pieces should appear as loot from level 49 (not to mention perfectly enchanted...) (bug nr3).

    How is this possible?

    • 338 posts
    January 30, 2014 10:41 AM EST

    I always seem to encounter an over-leveled dragon near the Karthspire where the two bridges fork, so I don't know if this was a bug, or intentionally difficult fight by the developer because you have 2 extra essential NPCs with you if you walk with them.

    • 41 posts
    January 30, 2014 10:43 AM EST
    It's not, usually when you go there, the dragon is a stronger one then the others at your level, and since it was stronger you got the good loot (so yeah basically what Ben said)
    • 95 posts
    January 30, 2014 11:56 PM EST

    Thank you guys  Probably earlier I got there on a lower level and I didn't realize that the dragon was different. Anyway it was worth it, the boots combined with Rahgot...Infinite power attacks...