U.O.T.W. Chapter 37 First Shadow



    The moment Sotek and Aela walked inside the Inn, all the patrons along with the maids fell deathly silent  as their eyes fell upon Sotek. The innkeeper Haran chuckled as she beckoned Sotek towards the bar. Sotek’s eyes flicked towards her but then fell upon a chair near the fireplace. He dumped his pack unceremoniously by the chair and slumped down and crossed his legs. His eyelids closed to aid in blotting out the environment as he gathered his thoughts.


    The Innkeeper tutted to herself as she watched him sit silently by himself.

    “Oh dear, you are having a bad day”. Then she turned to Aela and a flash of recognition filled her face. “Ah, you must be Aela the Huntress. He’s told me about you. Welcome dear, will you be staying as well?”


    Aela hesitated for a second as she wasn’t expecting such a warm welcome.

    “Ermm hi. To be honest, I’m not sure. It hasn’t gone well for him at the college. I’m a bit surprised actually, he’s having a bad time”.


     “Well I’ll sort him out then you and me can have a nice chat while he fixes himself”. She stated while her husband Dagur filled two flasks of ale.


    Aela wasn’t too sure what the Innkeeper was referring to so she thought it prudent to ask.

    “Ermm what do you mean fixes himself?"


    “Oh just play along dear”. She then smiled as she turned her attention to Sotek.


    She moved behind the counter and produced a  large kitchen knife then walked over to Sotek who was by now staring blankly at the fire looking somewhat miserable. At least the Innkeeper thought he was looking miserable, either that or he was smiling.

    “Here you go”. She stated as she passed Sotek the long knife.“If you want that outfit to fit properly then you will need to cut off your tail. Leave about a foot I reckon... Yes a foot should do it”. Then she smiled at him.


    Sotek stared at her blankly, then he just looked at the knife. As he stared at it his tail slammed down with a great thump. The Innkeeper winked at Aela as she gave the Companion a nudge.

    “Oh it’s alright, I’ll look after it”. Aela said as she chuckled to herself.


    Sotek put the knife on the table then pulled off the robe throwing it on the floor. He subsequently began stripping off the rest of the mages outfit in the middle of the Inn without the slightest regards as to who was watching. Aela smiled broadly as she watched him strip until she just so happened to turn her head slightly. Two maids had paused from their duty of clearing a table to observe Sotek changing his outfit. Aela’s eyes narrowed as she openly glared at them both. Their eye’s shot back down to the table as they started to wipe it over furiously. All the while Aela’s eyes bore into them.


    The moment Sotek had started strapping on his old iron armor, the Innkeeper tutted loudly. Her face screwed up as she examined the state of it while she muttered to her husband.

    “Oh look at the state of it... Oh no, that will never do. His test starts tomorrow, he can’t go looking like that”. Dagur threw over a bag of gold to Haran. She weighed it in her hands as if she was working something out. Moments later she tossed the bag by Sotek’s feet. It landed on the wooden flooring with a loud thump. “You need new armor dear, that looks awful. Now don’t refuse it, it’s a loan. An investment after all you both saved my Inn”.


    As Sotek bent down to pick up the bag, a worn leather strap gave way causing his chest armor to slip to the side slightly. Sotek tore away the offending strap and examined it. The wearing of the leather could easily be seen and the edge started crumbling off in flakes. Sotek held the bag of gold tightly as he sighed.

    “Thankss, I will pay it back as soon as I can”. Sotek went up to Aela and kissed her on the forehead. “It’s going to be a late night I’m afraid”.


    At that moment the Innkeeper interrupted him as she tugged n Aela’s arm.

    “Oh no, she is staying with me. You’re not taking her out to work on a stinking forge for half the night... Nope, off you go”. Then she shoved him out the door. Sotek stood on the pathway for a few seconds as he felt somewhat dubious about leaving Aela behind due to her nightmares. He soon concluded that Haran would look after her so he headed towards the old forge by one of the ruined houses which happened years ago by a natural disaster when half the town collapsed in the sea. he made his way to the blacksmiths after visiting the store, then proceeded to make his armor.


    Meanwhile back inside the Inn Haran sat down at a small table with the two flasks which her husband had poured out earlier. Haran passed one flask to Aela as she offered her a chair.

    “Now he’s out of that ridiculous costume things will get better I’m sure”.


    Aela stared at the flask before she took a sip of the ale. It felt cool to the touch and made her shiver slightly as she swallowed the small mouthful.

