U.O.T.W. Chapter 83 The Huntress And The wolf


    Dark clouds slowly rolled across the night sky as a northerly wind from the mountains cleared Masser’s path and allowed the twin moons to cast their light across the plains which moments before were shrouded in a darkness which the eyes seemed to struggle to penetrate. Aela’s lips curled as she softly snarled however it wasn’t anger or frustration which she felt. Slowly a smile formed on her face softening her features as the low heavy breathing of a large black wolf stealthily came alongside her. His ears pricked up as both hunter and huntress scanned the horizons for any signs of prey.


    Leaving the Dragonbone bow back at the camp, Aela deftly unhitched her old hunting bow from its attachments on her back. Despite the fact that the Dragonbone bow was far more superior, when it came to her hunting trips across the plains she preferred this bow. It had been her constant companion over her many years of hunting and that fact wasn’t about to change anytime soon. The bow itself was nothing special to look at and certainly had no magical properties. Sotek had offered to enchant it for her but she was quick to realise sometimes enchants gave away the simple fact that she was out there, hidden in the tundra. Besides it was all too easy having a deer promptly explode in flames. This way she had to be sure when she took aim. When she took a life.


    Soon the overhang was behind them. Aela took the lead and headed out into the night. Or at least she tried to take the lead, Sotek who was still trapped in his black wolf form kept darting in front of her and sniffed at the air. Despite the fact that he was stuck in this form, it didn’t dampen his spirit. In actual fact he felt somewhat free especially as he was no longer the hunted. Tonight he was the hunter and he had already picked up a scent.


    His paws gave a burst of speed as a rabbit shot out from a shrub in which it was hiding when it heard them approach. It bound forwards and hopped to the side as Sotek began his pursuit on his meal which was doing its best to get away. A solitary howl was quickly joined by Aela as she threw her head back and called out to the beasts on the plains. Sotek thundered forwards as he gave chase upon the rabbit who quickly found its own cunning far outmatched. It feigned a quick jump to its right then shot to the left but the wolf was ready.


    As if he knew what the small creature had intended Sotek leapt upon a clear patch of grass just to see the rabbit appear underneath his paws. A feint squeal was quickly followed by a loud growl as Sotek’s fangs tore into the animal tearing it to shreds in seconds. Blood spurted upwards in a cloud as the wolf shook the carcass franticly side to side literally tearing it in half from the excessive force given by the wolfs powerful neck. Sotek growled to anyone who could hear as he greedily fed on the remains.


    Aela casually approached him and knelt by his side whilst her hand stroked the top of his head. She jestingly tutted as the remains of the rabbit was consumed right in front of her without even batting an eye at the gore.

    “And what about me hmm? What do I get to eat? Oh look a patch of fur, yummy”.


    The wolf slowly turned to her and licked his bloody mouth slowly. He moved forwards into Aela at speed and knocked her over then proceeded to attempt to gnaw at her neck while she playfully screamed at him.

    “Get off you mongrel... Urgh I’m all bloody now you bastard”. She screwed her face up as she scrambled to her feet. Her hand wiped off the remaining blood from her neck then she brushed her palm against the wolf’s back while he stood there as if to let her. “Now how about we try together. Find a deer, go!”


    The wolf moved behind her then suddenly snapped at her backside making her yell out. Aela’s fist swung round behind her but by then the wolf had moved away out of her reach. A dagger found itself being waved at the wolfs face at the same time as a heavy and very sincere threat was laid out for all to hear.

    “You stupid bastard. That hurt damn it... Move you worthless dog. I swear when I catch you, I’ll cut that bloody tail off. Shift it... Deer! Now!”


    Sotek gave her a wolfish grin as he quietly growled as if he was laughing. Dirt was kicked upwards as he turned on the spot and began his hunt, tracking a deer on the plains. All the while Aela followed behind rubbing an ass cheek as she went.


    After a few hundred yards Sotek came to a stop. His ears pricked up and turned independently as they homed in on two deer’s who were grazing on a grassy hillside. Sotek’s eyes fixed on a target then he signaled his mistress to his side by raising his head up as if he was howling. He felt the soft touch of Aela’s hand as she stroked his back then the gentle words of the Huntress fell upon him.


