U.O.T.W. Chapter 34 Welcome To Training... Again


    The next morning Sotek was woken up by Farkas’s lumbering form bearing over him.

    “Aela sent me to wake you up. Welcome to training… Again”.


    Sotek rose out of his bed half-heartedly, then collected his weapons. Just before he made his way upstairs to the hall, he adjusted a few leather straps so his armour was properly secure. Aela and Vilkas are already eating despite Farkas’s grumblings as he had already finished and was heading outside.Aela shook her head at Sotek due to his late arrival.

    “Hurry up sleepyhead or your miss breakfast. You got a busy schedule today”. Sotek just had a glass of water and picked up an apple. From the very first bite his stomach turned as he fought off the sickening feeling which rose from his stomach. He threw the remains of the apple in the fire pit then headed outside to the yard.


    Aela followed Sotek outside leaving Tilma hollering at Sotek as she pointed to the apple blazing away spitting ash up as it burned. They both glanced back over their shoulders at the scene and smirked before disappearing in the yard.  Aela could tell that Sotek wasn’t overly keen due to the way his tail dragged limply behind him but she appreciated the fact he was keeping his word.


     “You ok?” She asked throwing her arms around him.


    Sotek just nodded then gave her a gentle squeeze in return for her affection.

    “What’ss firsst?”


    Aela already decided to make it easy for him by choosing archery so there would be no contact between himself and anyone else.

    “You, me, and my bow”. As she explained, she held it up to him.


    “I don’t have to shoot you with it do I?” As he replied solemnly he looked serious. Aela still struggled to read his face, they all did. Even the Harbinger had a hard time trying to read his emotions especially when he was trying to hide them. Aela couldn’t distinguish the difference in Sotek smiling and snarling, none of them could.


    She just laughed as she tugged his arm.

    “No, no you don’t”.


    “Good. Does that mean you’re going to shoot me instead?”. She turned to face him as her eyes narrowed to two tiny slits. He was standing there oblivious to her emotions with a big grin on his face. At least Aela presumed it was a grin.


    “That’s not funny”. She frowned as she punched him in the arm.


    After an hour or so Aela was happy with Soteks progress, so she upped the difficulty by grabbing three apples from the table sat them on a rock. She stood back next to a marker and fired off three arrows one after the other. Each arrow hit its prospective target causing the three apples to explode on impact. Sotek couldn’t help but be in awe of her form and technique just as much as he was admiring her moves and curves.


    “Right your turn”. She called over, snapping him out of his trance.


    She placed three whole apples on the rock.

    “Six arrows, three apples”.


    “I’m not so sure about thiss”. Sotek couldn’t help but notice how small the apples looked from this distance. He couldn’t help but feel that they might have well been grapes for all the difference it would make.


    Aela dismissed his complaints and waved him on.

    “You’ll have no problems”. She had a confident look about her whereby Sotek certainly didn’t.


    Sotek's initial arrow just  missed the center of the first apple, barely skinning one side. The second shot missed its target completely.

    “Take your time. Remember your breathing. Second apple”.


    Sotek lined up his shot, held his breath, then fired. The arrow slices through the air hitting the apple, sending it in pieces across the yard.

    “Yes!” Aela shouted out. “Third apple”. Once again Sotek aims, holds his breath, and fires. The arrow shoots past the apple just a few inches away from it. “Last shot”. He lines up again, and fires, the arrow hit the apple off center, cutting out a chunk and sending it spinning to the ground.


    Aela went up to him feeling overly pleased with his progress.

    “One and a half, not bad. I’ll make an archer of you yet”, then she gave him a hug. He held her tight, kissed her forehead then they broke away from each other.


    Farkas called out to them as he pointed to the lone apple which was still sitting on the wall.

    “There’s still an apple and he’s got one shot left”.


    Aela shook her head at him.

    “Two shots an apple “.


    Vilkas and Farkas look at each other then nodded to each other. They both start banging the table and  loudly shouting in unison.

    “Wager!, Wager!!!, Wager!” in time together.


    Aela held up her hand, silencing them both.

    “One hundred gold he hits it”. she shouted out across the yard. Sotek’s mouth dropped open as he blinked at her heavily.


    She seductively slid up to him then whispered in her sexy husky voice

    Hit it and I’m yours for the whole night, but if you miss it!” Then she gently but discretely grabbed him between the legs. Her fingers tenderly wrapped around his manhood. “Then this goes on my shelf”. She then smiled at him, as she gave him one last comment. “No pressure”. Her hand tugged slightly, which forced him to stand bolt upright before she let him go.


    “I’ll take that bet” Farkas called out.


    “Me too” Vilkas shouted. Both of them then threw a bag of gold on the floor.


    Aela’s eyes fixed on the bags of gold lying there then she turned to Sotek smiling, but her tone belied the smile. He felt a slight shudder as she spoke.

