U.O.T.W. Chapter 215 Midnight Mischief


    Author’s Note: Adult Themes


    Night was into the early hours when Sotek awoke with a start due to a sleeping arm slapping him in the face. Beside him lay the naked form of Aela who was fast asleep and ignorant of the blow she just dealt her mate as she slept. Her armour and loin cloth lay on the ground where they landed from where the two of them tore each other’s clothes off amidst their passionate, feral lovemaking.


    He gently rested his hand on her shoulder and she felt cold to the touch so Sotek got up and built up the fire. He was just as naked as she was but such things failed to concern him. They were alone and the cold meant little. He pulled a fur over Aela’s body, covering her up. Now she was warmer, due to the furs and the built up fire, Sotek moved towards the cave entrance where the night’s chill was strongest.


    The moons were still high in the sky, casting their light upon the surrounding area. As he watched the night’s shadows and shapes twist about, he lifted his head up. There on the night’s breeze he could smell some wolves in the distance. Across the stream, towards the sweet smelling lake there was the unmistakable scent of deer. Sotek played with an idea in his mind, rolling around the possible outcomes. Giving himself a smile, he turned around then went back into the cave.


     He knelt down next to Aela then gently shook her.

    “Aela? Hey, wake up”.


    She stirred and then half opened her eyes. The Huntress never even realised that Sotek was naked. All she knew was that he was up and about. That was something she was fearful off.

    “Huh? What? You’re up? Oh Hircine..... You’re not going are you? Please don’t say you’re going off!”


    He gave her a reassuring hug and as he held her he popped an idea in her head.

    “No I’m not. You know what time it is?”


    “Nope, no idea” Aela then sat up. With a big yawn she stretched out but as she did so Sotek leaned into her stomach and blew a raspberry on her soft skin. She laughed loudly as she shoved him away. “Get off you moron, gaa I’m all wet now”.


    Sotek couldn’t help but laugh as she squirmed under the fur.

    “You were wet before I blew a raspberry on your stomach. It’s early, just a few hours after midnight”.


    His sly comment slipped past unnoticed except for the time reference. She sat up, dropping the fur to her lap.

    “What? What the hell did you wake me up this time of night for?”


    He smiled as he focused on her chest. Aela knew he was staring at her bosom; she screwed her face up although it took him a few seconds to realise she was looking straight at him.

    “Sotek, I’m up here!”


    “Huh? Oh, right. Well, you remember when you said you took Farkas and Vilkas hunting and you left them that deer?”


    “Yes they wouldn’t eat it”. She sulked. Aela eventually crossed her arms across her chest to help Sotek focus on her face.


    The Argonian whined pitifully as the Huntress’s breasts were covered over leaving him little to gawk at. He sat down beside her and cuddled into her torso, pulling her close to him. A sly wink added an air of mischievousness to his words.

    “Scarface does”.


    Aela’s eyes shot wide open then she turned to the cave entrance. In a hypnotic stare she nodded back at him.

    “Yes; he does doesn’t he. But here?”


    “Now who’s being a moron?” Sotek said as he playfully shoved her sideways. “There’s no deer in here. I meant out there, outside, in the moonlight”.


    “The moons are out?” Aela got up, despite the fact that she was naked, and headed to the entrance of the cave. As she stood there looking out across the landscape Sotek moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her. She smiled at him as she held his arms tightly against her body. A few seconds later she pushed his hands away from her. She looked back at her armor and shook her head. “To hell with it, let’s go”.


    “Aren’t we getting dressed first?” Sotek asked as he watched Aela prepare to change her form.


    Aela laughed at him and shook her head.

    “Red and Scarface are covered in fur. They’re not naked you know”. Seconds later she howled as her body stretched out and fur smothered her skin.


    The two werewolves slipped outside the shelter and protection of the cave. They waded through the icy stream to the far bank where they began their hunt.


    Running across the woodland, past the large rocks that dominated the terrain, they made their way to the lake where the scent of deer was at its strongest. Their senses never failed them for by the water’s edge the silhouettes of two deer and a Stag could be easily seen thanks to the werewolf’s strong night vision.


