U.O.T.W. Chapter 197 The Edge of Oblivion


    When the three Companions entered the hall, the Jarl was sitting at the main table which had been cleared of everything except a selection of tankards and a large pitcher of wine. Above his throne was a Dragonbone axe proudly displayed on a weapon plaque. All three Companions recognized the axe which still bore spatters of blood on the axe head from the battle earlier that day.

    Sotek walked over to it and read the inscription out loud.

    “The Savior of Whiterun’. You do me much honor Jarl Balgruuf but it should read the saviors for many men and women defended the city”.


    “Maybe you are right Sotek but by all accounts it wasn’t just men and women though”. The Jarl replied dryly. He gave the Harbinger an open hand, offering Kodlak a chair along with Aela who stayed by her Harbinger’s side. “Please Harbinger, take a seat”.


    Sotek turned back to the table and chose a chair which was to the sides of both parties, putting the Jarl on one side of him and the Harbinger and Aela to the other. All of them watched each other waiting for someone to speak when it was in fact Aela who broke the ice. She reached out and poured herself a flagon of wine before promptly downing the whole lot in one go. Sheepishly she smiled at them all and whispered.

    “It’s been a long day”.


    Kodlak smirked at Aela’s actions but he knew she spoke the truth. It had been a long day for them all. Grasping the moment, he spoke, knowingly starting the discussion.

    “Indeed it has; a very long day. Jarl Balgruuf, you now know of what we are as do the people of Whiterun. You are, I expect, afraid; not only for yourself and your family but your people. That I understand”.


    “Afraid?” Jarl Balgruuf answered. “You’re werewolves! You, Aela, Farkas, Vilkas, and even the Dragonborn are werewolves. What of the Whelps? Are they werewolves? Tell me, any of you..... How can I allow your kind to live here? You hunt men, women. Those I have sworn to protect”.


    Sotek readily joined in. He knew the Harbinger was in no position to explain about Scarface’s and Red’s activities. Kodlak was clueless as to what they got up to. At least that was what Sotek had hoped.

    “Those women and men you speak of. Have we not fought any less than you for them? We, the Companions, have fought, bled, lived and died so they may walk these streets knowing they are safe. We bleed so they may live freely behind these very walls. We have bled on those stones that form Whiterun’s protection; to keep them standing so that the people of Whiterun are safe. We don’t hunt these streets”.


    “But you do hunt someone’s streets, do you not?” The Jarl asked.

    Despite it being set out as a question, Sotek felt it was more of an accusation. He openly ignored the tone but it stung nether the less and he quickly admitted to himself that it hurt.

    “We hunt on the plains not in the city streets. Damn it Jarl do you really think we prey upon those here? They are our friends, our family. We do not hunt these streets, villages or towns. No peasants, tramps, travellers or farmers befall to us. Bandits, rouges, at the moment until they all surrender Stormcloaks, out there in the wilds. Bandits, assassins, rouge mages, necromancers... they are our game, our prey”.



    Sotek gave a heavy sigh and pointed to the Harbinger. He had hoped, wished for simpler times yet that was wishful thinking and now it seemed so far out of his reach. He decided there and then what must be done. He had to give the Harbinger and the others a window, some small chance at survival.

    “You need to understand, it’s not all of us which choose this way of life. Not all of us choose to hunt. Kodlak, Farkas, Vilkas, they are seeking a cure. They don’t want to be what they are. Maybe you could find it in yourself to help find a cure? Maybe Farengar can help them find one?”


    Jarl Balgruuf looked on with some surprise while Farengar, who was standing in the alcove of his quarters, shuffled about nervously. Proventus has a look of discord and malcontent while Irileth’s eyes flicked around the hall. She went to speak but the Jarl held his hand up to her, silencing the Dunmer woman from joining in.

    “I know you wish to speak your mind Irileth but I ask that you wait. You will have your say. Now Sotek, you say that the Harbinger and the other Companions seek a cure? Do you not wish to be cured of this disease?”


    Upon hearing the word ‘disease’, Aela banged her fist on the table. She was one second from shouting out about the ‘gift’ when Kodlak tapped her on the nose, quelling her spirit.

    “No! If there was ever a time to control your temper Aela it is now. Sotek, I cannot answer for you here so it’s best if you do”.


    Sotek gave a small laugh and he reached out for the Huntress’s hand, holding it to comfort her. He smiled at the sullen face and spoke.