    “Trouble is it’s not just that. The other students don’t seem to want him there”. Aela couldn’t help but feel a bit sorry for him especially as she  remembered how she and the other Companions were to him.


    “Argonians do have a battle with acceptance, but usually they get through it. No doubt in time the college will be more friendly towards him”. Haran assured her.


    The guilt which Aela thought was well and truly dealt with suddenly came back. She held the flask tightly as it rested on the table while she spoke truthfully about herself.

    “Yes, we weren’t keen on him when he came to us. To be honest I was a right...“


    “Spirited Archer, who didn’t take to fools”. She interrupted. “That’s how he described your first meeting. You know, when you killed a giant and he burnt... Some crops?”


    Aela gave a little chuckle as she remembered the burning wheat bales.

    “Yes , he set fire to the wheat sheaf’s. It’s more than that though. He struggled this afternoon with his spells. I think he was hoping to prove to me what he could do”.


    Haran scoffed at her as she shook her head.

    “Humph. Oh I doubt that, he doesn’t seem to bother with the ‘look at me’ macho crap most men come out with, else he would openly admit he is dragonborn. Until today no-one knew about him. More likely he’s disappointed in himself, from what I’ve seen he pushes himself hard. But if someone tries to show him up, then the nines help them”.


    Aela’s eyebrows raised up as she nodded enthusiastically.

    “Oh we’ve been there all right. He’s got a bag of tricks that’s for sure. Your right about him pushing himself, and he does try to do things on the quiet”. Aela couldn’t help but think how easy he beat the three of them yet never told anyone about it and the fact he never once boasted about the dragons. He even went so far as to say the opposite, like when he said he killed a tree.


    “We all started to think he was a sort of priest, or monk”. The innkeeper said as she passed Aela a second flask of ale.


    “Priest  or monk, but why?” Aela started chuckling as she couldn’t picture  it at all.


    “Well he told everyone about you, how you got together. He loves your passion for archery, but the girls...”


    Aela put down the flask on the table hard as her eyes widened.

    “Girls?” A second later her head turned towards the maids as she openly glared across the inn at them.


    “Oh don’t worry dear, they started to talk. You should be pleased, not angry. You see he just wasn’t interested, he even paid one of my girls ten gold just to leave him alone... We started to think he was making you up, just so he wouldn’t be bothered by them”.


    Aela picked up her flask and smiled. A warm feeling started to fill her stomach making her relax as she felt a bit more secure.

    “So he wasn’t interested in anyone then..” She asked the question but it was more of a statement just to fortifying her feelings.


    The innkeeper’s face changed slightly which Aela noticed straight away.

    “Well... Oh I shouldn’t say it”. That was when she looked hard at Aela as if she was summoning up her relationship. “Oh fiddlesticks. Keep this to yourself. There was one night when a traveller came in. She was an Argonian as well. Now I fully expected them to sit and talk, after all one Argonian is rare but two especially in this climate”.


    “She recognised him, that I’m sure of. They never spoke, they just sat opposite each other. Him in that chair”. As she explained she pointed to a chair by a big table. “And her there”. Once again she indicated the same table. Tucked under it was just two chairs facing each other. “Neither of them ate or drank or talked for that matter. They just sat there for hours watching each other. I can’t help but think there was a history or something, then she got up and left. He spent the whole night in that chair watching the door”.


    “What! No, no way. He swore to me, no”. Aela felt her heart had been torn into pieces her eyes started watering as she fought off the tears.


    “No, you stop that right now. He made me swear not to tell anyone of that night now you listen to me. All he goes on about is you, no-one else, just you. Let him tell you in his own time, that is for the best.”


    Aela nodded slightly then made her way to the room which Sotek had rented. She curled herself up in a ball, like she would always do when she was upset. Inside she was fuming.


    Half hour later the door knocked, then the Innkeeper walked straight in. She took one look at Aela, then sat beside her and gave her a hug like what you would expect off a mother.

    “Don’t  be upset dear, a lot of people have history’s. I know he’s crazy about you just as much as you do. You know he says your his light, when he’s in a dark place he thinks of you”.


    Aela fought off the tears then shook her head in disagreement.

    “No, he’s the strong one. He’s always been my rock, when something goes wrong he’s there”.


    “Oh no dear, it’s you that shows him the path. now how did he put it? She is the moon that quells the beast inside. Or something like that, it don’t make much sense to me but he believed it. Now, hot bath and tidy yourself up, he’ll be back soon. They may have had a history or they may not have, I can’t be sure. What I do know is either one of them could have happily started a war that night... Forget it”. Then she stood up and lightly slapped Aela’s leg. “Bath. Now. Move”.