    Red’s paws trod softly on the leaf littered ground as she crept closer towards her prey. The Stag lifted its head up, its eyes scanning the area for any sign of a hunter. Despite Red’s efforts the deer knew it was being stalked. Suddenly Red’s paws pounded in the dirt and rock as she charged forwards causing the stag to bolt along the bank of the lake as fast as it could. It ran for its life but it wasn’t enough; Red caught it up and positioned herself alongside the beast then she simply ran straight into it, tearing and clawing as she did so. The stag barked out but its fate was sealed. It crumpled under the female hunter’s weight. Red’s claws splattered blood upwards as she tore into the carcass, opening it up with minimal effort so she could feed a ravenous hunger.


    Scarface gave chase to a deer. It ran up the hillside, away from the rift but Scarface could climb much faster. His hunt was over in a second, the deer’s spine shattered as he brought his paws crashing down on top of it. Moments after he fed, he followed Red’s trail to the lake. She was just finishing off the stag she had killed then she turned to him and walked over to her mate. Scarface walked alongside her as they followed the lake to the east towards Riften, although in fact Riften was a good few miles away.


    Scarface dropped to all fours then sniffed at the air, giving Red cause to follow suite but she couldn’t smell anything out of the ordinary. Little did she realise that Scarface was sniffing her own scent. A moment later she felt a heavy paw latch onto her hind leg and pull her around. Scarface now stood behind her then he gripped her waist with his other paw. As he mounted her, he growled threateningly at her, warning her not to struggle.


    Her head lowered slightly giving him dominance over her. He forced himself onto her, growling at her as he did so, but as he penetrated her, he was more violent than what she liked. The moment he hurt her, she swung her head back at him and growled, snapping at him with all her spite and ferocity.


    Scarface stopped instantly, not daring to move, and hardly daring to breathe. After a few seconds Red faced forwards again and lowered her head. Only then did Scarface resume mating with her.


    The nights silence was broken by Red’s howling. It was soon joined by Scarface’s own howls. Afterwards they both collapsed onto the ground, both Red and Scarface together. Red was more than happy, she knew full well that although Scarface was bigger and more dominant, he was the Alpha only because she let him be. Despite their size difference and the vast strength he had over her, he accepted it was she that had the control.


    Once Scarface’s energy had recuperated sufficiently, he growled and rose on his hind legs. He stood at full height then sniffed at the night air as his senses probed the night. There to the south, he picked up another scent; the third deer from earlier and it was close by. Red got up and joined him; she could smell it too. Both werewolves as one charged up the hillside, running together as they chased the deer. It tried to run but escape was impossible from two such dedicated hunters. It was soon brought down allowing both Red and Scarface to feed; the two of them sharing the kill.


    As they ate Scarface broke off from eating the corpse and started prowling the area towards the southeast of them. He howled out a long and heavy call then he growled loudly, threatening whatever was there in the trees approaching them.


    Legate Rikke stepped out from the tree line and stared at Red, who was still feeding. As Red Ate, she kept her eyes fixed on Rikke, who herself was now glaring at Scarface. The whole situation became a tangled mess as three sets of eyes flicked from one to another; each one of the three beings wondering who was going to move first.


    Sotek took the initiative and changed his form. He leaned against a tree with his arms folded across his chest only to remember he was naked. He closed his eyes momentarily and cursed Aela for her rashness but there was nothing he could do now. He held his ground, knowing full well it was too late to try and hide anything. He was just grateful it was still night time as that allowed him some degree of modesty.


    Rikke wasn’t happy at all. Initially she never realised Sotek was completely naked until she moved closer. She just presumed he was wearing a loin cloth. She gasped when she realised he had nothing on at all. This never sated her anger though. Turning her back to him she yelled over her shoulder.

    “I’m not even going to ask!! You swore you wouldn’t send any message! If you didn’t then how the hell is she here? Damn it if you were in the legion I’d bloody charge you”.


    Sotek looked a bit concerned but Rikke mistook it for guilt.

    “Your best bet right now Rikke is to be very quiet. She’s not overly happy”.


    “You know damn well you played me! Damn you! What message did you send? Tell me!”


    Sotek shrugged back at her and he found himself having to explain the chain of events a second time.

    “Fair enough; I didn’t send a message. Temba the miller did. You don’t understand? Then I will explain it to you. She told the guards that there was a bear problem in the cave. They sent word to the Harbinger about a bear. He in turn gave the job to Aela, who deals with animal problems. So you see I never sent Aela a message at all. The message sent was about a bear, to the Harbinger”.


    Sotek then turned to Red and warily watched her as she had finished eating. She sniffed at the air then prowled along the ground on all four paws as she made her way slowly yet methodically towards legate Rikke.