    “Aela won’t be cured. She won’t accept it; she can’t accept it. She’s been a werewolf from when she was born; she knows nothing of anything else”.


    Jarl Balgruuf thought back to all the times when Aela was a little girl. She would often visit the Companions with her father while her mother carried out the Companion’s duty. Now that the Jarl realised that Aela was a werewolf from birth all he could think of were four words which summed up the last twenty two years.

    ‘That explains a lot’. His mind turned to Sotek, who had yet to make his position clear.

    “And of you? Will you take the cure should we find it?”


    Sotek shook his head and flatly refused.

    “I am bound by oath to look after Aela. I’ve sworn to her and to others; others far greater than you or I. Even if I wished it, which I do not, I can’t accept the cure”.


    The fact that the Jarl was speaking about a cure gave Sotek a reason to relax. He hoped such a possibility gave the Harbinger and the others a chance of living their lives. Now his thoughts turned to himself and his mate.

    “Give me a day! Twenty four hours? I’ll take Aela away. We’ll find somewhere we can hunt the deer and stags, away from everyone else. You’ll never hear of us again”.


    Proventus interrupted angrily although, as the Jarl rightly guessed, his bluster was from fear rather than anything else.

    “We can’t trust them! You saw what they did to the Stormcloaks! We can’t just let them leave; they will return and finish what Ufric started”.


    The Jarl turned to him and shouted back, quelling the man’s rant.

    “What would you have me do? Seal up Jorrvaskr and put it to the torch with them all inside? Have you not seen enough blood for one day Proventus?”


    Proventus stepped back holding his hands up trying to calm the Jarl down. His whole argument fell to the wayside as he backed away.

    “Yes, we all have. It’s just... how can we trust them? They lived amongst us in secret! What other secrets do they keep?”


    “I think you’re a prick! How’s that for a secret?” Aela stated as she screwed her face up at him.


    The Jarl’s housecarl, Irileth came over and rested her hand on Aela’s shoulder before sitting next to her. She grinned at the Nord girl and replied jestingly.

    “Oh that’s no secret. We all know you think Proventus is a prick”. Amongst fits of laughter she turned to the Jarl and added her own views on the entire situation.

    “I have been checking on the guards at the towers. They haven’t seen anything that even loosely resembles large wolves on the plains. Heard, yes, but they haven’t seen any. They do however often see Aela and Sotek. According to Lydia and a few of the other guards, these two Companions drop off venison whenever they return from their hunting trips”. She paused allowing everyone to soak in her words.


    She had more to say and she wanted the Jarl to pay attention; not that he wouldn’t for he often gave her his ear.

    “I have some concerns with the whole situation”.


    “See!” Proventus added. “I am not the only one who thinks this is a dangerous predicament we are in. We must think of the city and its inhabitants”.


    “Indeed we must”. Irileth stated. She however seemed to bear no hostility to the Companions. Instead she seemed to defend them. “Werewolves have attacked villages and isolated farms. They have, in numbers, attacked stables and outer buildings of the cities. All of them bar here! Whiterun doesn’t get attacked by werewolves; nor do the surrounding farmsteads or settlements. Strangely enough, especially those said settlements which border or are actually on the plains. Now I have to wonder; is that because Aela and Sotek protect it, or is it because they are attacking the other cities?”


    Aela slammed her hand onto the table hard and rebuked Irileth’s comments.

    “We don’t attack any cities or farms! He’s told you that”.


    “Indeed” Irileth said as she raised an eyebrow at Aela’s outburst.

     “But werewolves do attack though and now it would seem vampire attacks are on the increase as well. Jarl, four cities have had reports of such attacks. Skyrim is beset by rouge werewolves, vampires, and now dragons”.


    Irileth’s voice seemed drawn out and heavy as if she had been holding back for too long. Tiredness glazed over her eyes and the words seemed to seep between her lips as she spoke.

    “I fear that Sotek and Aela are the hangman’s noose; disliked and detested. Most would consider them to be evil even but I fear for what Whiterun could become if they were not here. They may be the only ones that can protect Whiterun. The Companions have put to the torch three concaves of vampires which were out there hiding in the plains. Proventus, answer me this if you will. How many dragons have they killed? Three? Four? The number I have is no less than twelve; probably more. You may not trust them Jarl, but what you have to ask yourself is can we survive without them?”


    The Jarl listened intently to his housecarl then nodded. He dismissed Proventus, sending him off to carry out his duties before continuing with the discussion.

    “What do you suggest Irileth?”


