U.O.T.W. Chapter 295 Journey into the Unknown


    Despite Sotek getting up early and heading virtually straight out the door, except for a slight detour so he could pick a few choice apples for his breakfast, it wasn’t until late morning that he had completed his rounds. Eorlund had been paid for the leathers and some extra gold for the work on Arcadia’s door, Arcadia had been compensated for the supplies which he had used, and he even managed to give some gold to Adrianne for her supplies and time. As he walked up the steps from the market, he paused then looked back at the shops. Satisfied that everything was once again in order, he headed back inside Jorrvaskr.


    “All is well with the world I hope?” Kodlak asked without even bothering to look up from a book he was reading.


    “Yes Harbinger. I’ve sorted everything out with the traders, and I’ve even got the three hundred gold to give back to Aela”. Sotek said with a slight smugness to his voice. If the truth were to be told, he was feeling smug. All the hassle he seemed to be in with everyone had been settled and he felt free. There was no need to watch his back and avoid anyone within Whiterun’s walls.


    Kodlak raised an eyebrow as he mentally counted the gold Sotek had given to the traders.
    “And what does that leave you with?”


    With a weary smile on his face, Sotek replied.
    “Empty pockets”. He then walked over to the table and picked up two apples and a flask of water. Over the next five minutes, Sotek sat on his and Aela’s step eating them.


    A good half hour later, Aela and the others started entering the hall. Aela looked far worse than the others, her hair was all matted and she left her boots downstairs. She slumped down next to Sotek then collapsed in his arms.
    “Hold me”.


    He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.
    “Wow, you’re rough. Sasha, how are you feeling?”


    Aela instantly cringed as she slapped his leg.
    “Stop shouting! By Hircine you’re noisy. Speaking of him… When are we gonna go hunt a deer?”


    Sotek smirked as he looked across the hall to the others. The only one who didn’t look too bad was Ebony.
    “Well I thought that as Kul-et and Veezara are heading off to Riverwood that we could travel together. From there we’ll head west to Cyrodiil pass. No doubt that the three of us could go hunting on route”.


    Aela’s eyes lit up as she called over to Sasha.
    “Nothing cures a hangover like a nice piece of bloodied venison torn right out of a fresh deer’s carcass”.


    Ebony and Kul-et both groaned as they had visions of Red smothered in blood, chewing on a piece of meat. Kul-et held her hand over her mouth. “Shut up, Aela please. Oh, Harbinger, I’m gonna be sick”. Five seconds later she threw her chair back then ran downstairs, rapidly followed by Ebony.


    Aela laughed as she watched them, she still felt light headed herself, but the laughter made her feel somewhat better. Sotek gave her a quick nudge then offered her his flask, which she took a big swig of. After a few more mouthfuls she was ready to face the day. Sotek then took her hand and gently outstretched her fingers. She felt a heavy pouch placed in her palm. She examined it as curiosity got the better of her.
    “What’s this?”


    “Your gold, three hundred to be exact”.


    Aela refused it point blank and put it back on Sotek’s belt.
    “No, you keep it. I’m ok, but you’re not. And you had better not argue, else I’ll get a fork”.


    He gave her a light squeeze as he held her in one arm.
    “Ok, thank you”.


    She leant over to him then gave him a loving kiss.
    “You don’t have to say thanks, we’re in it together”.


    Just then Kul-et and Ebony re-entered the hall. Sotek called over to the group.
    “Check your gear we’ll be leaving soon. Sasha, the Harbinger wants to see you in the infirmary”.


    “Why in there?” She asked as she stopped mid step.


    “That’s where we keep our supplies. He’ll want to check what potions you have”.


    While Sasha saw the Harbinger, the others all checked their packs. Soon afterwards, Kul-et and Veezara were waiting in the hall for the others. Sotek entered the hall from the training area carrying a pack. He dumped it on the table then pulled out a ring from one of its pouches. He pocketed the ring then passed the pack to Veezara.
    “There’s a few bits for the shop there. It’s nothing special, just a few daggers I made and an odd assortment of jewellery. When I get the chance, I’ll bring some more stuff to you to try to sell”.


    As Veezara lifted the pack he was somewhat surprised at the weight of it. He managed to pull it over his shoulders, but then he stopped as he looked over to Sotek.
    “Hmm? What? Why? Why are you doing this? I’m sorry it doesn’t make sense. We all know you’re skint. You haven’t got a single gold coin to your name so why do this? You know you can sell this stuff and make a profit. So, tell me, why?”


    Sotek stopped what he was doing then turned and looked at Kul-et, a second later he walked up to Veezara.
    “Because you need help, Kul-et needs help, and the Companions are in a position to help. That’s what we try to do, help”.