    The legion officer backed away a few paces to give herself time should she need to react. Red wasn’t prepared to let her go so easily. She pounced forwards, forcing Rikke back even further until she had her back against a tree. Red lifted herself up and leaned over the legion officer and breathed right into Rikke’s face. The female werewolf growled long and hard at her all the while showing her fangs. Rikke screwed up her face and held her breath from the stench of the blood and deer which tried to overpower her nostrils.


    “By the eights your breath stinks!”


    Aela changed but she still stood her ground. The fact that she was nude meant little. Her blood was up and she could still feel Red’s presence beneath her skin. Her finger tapped against Rikke’s nose, causing her eyes to flick shut.


    “I warn you once and once only; if you ever interfere with my personal life again I will fucking kill you. Now fuck off”.


    Without any warning, Legate Rikke punched Aela full in the face. She fell back a few feet from the shock and found herself sitting on the ground looking up at the officer. Rikke gritted her teeth and snapped back at the Companion, putting her in her place.


    “How you talk to you Harbinger is your business but you certainly don’t talk to me like it. You might have those pissy little drunkards run around behind you like rats but I’m no Whelp. I’ve fought and seen more battles than you’ve hunted deer on the plains little girl”.


    “Little girl? Why you trumped up...” Aela pulled herself up and wiped the blood from her mouth with the back of her hand. She never looked at the blood nor did she seem bothered by the blow. Instead, the Huntress leaned on one leg and rested a hand on her hip and defiantly glared at Rikke whilst trying to decide on a course of action.


    Legate Rikke’s eyes flicked across Aela’s body in an instant. Rikke was the only one dressed; the only one wearing armor let alone clothes and yet it was she who felt uncomfortable. There wasn’t a scrap of cloth between the two werewolf Companions but it was Rikke who felt naked.


    While she tried to gather her thoughts, Aela glanced at Sotek then back at Rikke. The Huntress began weighing things up in her mind as well. With no warning she snapped out and howled as she changed form yet again.


    “Naa, fuck it!”


    Sotek shot forwards and pulled Rikke’s arm, dragging her away from the tree, pulling her over on the ground, out of Red’s way. Red’s paw tore into the tree where Rikke was standing just a second before. Red howled out at her, then turned around and started walking off on all fours.


    Aela changed back then stood up and turned to Sotek. The anger in her eyes was unmistakable.

    “You save her again, I dare you”. She then spat on the ground glaring at the pair of them.


    Sotek stood over Rikke and hissed at her while he stretched out  his arm and offered her his hand to help her up.


    “I told you sshe wouldn’t be happy”.



    Legate Rikke shoved him aside and slapped his hand away so she could get up by herself. She scowled at Aela before turning against Sotek.


    “You assaulted me! That’s a hanging matter. Touch me again and I’ll see you do a short drop jig! I don’t need your help to deal with an overgrown bitch with attitude. While we’re at it, get some bloody clothes on”.  


    “I don’t believe this”. The Argonian grumbled. He moved away from the two women with a mixture of disgust and astonishment regarding their actions. “A bitch with attitude calling out a bitch with attitude. Light the fuse someone and we’ll all run for cover. Screw this; Aela !! Get your sorry ass over here! Rikke, we’ll meet you back at camp in the morning. Hsss”.


    Legate Rikke stood up and dusted herself off. She averted her eyes away from Sotek and Aela. Having little choice she looked back at the direction of the Imperial camp.


    “We? She’s not coming”.


    Sotek pointed to a hateful looking Aela.


    “Fine, you can tell her. She’s over there”.


    Legate Rikke looked over to where Aela was glaring at her and glowered back. Knowing she was in no position to argue as she needed Sotek’s help, she caved in and accepted his terms.


    “Just keep her under control”.


    Sotek groaned and began walking away from her to join his mate.


    “Oh Rikke, that was her under control. You just hope I don’t let her run lose. It’s bad enough with you going ‘full legion’ on me. How in Oblivion do I separate fire from oil?” As an afterthought he took his axes and his bow which Rikke had on her person. “Oh yess, thanks for looking after these”.


    As he approached Aela she threw him her ring, the ring of Hircine. Sotek looked at it then smiled at her.

    “You feeling lazy?”


    “Yess I am” She stated. Once Scarface dropped to all fours Aela mounted up on him and dug her heels into his sides. As they shot off, she asked Scarface a question. “I wonder how fast Rikke can run”.


    Scarface growled at her then headed off to the cave.