    Kodlak leaned forwards and tapped the table with the top of his finger, drawing the Jarl’s attention to him.

     “One question if I may. What would you do if ten Stormcloaks came here and they asked to negotiate terms of their ‘ceasing’ of hostilities?”


    “You mean surrender?” Irileth said.


    She wondered what the Harbinger was getting at but he made it quite plain than she had misunderstood his intentions.

    “I mean no such thing Irileth. I mean what I say. If they turned up and wanted peace, would you give them peace, or hang them?”


    The Jarl looked at both Aela and Sotek and shrugged his shoulders.

    “I’ll offer terms”.


    Sotek smiled then lent his hands on the table leaning towards the Jarl. He could see where the Harbinger was going and he happily joined in, adding his own weight to find a diplomatic answer.

    “Then let us discus terms. Either that or you call your guards at midday tomorrow. We’ll all change to our werewolf forms and we can all try to kill each other. Whoever survives can have what’s left”.


    The Jarl sat back thinking. He dreaded to be on the receiving end of the beast which saved him and even if his forces did win he couldn’t help but feel Irileth was right. What of afterwards.

    “We have all had our fills of fighting Sotek. You have made your point. What terms do you have in mind?”


    Sotek pulled out a tatty piece of leather from his shirt. It was his map of Skyrim. He unfolded it and laid it out across the table, moving the jug of wine which Aela snatched from his hands. As he spoke he watched her fill a second tankard and drink from it greedily.

    “Here you can see the seven borders... Aela, don’t have too much; we’ve not the manpower to restrain you in a drunken state. Jarl, you can see the borders, marking the territories of the various holds. The area here is of the western plains. I want free rights for Scarface and Red to hunt this area. In hunt I mean deer, stags, wild beasts, bandits, hags, the forsworn, rouge mages, all of them. In turn they will stay away from the guard towers, from Whiterun, all the farms, and small holdings and any other settlement. We’ll keep them out of sight and out of trouble; for that we’ll keep rouge werewolves away, bandits hell even vampires and dragons. But we stay here in Whiterun! Jorrvaskr is our home and we will not abandon it. Also, you and Farengar help us find Kodlak and the others a cure”.


    “And what do I get for my people? What can you give them to show that you’re not a threat to them?”


    Sotek sighed heavily and shrugged.

    “That’s what I demand; I will accept no less than what I’ve asked for. What is it you demand from me?”


    Jarl Balgruuf looked towards the door of his hall and the amount of blood which still stained the flooring. He envisioned his city and the damage the battle had wrought upon it and his people.

    “I want Ulfric’s head and sword! I want it prised from his dead body”.


    “I’m no assassin”. Sotek stated firmly. He however certainly felt the same way as the Jarl did and he knew he and Ulfric would clash. They had a debt to settle. “I will end the rebellion though. If during that time I have to kill Ulfric then you shall have what you ask”.


    The Jarl seemed placated by this and nodded before enquiring about the citizens who lived within Whiterun’s walls.

    “I cannot speak for my people. They know what you are and if they try to attack you then what?”


    “Then I expect your guards to do their duty and keep the peace”. Kodlak stated. He signalled at Sotek to be quiet so he could once again take command of the situation although he was more than grateful for Sotek’s support.

    “I will take it from here Sotek. You’ve been a big help so far but let’s not spoil it hmm? Jarl Balgruuf, as Irileth has already pointed out; it's only a matter of time before something or other attacks the city. Perhaps those who have yet to discover whose side we are on will come to realize we are of no threat. Do we have terms?”


    The Jarl poured himself a flask of wine and drank it down, washing away the dryness he felt in the back of his throat. He wiped his mouth on the sleeve of his tunic and nodded although he was quick to add a warning.

    “I will step back and watch. My guards will watch. I warn you Harbinger; if they deem it necessary they will kill you, they will kill you all”.


    Aela’s voice dripped with anger and venom as she replied back in the Jarl’s face.

    “They can try”.


    Sotek covered the Huntress’s mouth with his hand and quickly spoke, playing down Aela’s intent.

    “What she meant is, we expect no less than for the guards of Whiterun to do their duty as you see fit. Now, as we have terms and this one is drunk, I’ll be on my way and I will take her with me. We’ll go and let you and the Harbinger talk. I think it best if we leave you two to ermm ‘iron out any creases’. Aela, let’s go. The others will want to know where we stand”.


    As they made their way across the floor, the Jarl called out to them.