    “Nice and slow. I’ll shoot the one on the left then you run down the one on the right. If it gets too far away mind, let it go. Two deer would be great but the one will suffice. You ready?” The wolf growled quietly as if to answer then he headed off into the night as Aela moved into position.


    Sotek prowled along the edge of the hillside but all the while his eyes stayed fixed on their target like a true hunter, never losing sight of his prey. A hundred yards away amongst a rocky outcrop, Aela the huntress lay in wait. Her bow was drawn and pulled to its maximum torque as she aimed for the deer on the left of the small herd. She fought against the strain of the bows resistance while she mentally counted down the seconds before she would release the drawstring which was held tightly in her fingers.

    “Three, two, one, seek”.


    Aela released the drawstring, she released death.

    The arrow shot through the air with a quiet whoosh as it slowly fell earthwards in an arc to precisely strike the doe’s chest. It collapsed to the ground as it briefly cried out alerting the other deer to the huntress's presence but it was too late. Sotek was already running towards them at speed. He picked his target as the deer leapt majestically to the side in an attempt to escape from the new and sudden danger. The pursuit had begun.


    Aela yelled out in encouragement as she watched Sotek sharply turn as he quickly followed the deer which tried it’s best to make good of its escape. It ran as hard as it could towards a clump of bushes as if it knew that the wolf would run around them giving it a much needed gap between itself and the pursuer. What it couldn’t have known was that it wasn’t an ordinary wolf chasing it. It was Sotek and he had no intention of either slowing down or running around the bushes what so ever. As the deer jumped over the shrubs the wolf simply ploughed straight through them. Behind him he could hear the running footsteps of Aela as she joined in albeit in a futile attempt to help. Sotek didn’t want her help though and he certainly didn’t need it.


    The deer landed hard on the rocky ground and cried out which sounded more like a bark you would expect from a dog. Moments later a ear shattering growl sounded out as if it was a roll call to all the wolves on the plains. Two front paws grabbed the sides of the deer’s back as the wolfs claws tore into its hind legs. The deer fell to the floor as the wolf jumped towards it a second time. Fangs clasped tightly around its throat as Sotek flailed his head side to side tearing open the deer’s throat and with it ending the deer’s life.


    Aela’s chest was heaving with quick deep breaths which she took as she approached the wolf and its prey. Her bow fell to the ground as if she was in awe of Sotek’s form and his skill at the hunt. She slowly approached him with an outstretched hand then fell to her knees in front of him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

    “That was... Exhilarating. I never felt like this with anyone. Thank you...” Her hand moved to her bosom so she could feel her heart hammering like a drum. Like the deer’s hoofs which Sotek had so expertly pursued.


    Sotek’s eyes narrowed as he stared at her. He growled bitterly at her as a single thought ran through his mind.

    “Great... You're so sodding welcome. Cut the crap and just say you love me you stupid bitch.! Not how happy you are that I’m a sodding flea bitten mongrel. What the hell is it going to take?”


    His train of sour thought was derailed as his head was pulled to Aela’s chest. She kissed him on the top of the head as she whispered to him.

    “I’ll skin the two deer then we’ll head back before those two wake up and wonder where we’re gone. Come on you, time we made a move”.


    Sotek flumped down on the ground as he watched Aela start to skin the first deer. He pondered once more upon his problem and what he could do to get Aela to say that she loved him so he could turn back to normal. In the back of his head he wondered if Aela actually preferred him like this. During the last few hours of their hunt she seemed so alive, so free. Quickly dismissing the thought as paranoia, his gaze fell upon the deer. As he watched the carcass undergo the skinning of its fur and the gutting of its stomach, a sly wolfish smile fell upon Sotek’s maw. He suddenly realized he was going about his problem all wrong. He didn’t need to persuade Aela to say she loved him at all. His eyes fixed hungrily on a pool of blood as he realized what he actually needed to do, his task was simple. All he needed to do was trick her into saying it. Wheels and cogs slowly started to turn as he formed a plan.


    Two large slabs of meat fell just in front of him drawing him back to the current situation. Putting his idea on hold, he greedily tore into the flesh as he fed. Aela sat there with her bow strewn across her lap as she watched him eat. She chuckled to herself as she seemed to recognise the hunger. After Aela took a few mouthfuls of water from her flask she pulled out a wooden bowl from Farkas’s pack which she had pinched whilst he slept and proceeded to pour water in it for Sotek to drink from. He quickly lapped it up then dropped his head in her lap sending her bow spiralling in the air to land a few feet away from her.