13 Comments   |   The Sunflower Manual and 5 others like this.
  • Ebonslayer
    Ebonslayer   ·  August 15, 2017
    The plot armor over Aela is in plain daylight in this chapter. Normally Aela would be sentenced to execution for her actions there, not even Sotek would've been able to stop the inevitable bounty that would go over her head.
    • Sotek
      The plot armor over Aela is in plain daylight in this chapter. Normally Aela would be sentenced to execution for her actions there, not even Sotek would've been able to stop the inevitable bounty that would go over her head.
        ·  August 17, 2017
      I admit this part doesn't stand up well to scrutiny. One issue which I managed to deal with was Rikke appearing too weak. As for the 'proper' consequences, rather than what I have planned.... I'm wide of the mark. 
  • Aela The Huntress
    Aela The Huntress   ·  May 15, 2017
    Rikke does seem a stronger character now there's more of a balance between them.
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  May 4, 2017
    I've made some changes to the chapter on  the recommendations of Lissette, Harrow and kaiserSoSay. Feel free to have another read and comment on the edits.
    Sotek Loyal Hound of Hircine
    • The Long-Chapper
      The Long-Chapper
      I've made some changes to the chapter on  the recommendations of Lissette, Harrow and kaiserSoSay. Feel free to have another read and comment on the edits.
      Sotek Loyal Hound of Hircine
        ·  May 4, 2017
      It reads better. :)
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  May 4, 2017
    Uh, had a read of this and I'm surprised too. Rikke is sooooo strong in the Civil War Questline. She is also doing those two a favor. A war torn province that she is dealing with. While the Companions are typically sworn to neutrality. She is fighting the...  more
    • Sotek
      The Long-Chapper
      The Long-Chapper
      The Long-Chapper
      Uh, had a read of this and I'm surprised too. Rikke is sooooo strong in the Civil War Questline. She is also doing those two a favor. A war torn province that she is dealing with. While the Companions are typically sworn to neutrality. She is fighting the...  more
        ·  May 4, 2017
      I agree to a point. trouble is there are certain factors at play. Not buying the favor part though and I have a hard time with neutrality when it means standing by and watching your home town be ransacked and razed to the ground. There is no 'fighting the...  more
      • The Long-Chapper
        The Long-Chapper
        I agree to a point. trouble is there are certain factors at play. Not buying the favor part though and I have a hard time with neutrality when it means standing by and watching your home town be ransacked and razed to the ground. There is no 'fighting the...  more
          ·  May 4, 2017
        Neutrality is based on Lore though. It is a policy in existence for thousands of years in the Companion's history. As for the Empire being involved, understand also that Nords helped find the empire in the first place. Skyrim is ferociously divided on the...  more
        • Sotek
          The Long-Chapper
          The Long-Chapper
          The Long-Chapper
          Neutrality is based on Lore though. It is a policy in existence for thousands of years in the Companion's history. As for the Empire being involved, understand also that Nords helped find the empire in the first place. Skyrim is ferociously divided on the...  more
            ·  May 4, 2017
          You lost me when you said ' Neutrality is based on Lore'.........
        • The Long-Chapper
          The Long-Chapper
          The Long-Chapper
          The Long-Chapper
          The Long-Chapper
          Neutrality is based on Lore though. It is a policy in existence for thousands of years in the Companion's history. As for the Empire being involved, understand also that Nords helped find the empire in the first place. Skyrim is ferociously divided on the...  more
            ·  May 4, 2017
          That being said, however, you are certainly able to portray characters as you see fit. I will often make unpopular decisions. 
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  May 4, 2017
    No offence caused guys. feedback is always welcome. 
    I'll have a look at it and see what  I can do. However I give no promises as there are various ermm forces I have to answer to. Sounds weird doesn't it. 
    I'll have a play with it...
  • A-Pocky-Hah!
    A-Pocky-Hah!   ·  May 4, 2017
    I will agree on Harrow here. This is just a blatant disrespect of military protocol. Poor Rikke, So far I see her as being treated like dirt. She's trying to win a war, and she has no time to deal with a werewolf and her hormones. Just by having Aela arou...  more
  • The Sunflower Manual
    The Sunflower Manual   ·  May 4, 2017
    For the love of... where's your authority, Legate? Whatever happened to discipline? The Companions aren't under the Legion's command, but Rikke is still spearheading the war effort, isn't she? Personal life? Interfere? This is the Imperial Legion. This i...  more