    Sotek then went over to Aela who was leaning against a pillar listening in on their conversation.
    “Hey, you ready?”


    “Yep, here comes Sasha”. As she spoke she pointed to the infirmary where Sasha had just exited and was now heading towards them.


    Sotek gave the group one quick glance over then called out to them all.
    “Everyone ready? Then let’s go”.


    But just as they headed through the door, Aela suddenly stopped then literally ran back to her room.
    “I’ve forgot something, hold up”.


    Kul-et watched Aela head off downstairs.
    “What’s she gone to get?”


    Sotek shrugged his shoulders as he sat on a step and waited for her to return.
    “I’ve no idea”.


    Within a few minutes she came back upstairs.
    “Sorry about that, I’m good to go”.


    Sotek smirked at her, then headed off outside.
    “There’s always one. And it’s always you”.


    Aela gave him a playful shove as she followed behind.
    “Don’t start on me lizard”.


    Sotek laughed then hissed back at her, shaking his head as he spoke.


    By late afternoon they arrived at Riverwood. Aela stopped outside the shop as she examined it.
    “Do you and Kodlak really own this shop?”


    “Ermm, no. The Companions do. What I need, or rather what the Harbinger requires for this to work, is the Whelps and Companions to see to it that a regular supply of gear is bought to it. No doubt if we bring the wares to Jorrvaskr, Veezara and Kul-et would transfer the items back here. The Harbinger is organising a chest in Jorrvaskr hall for items for selling. Veezara will once a week come and collect the gear”.


    Aela smiled as she looked over the shop.
    “Well that shouldn’t be too hard. It’s just an extra gem or weapon. We could even get a few extra furs from when we go out on the plains”.


    Sotek gave her a light squeeze as he held her in his arm.
    “Now that’s an idea, why not”.


    Soon afterwards, Sotek, Aela and Sasha said their goodbyes then headed off once more. They took the road towards Falkreath, but within ten minutes Aela started getting restless.
    “Come on, when can we go hunting. Look, there’s deer over there”.


    Sotek couldn’t help but smile as he watched Aela get more and more wound up with frustration.
    “Not yet, soon enough. Here, you can take point”.


    “Aww for howling out loud”. She headed off in front, while Sotek discretely fell back slightly. He nodded to Sasha, then the pair of them changed without howling. The next second, Aela was shoved to the side as the two werewolves run off, chasing the two deer. “You bastards!” She yelled as she changed herself. Quicksilver caught her deer and promptly started feasting off it, but Scarface hung back slightly from his target. Red soon caught up and took over the hunt. Red swiped out at the deer and sent it tumbling along the ground, then within a second Red was eating her kill. Scarface stood over her and watched until she moved towards the ribs of the dead deer allowing Scarface to feed off the hind legs. A few minutes later, they stood up to full height as they both examined their surroundings, then once again they were away.


    As Scarface led, he kept to the riverbank. Within ten minutes of hard running, they found themselves near Lakeview Manor. Scarface turned up the rocky slope which formed part of the mountain range that served as a border between Skyrim and Cyrodiil. He sniffed around the manor for a few minutes until he was satisfied that it was undisturbed then they headed off once again towards the south, heading to Falkreath.


    Red howled out and broke into a run, rapidly followed by Scarface and Quicksilver, who struggled to keep up. Red charged past a small pond which laid just to the south of the manor then brutally thundered into a pack of wolves. The first wolf was killed instantly as her initial attack sent it crashing into a tree as she threw it in the air. She bit down hard at the back of the second wolf. It yelped in pain as her fangs tore into it and shattered it's spine. Quicksilver engaged the last wolf, splattering blood everywhere as she landed a torrent of blows against it.


    Scarface just stood over them both, watching out for any signs of enemies while the other two fed. From there they followed the path towards Falkreath, but soon found their way blocked by two wooden platforms. The makeshift towers had a walkway, connecting them together. Two bandits stood on sentry, one on each tower. Scarface stopped and moved off the road before they could be spotted. Then he led them through the undergrowth as they made their way towards the targets. Red darted across the path then headed towards the other bandit on the far tower. From there, she waited for Scarface’s signal, while her mouth dripped with saliva as she hungered for the kill.


    A howl broke the forest tranquillity like a thunderclap, then moments after, they attacked. Red swiped out at her bandit, slicing the chest armour into pieces then she gripped the bandit by the shoulders, causing him to scream as his shoulders were crushed. A second later, he dangled like a rag doll in her paws as she bit savagely into his neck.