    “Hey, careful... Rest a few moments then we’re gone. I’ve still that other deer to skin and it’ll be light in a few hours. Look! The moons have almost disappeared behind the mountains”.


    Sotek stood up and howled out at the twin moons while Aela joined in with his call.


    Once both deer were skinned and Aela had cut off all the meat she could, they left the two carcasses out on the plains where Aela knew the wolves or even Sabre cats would find them. Nothing went to waste. She even had the hindsight to collect the small antlers for Sotek should he ever turn back to normal. The thought caused her to glance at him with fresh eyes as she realized how hard things must be for him. She gave him a reassuring hug and a few words of encouragement before finally heading back to the overhang.


    Even before they passed the small stream which provided the camp with fresh water, Sotek could smell the two brothers who were sleeping soundly. He suddenly stopped as a new scent seemed to seep in on the light breeze. He growled a low warning alerting Aela of the approaching predator but then he howled out for all he was worth waking up both Vilkas and Farkas as Aela covered her ears from the wolves deafening racket.


    Vilkas was the first to call out as Farkas was too busy trying to gather his senses let alone compete against Sotek’s howling cries. As a gruff voice hollered out at Aela, Vilkas trampled over Farkas’s bedroll almost blanking the fact that he was still laying on it.

    “Aela! Shut that mangy animal of yours up. What the hell has got into him? Where you been anyhow?”


    Aela threw the furs to the ground whilst at the same time she dropped the ‘borrowed’ pack, yelled back at Vilkas and tried to kick Sotek all at once. The end result was for her to lose her balance and promptly fall on her ass. She screamed at Sotek who ceased his howling then she angrily turned upon Vilkas.

    “Now he’s shut up, what’s your bloody problem? He was hungry so we went off for an hour. Here’s your sodding breakfast. I sure as hell aren’t cooking it for you!”


    Farkas interrupted them all and approached Aela’s pack with a big grin on his face. His eyes hungrily searched through the bag ignoring them as he gleefully spoke to the group as a whole.

    “Thank the Nine, truly we are blessed. We have venison for breakfast and Aela’s not burning it”.


    Aela growled at him as her face scrunched up.

    “Is that supposed to be god damn funny?” Before Farkas could answer however, Sotek started growling too. Aela stopped her rant and glanced at him oddly as his growl seemed to be directed at Farkas.


    Farkas himself also noticed and stopped rummaging through the backpack. That was when he remembered that Aela’s pack had been destroyed. He quickly realised that it wasn’t Aela’s pack at all, it was his. He stared hopelessly at the contents then pulled out a bottle of mead and watched helplessly as drops of blood from the venison fell onto the ground in front of him.


    “This is my junk... Stuff... Aela there’s blood over everything... Eww. You’re a disgusting bitch... And why is he still growling at me?”


    True enough Sotek had started growling again loudly in fact as his eyes seemed to latch onto Farkas. He slowly prowled along the ground with his shoulders hunched up as if to make his already formidable size seem even bigger. On the wind he caught a sniff of something, a sabre cat, and he knew it was close.


    Farkas looked on in alarm as his hand wiped the blood from his palm so he could grip his sword. He had no idea what Sotek’s intentions were but be certainly wasn’t prepared to get caught out.

    “Ok why is he looking at me like that?” He drew his sword and stood his ground while the three Companions tried to work out what was going on.


    Aela moved towards Sotek as she tried to calm him but he snapped his fangs at her. All the fur along his back was raised as he slowly turned towards Farkas. Aela was now worried as she tried to come to any reason or understanding as to why Sotek would act in this manner. That was when she smelt the scent. She snapped her head back towards Farkas as her bow was yanked off her back.

    “Sabre Cat... It’s close”.


    The next instant the wolf charged straight at Farkas, then leapt up as if he was attacking the Companion. As Farkas raised his sword, from out of nowhere a Sabre cat entered the fray, just to be instantly mauled in its side by the wolf who tore into it in a complete animalistic frenzy. Chunks of fur were ripped out of the cats side, but the wolf was no match and was quickly thrown off. Sotek whined loudly as he crumpled to the ground. A single spurt of blood left his mouth as he lay helpless and prone. Farkas and Vilkas instantly attacked the cat as Aela fired arrow after arrow at the beast who snarled out in a loud high pitched cry.