    “And where do we stand?”


    Sotek thought for a second then called back over his shoulder. He looked at the Jarl, catching the man’s gaze in his reptilian eyes.

    “We all stand on the edge of oblivion. Whether we all fall in or walk away is now up to you and you alone”.


    Then he held Aela’s hand and led her to Jorrvaskr where the other Companions were waiting with bated breath.


    Once the two Companions were inside their own hall, Sotek addressed everyone, laying their fears to rest.

    “The Jarl and the Harbinger are discussing terms. We’ve nothing to fear so everyone relax. I won’t say what was said though, that is for the Harbinger to tell you all. He will be here soon enough but what I will say is this. In all honesty I think we are going to be ok”.


    Vilkas, who was consoling Tilma, called out to him.

    “How can you be so sure?”


    “I have personally spoken to Jarl Balgruuf. I think he knows we aren’t a threat to him. Like I said, he and Harbinger are discussing things as we speak. If I felt the Jarl was a threat to us I wouldn’t have left Kodlak there by himself”.


    Time passed all too slowly but eventually the door was pushed open by Kodlak’s own hands. The Harbinger had returned to the hall.


    Everyone gathered around him so they could hear what he had to say.

    “Attention everyone, I have spoken with the Jarl at some length and I am pleased to say that we are still welcome in Whiterun. We and the Jarl are at peace. I will answer all your questions in due course but at this point I need to speak with Aela and Sotek. My study if you will, I need a word in private”.


    Once they had entered his chamber, he closed the door behind them despite the fact that Tilma had followed them downstairs to the Undercroft. Once they sat around his table, Kodlak wagged a finger at Sotek’s face while he reprimanded the Argonian.

    “You played a dangerous game in there. What were you thinking, suggesting we all fight one another?”


    Sotek flatly smiled back at the Harbinger and mentioned one simple point.

    “The suggestion was there already. All I did was drag it out of the shadows. Having such a thought is horrible but left in the dark it can fester. Best if the horror of what it would become was brought out to the light for all to see”.


    Kodlak buried his face in the palms of his hands. He was tired, they all were and his head pounded with the stress and worry. He slowly nodded back before turning to other matters.

    “Yes; you are quite right in your assessment Sotek. Jarl Balgruuf has expressed his gratitude for you both saving him and ultimately Whiterun. To be frank, he said he would much rather have you two here as friends rather than you living out there as his enemies”.


    He reached across for a rolled up map of Skyrim and unrolled it on the table before speaking to the Huntress.

    “Aela, have a look at this! It’s Red’s hunting grounds. He has agreed that Red and Scarface can freely hunt however he gives no truce from the other holds or from the empire. You will be fair game for them! However, as far as Whiterun goes, you’re free to hunt past this road, between these mountains and this point”.


    He left Aela ogling the map and as he watched her he could have sworn saliva dripped from the corner of her mouth. Ignoring the hungry eyes of the she-wolf, he turned to Sotek and tapped on the map where Greenspring Hollow was situated.

    “Sotek, he couldn’t help but notice the outcrop you left him at is right in the middle of the area you designated to him. He asked if it was special to you both. I have told him that it is Red’s and Scarface’s home. When you are in werewolf form then that is where you will generally be”.


    Aela stared at the map then looked at Sotek. Her eyes switched from him and Kodlak then back to the map as her mind reeled from the news.

    “What does it mean? Sotek tell me what just happened?”


    He held Aela tight in his arms and spoke slowly so she could take in the shocking news.

    “It means Red and Scarface have done it. We don’t have to go off sneaking out across the plains. Red, she’s free to hunt. They both are, they are free to hunt”.


    Aela’s eyes were wild and bright as she stared back at Sotek. She felt her body tremble with the excitement and inside she could feel Red howl with anticipation.

    “Don’t fuck with me! Do you two mean it? Honestly? We can go out there at any time we wish?”


    Sotek smiled back at her and nodded.

    “Yes, yes we can”.


    Aela tried to contain herself but she had to let go and scream lest she had a heart attack. The ear pitching cry caused Sotek and the Harbinger to cover their ears until the Huntress was done.


    Now that they could hear again, Sotek asked about the Harbinger’s own fate and that of the other Companions.

    “Harbinger what of you three and the cure? What of the Whelps?”


    “Farengar is looking into a cure while I have promised the Jarl that no one else will be given the ‘gift’. As to whether the Whelps stay or leave we will find out in due course. I will remind them that they are not bound here. They can leave or stay, it is their choice”.