    Scarface simply threw his prey off the platform. Quicksilver watched the bandit’s body smash into the other tower. The bandit fell to the ground, fifty feet below, amongst the sounds of breaking bones. Scarface jumped down to a ledge then launched himself into the air. He landed with a horrendous thump as he hit the ground. Moments later, he tore into the corpse. Now that the route was clear, they continued along the path until it split. One path, the one which led to Falkreath, ran down a slope. Scarface looked down the path for a few seconds then turned towards the path which ran further up the mountainside. Both Quicksilver and Red were equally thankful that the conditions were far better than when they traversed the Seven Thousand Steps. Here, there was no snow what so ever, just lush undergrowth and plenty of trees.


    Sotek changed back. He nodded to the other two, informing them that it was time they changed back as well.
    “We’re close, in a few minutes we’ll be out of Skyrim and entering Cyrodiil”.


    As they walked along the path, the border gatehouse came into view. Six imperial soldiers stood on guard, protecting the border. Sotek couldn’t help but expect some problems, but they recognised him and Aela straight away.
    “Hey, it’s the Companions. Hail there, how goes your travels?”


    “Hi, we’re heading to Cyrodiil”.


    The sergeant looked immediately concerned.
    “But, surely you’re not leaving before this rebellion is sorted out?”


    Sotek gave his reassurances, stating that they wouldn’t be in Cyrodiil for too long.
    “We’ll be back in a few days, if not sooner. Trust me, I haven’t even started with Ulfric yet”.


    As they passed the gate, Sotek noticed Aela had stopped. He turned around to face her and saw that she was troubled.
    “What’s wrong?”


    She looked back at the mountains, then turned to look at Sotek.
    “Jorrvaskr’s my home, but so is Skyrim. I’ve lived my whole life in Skyrim”.


    Sotek walked up to her then held her tightly in his arms.
    “Oh Aela, I’m going to take you all over Tamriel. Cyrodiil, Morrowind, maybe not Black Marsh though, I have no intentions to go there. That infernal swamp is dead to me. Wherever we go, I promise you three things. I’ll always love you, I’ll always take care of you, and I’ll always bring you back home”.


    Aela wrapped her arms around him as he held her.
    “Come on, I’m being silly”.


    Sotek smiled as he spoke softly.
    “No, you’re not. You’re being you.You like to wander in your territory”.


    Aela gave him a smile then walked past the gatehouse.
    “Well, we’re way outside my territory now. Come on, let’s have a look. Let’s see what Cyrodiil’s all about”.





7 Comments   |   Ebonslayer and 6 others like this.
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  July 22, 2018
    Well, into Cyrodiil now. Curious to see what you do with it. 
  • A-Pocky-Hah!
    A-Pocky-Hah!   ·  July 22, 2018
    Did you plan the whole Cyrodiil arc before or after the release of Beyond Skyrim: Bruma? You know you could get some screenshots of Bruma if you have that mod.
    Also like Shadow Host, I'll be keeping an eye out on these next few chapters. I know you ...  more
    • Sotek
      Did you plan the whole Cyrodiil arc before or after the release of Beyond Skyrim: Bruma? You know you could get some screenshots of Bruma if you have that mod.
      Also like Shadow Host, I'll be keeping an eye out on these next few chapters. I know you take s...  more
        ·  July 22, 2018
      Ahhh yes, the mod.

      I did have a look at this but as everyone  nows U.O.T.W. is an on going story and I have story plots leading all over Cyrodiil so I thught it best to keep to Oblivion play for Bruma to keep to authentisity? this make...  more
  • Karver the Lorc
    Karver the Lorc   ·  July 22, 2018
    So we finally leave Skyrim and venture into Cyrodiil. I'm curious how you going to tackle it. I'll be watching you ;)
    • Sotek
      Karver the Lorc
      Karver the Lorc
      Karver the Lorc
      So we finally leave Skyrim and venture into Cyrodiil. I'm curious how you going to tackle it. I'll be watching you ;)
        ·  July 22, 2018
      Haha  and I'm dreading your eye on me just as much....
  • Ebonslayer
    Ebonslayer   ·  July 22, 2018
    It yelped in pain as her fangs tore into it and shattered [its] spine.

    Hail there, [how] goes your travels?”

    I think Aela would love Cyrodiil. Especially the Gold Coast.
    • Sotek
      It yelped in pain as her fangs tore into it and shattered [its] spine.

      Hail there, [how] goes your travels?”

      ...  more
        ·  July 22, 2018
      Oh Gold coast... yes....   Not this time though. Will be back in Cyrodiil a good few times though. Thanks for pointing out the errors.