    Three arrows stuck in the cats side and a fourth arrow buried itself deep within the beasts hind leg which easily slowed the animal down allowing Farkas and Vilkas to gang up on it. In a perfect display of swordsmanship both weapons were simultaneously thrust into the predators fur, shattering their way through the rib cage bringing the cat down and slaying it in one fluid motion.


    Once he retrieved his blade, Vilkas pulled out an old linen cloth from a pocket in his armor and started wiping off the edge of his sword while Farkas caught his breath. His contempt at having to fight showed by the simple look he had on his face let alone the tone in his voice.


    “I hate fighting before breakfast. He drew that damn overgrown cat here”. He waited for a response but there was none to be heard except the sound of Aela’s bow hitting the ground.


    Aela stood there froze to the spot with a pale and terrified look on her face. Vilkas followed her gaze to Sotek who was lying on his side. Blood had now formed a small puddle by the side of his mouth as his eyes stared into nothing. His breathing was slow and deliberate and feint trickles of blood seeped from various claw marks in his side.


    Both Aela and Vilkas broke in a run but Vilkas beat her to the wolf. He gently but forcibly pushed her back into Farkas’s arms so he could see to Sotek who seemed to have stopped breathing. Instinctively he grabbed a bottle of healing potion from his pack and removed the stopper but then Farkas’s sorrowful words stopped him in this tracks.

    “He’s an animal... It won’t work...”


    Vilkas paused then glanced up at Aela with a hopeless and desperate expression. The healing potion fell to the ground and slowly spilled out its contents which was to be quickly soaked up by the ever hungry earth.


    Aela screamed out as she forced herself out of Farkas’s arms. She ran up to the wolf and barged Vilkas away sending him sprawling on the ground despite his weight and bulk. Aela fell to Soteks side as she cradled the wolfs head. Tears streamed from her face as Sotek’s eyes slowly half opened as if he recognised her then his eyelids closed as a long deathly exhale from Sotek’s lungs marked the end of any signs of life. A second later Aela screamed out in pain and loss as her entire world came crashing down around her while Sotek fell limp and lifeless in her arms.




  • Justiciar Thorien
    Justiciar Thorien   ·  March 12, 2016
    Whoa! I hope he'll just wake up back in his own body after this...
  • Aela The Huntress
    Aela The Huntress   ·  October 31, 2015
    I'd kill the bastard after that stunt.
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  October 19, 2015
    Hi Exuro (and everyone else)
    Fixed, fixed and fixed. Thanks for all your support every one. It's great to know that most of you likes my story. *Growls at Exuro...
  • Exuro
    Exuro   ·  October 19, 2015
    Sotek, Nooooo! This chapter reminds me of a reverse of the one awhile back when Aela first changes in front of Sotek and they go slaughter some Silver-Hands. The things a guy's got to do to get three words.
    It's getting a lot harder to find typos in...  more
  • ShyGuyWolf
    ShyGuyWolf   ·  October 17, 2015
    Great piece bud.
  • Teineeva
    Teineeva   ·  October 17, 2015
    That sounds a lot better indeed. If I could pull of Lisette's double like trick taking the effort to change this flimsy little detail would make me grant you an extra like, sadly I don't have her superpowers.
    But yeah archery has a lot of things you...  more
  • Accursed
    Accursed   ·  October 17, 2015
    That was unexpected.
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  October 17, 2015
    Nitpicky? Naa you have inside knowedge which I do not. It's a learning process.
     She fought against the strain of the bows resistance while she mentally counted down the seconds before she would release the drawstring which was held tightly in her f...  more
  • Teineeva
    Teineeva   ·  October 17, 2015
    You don't use your thumb, but I'm just being nitpicky so don't pay attention (I'm not what you would call an expert either, I just like to use bows and haven't properly practiced in quite a while).
     For reference what I described is called a "Medite...  more
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  October 17, 2015
    Ok, fixed the two errors (thanks for that) however with regards to Aela holding the arrow I'm fully open to suggestions. Inside knowledge is always useful.
    How does this sound to you?
    She fought against the strain of the bows resistance while ...  more