    It was about two am when Sotek walked through the Inn doorway wearing a new set of Nordic Carved armour. The only piece which he never had was the helm which he left out due to his bone spikes. Aela was back downstairs sitting by the fire waiting for his return.  She eagerly leapt off the chair and whistled as she examined the armor. The Argonian girl was on her mind but she had her own secret, so she gave him this one. She put her arms around him and held him tight.

    “Nice outfit”. She then discretely whispered to him. “You’re not going to want to wear  it tonight... I guarantee it”.


    Aela awoke in the morning although a bit later than she usually does to see Sotek rummaging around and shifting the furniture about.

    “What on earth are you doing?”


    “Ssorry didn’t mean to wake you”. He stated apologetically.  Moments later he stepped out of the way as he bowed down slightly. “Breakfasst iss sserved”. Beside him was two chairs placed around a small table set out for two people. On the table sat a basket of rolls and a plate of cheese which was already sliced up. There was also a bowl of fruit along with a plate of sliced cooked meats. Two glasses and a jug of juice were placed near the middle of the table next to a lit candle. “You were dissappointed the other day when we didn’t have breakfasst together”.


    “Oh you shouldn’t have” she stated but he could clearly see she was really happy that he made the effort.


    When they came down later in the morning the innkeeper greeted them warmly.

    “Oh that’s much better than that old armour you were wearing”. Sotek nodded in agreement before heading outside.  As they went to leave the Innkeeper called Aela back to the counter.


    “Oh yes, this is yours dear”. She then handed a small bag of gold across to her.


    “Ermm what’s this for?” She asked as confusion spread across her face.


    “Oh the girls chip in a few gold each night, the loudest one wins it. Last night was you, well done dear”.


    Aela turned bright red then skulked outside as she slipped the small purse of gold in her pocket.

    “Oh my god!” She stated as she hid her face from Sotek who was waiting for her.


    He could see something was amiss but he couldn’t work out what it was.

    “What’s wrong?” He couldn’t but help seeing her act oddly.


    “Nothing, never you mind”. She stated as she buried her face in her hands. A moment later she started laughing as she threw a punch at Sotek’s chest.

    “No, you know what? It’s your fault”. Then she playfully tried to beat him up.


    “What did I do?” he asked as he chuckled.


    “Never you bloody mind!” She shouted with a great big smile on her face.




10 Comments   |   SpookyBorn2021 and 1 other like this.
  • Relycs
    Relycs   ·  March 29, 2016
    Great to see more of Sotek's (possible) backstory. I'm surprised how easy making money can be.. But no rumors about that so far.

    *Exurio Who doesn't love/hate that?
  • Exuro
    Exuro   ·  June 15, 2015
    A nice look into the secret life of Sotek. It seems he creates a new identity each place he goes, or more accurately does his own thing and doesn't dissuade peoples' assumptions.
    Yeah that is often the case with passionate/ hot headed people; they'r...  more
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  June 14, 2015
    Yeah, I don't see Albee running around with dragonplate armor (I don't fancy the look of it) and Requiem includes several unique armor sets that are very beautiful. He may well end the game with a set he gets very early on. LOL, the last set he wore befor...  more
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  June 14, 2015
    Ah Sotek ends up with a set of Dragonscale armor. But even that talkes a while and he has several problems along the way. His first Dragonbone Bow takes him three days.
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  June 14, 2015
    Yeah, I tend to really stretch out armor making and repairs. Albee took 5 days to make his first set of armor, his weapons, and Allie's rather complex saddle, and I consider him an excellent smith. Reforging Wuuthrad takes less time, but several Gods part...  more
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  June 14, 2015
    He took several hours to make it and he never made the helm. (Skyrim time that takes seconds lol)
    I know what you mean though. When he makes his dragonscale armour that takes several days to do. 
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  June 14, 2015
    Dang, he made that fast. LOL
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  June 14, 2015
    Fixed it.
    It was about two am when Sotek walked through the Inn doorway wearing a new set of Nordic Carved armour. The only piece which he never had was the helm which he left out due to his bone spikes.
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  June 14, 2015
    Ah I should have made that clearer. It's the Nordic carved armor, the bearish one. Aela get's worse, just you wait until she really loses her temper. Sotek goes through hell with her.
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  June 14, 2015
    Which Nordic armor do you mean? The steel or the actual Nordic one that looks bearish?  Nice entry. Damn, Aela's a hothead. Thank goodness Haran was there to sort her out.