    As Aela and Sotek headed back up stairs, Aela stopped and turned to him. She still couldn’t believe what had happened and she desperately wanted confirmation to what she had been told. The whole scenario seemed surreal and it was so fantastic that she thought it was a dream to which she would wake up from at any moment.

    “How the hell did we pull this off? We can hunt as much as we like as often as we like! We’re free? Please, Sotek, tell me this is no joke. This isn’t some twisted dream is it?”


    The Argonian held his mate tightly. She thudded her head against his chest and pulled herself tightly against him, almost crushing herself against his ribs. What surprised Sotek wasn’t the amount of strength Aela had, it was when he felt some tears land on his chest. He rubbed her back, paying attention to the shoulder blades before slowly running his hands down her spine while she let go of her emotions and cried in his arms.

    “I can’t believe it” She sobbed. “We’re free; I don’t have to hide any more, we’re free”.


    “We can’t change here, not until we are out there on the plains”. Sotek said in a hushed whisper.


    Aela knew what he said was true but she didn’t care. That was irrelevant as her world had opened up like a flower in spring.

    “Yes but we can go out there as much as we like. That’s enough, that’s more than what I’ve been hoping for. Thank you, thank you for being there”.


    “Shhh”. Sotek said as he tried to calm her down. “You’ve got two brothers who would be glad of your news. Let’s go tell them”.


    They headed upstairs and Aela went straight up to Farkas and Vilkas. They could see she had been crying and they moved towards her, both of them full of concern but the moment she told them her news they hugged her and smiled.


    Sotek sat on his step; or rather he slumped down on it. It suddenly struck him just how tired he was as he hadn’t slept properly for days. He closed his eyes, just for a few seconds as he listened to Aela telling the other Companions what had been said. Five minutes later Tilma covered up the Sleeping Argonian with a fur to help fight off the coldness which poured through the large hole in the roof.




9 Comments   |   The Sunflower Manual and 9 others like this.
  • Ebonslayer
    Ebonslayer   ·  August 14, 2017
    “We all stand on the edge of oblivion. Whether we all fall in or walk away is now up to you and you alone.” I've heard this before, not sure where though.

    Also, "That explains a lot." put me on the floor laughing.
    • Sotek
      “We all stand on the edge of oblivion. Whether we all fall in or walk away is now up to you and you alone.” I've heard this before, not sure where though.

      Also, "That explains a lot." put me on the floor laughing.
        ·  August 16, 2017
      I don't think I borrowed the quote from anywhere,  although I have to admit you've got me thinking now. 
      Balgruuf,  "That explains a lot".  I always picture hi with a far away stare, remembering all the years with young Aela. 
      • Ebonslayer
        I don't think I borrowed the quote from anywhere,  although I have to admit you've got me thinking now. 
        Balgruuf,  "That explains a lot".  I always picture hi with a far away stare, remembering all the years with young Aela. 
          ·  August 16, 2017
        I remember where I remember it now. It used to be a quote on your profile page back on Ning.
        • Sotek
          I remember where I remember it now. It used to be a quote on your profile page back on Ning.
            ·  August 16, 2017
          Haha... I spent half an hour looking for it.. Damn... :D
  • Exuro
    Exuro   ·  March 24, 2017
    haha,both sotek and kodlak trying to keep aela quiet during negotiations. 
    So, happily ever after, the end?
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  February 7, 2017
    I'm frankly quite impressed they basically got what they wanted. Good for them, though some parts of the negotiation were tense. 
  • A-Pocky-Hah!
    A-Pocky-Hah!   ·  February 6, 2017
    Well not the self-imposed exile I was hoping for but it will suffice.
    I was actually hoping for an angry mob... :P
    • Sotek
      Well not the self-imposed exile I was hoping for but it will suffice.
      I was actually hoping for an angry mob... :P
        ·  February 6, 2017
      What would you have me do? Seal up Jorrvaskr and put it to the torch with them all inside? Have you not seen enough blood for one day Kaiser?
      • A-Pocky-Hah!
        What would you have me do? Seal up Jorrvaskr and put it to the torch with them all inside? Have you not seen enough blood for one day Kaiser?
          ·  February 6, 2017
        No but I was thinking of something in the line of throwing rotten vegetables at Aela and Sotek as they made their way out of Whiterun. 
        Then Aela snaps, turns into Red and make wolf chow out of those people. (6)