    “You miss this then I lose two hundred gold, I won’t have your balls I’ll have your bloody skin on my wall”. She then poked him in the chest “Aim. Breathe. Control. Hit the bloody thing”.


    Sotek took aim, controlled his breathing then fired. The arrow flew straight and true hitting the apple off centre but still causing it to disintegrates on impact, spreading out bits of apple over the wall. Aela screamed out excitedly.


    “I win!” Then she ran over to the bags of gold and scooped them up from the ground. Only then did she turn to Sotek who was smiling evilly at her. As he threw her a wink, the realization in what she had said to him slowly sank in. “Oh rats”.


    They move off to the side allowing the others to train with the targets while they sat and watched. After a few hours everyone headed inside for a break. It was that moment which the Harbinger had decided to seek out Sotek from the rabble in the hall.

    “I’ve had word from winter hold, the college is asking how your spells are coming on. They have requested to see you”.


    “Please tell me you been practicing your spells” Aela asked.


    Sotek just nodded in response. He knew when he had been hunting by himself that he used magic just as much as his bow and axe.


    Farkas overheard the conversation and spoke up.

    “He’s certainly been practicing Conjuration, if the amount of howling from that familiar he conjures up is anything to go by. He must be a master by now”.


    Aela grabbed an apple off Sotek’s plate and threw it at him, then she held up her bags of gold which were sitting on the table and shook them loudly.



    Sotek laughed at the pair of them before resuming his conversation with the Harbinger.

    “I’ll best head up there tomorrow morning and I suppose I’ll have to stay there for a few days, see if I can help in any way”.


    The Harbinger disagreed. He enforced his opinion by resting his heavy hand on Sotek’s shoulder.

    “It might serve you better if you stayed a few weeks or so. We all know you have to rely on more than you can learn here and as you have proven before magic is another weapon at your disposal. Just like your dragon shouts”. As the Harbinger spoke he noticed Aela who now sat in her chair all quiet and moody.


    “Greybeards..,. I’ll have to go and visit them as well” Sotek added.


    The Harbinger twitched his eyes to Aela as Sotek spoke to him. Sotek looked at her seeing her sat there. The more he looked on the more he could see a mental thundercloud develop over her head. He gazed around the room and quietly laughed.

    “Aela, which one do you think is best?”


    She turned and threw a confused look at him, temporarily thrown out of her mood.



    “Well the journey to Winterhold is long and I’ll be there for a few weeks at least, and no doubt there will be a cave to explore or something that needs tracking down. Then there’s the seven thousand steps to High Hrothgar, I’m bound to come across something as I’m travelling up there in the mountain side, let alone whatever task they lined up for me. I’d be a fool to set off alone so I thought as you worry about me, you would say which Shield Sister would be best to travel with me for a few weeks?”


    She sat there for a few moments looking around the room until his words actually sank in.

    “You dare take anyone else”. She threateningly stated as she laughed while she playfully beat him up.


    For the rest of the day Sotek and Aela just took it easy watching the others train throughout the afternoon. That evening as they went downstairs for the night Farkas jestingly approached Aela as she headed across the corridor in the Under Croft. He was totally unable to resist winding her up so he closed in on her like a pack of wolves.


    “So who is it then?” he enquired.


    “Who is what?” She snapped back at him as she was fully expecting a leg pull as she walked past the smirking behemoth.


    “Who is it Soteks taking?” He stated while sporting a massive grin on his face.


    She turned around and glared at him.

    “Me!” She roared before thumping him in the arm. She went off towards her room leaving Farkas and Vilkas who was hiding around a corner laughing loudly.


    Before she could close her door there was a tap as Sotek opened it. He held her in his arm while his other hand gently lowered her head onto his chest.

    “You’re tired”. She just nodded as she held him in return. “We got a long trip tomorrow, let’s get you to bed”.


    “That’s all you think about”. She said smiling.


    “What iss?” He asked.


    “Getting me to bed”. She gave a little laugh, but kept her eyes closed as the strain of the last few days took its toll.


    As they laid down on her bed, Sotek mentioned one last thing.

    “You know you sstill owe me a night don’t you”.


    Keeping her eyes shut, and without moving her head, she punched him lightly in the stomach. Sotek pretended it hurt and started groaning.

    “You wussy” She laughed as she tucked herself in his arms.




11 Comments   |   SpookyBorn2021 and 1 other like this.
  • Relycs
    Relycs   ·  March 29, 2016
    Well, I didn't think Aela would go personal like that.. in public.

    Good to see them getting outside a bit.
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  November 6, 2015
    I do not rant and hiss thank you..
    Added screenshot
  • Aela The Huntress
    Aela The Huntress   ·  November 6, 2015
    What happened to the screen shot? I'm sure you ranted and hissed when you tried to line up apples on a wall.
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  September 15, 2015
    Fixed the errors and had a tweak with one of your suggestions.
    I used this as it was. You are right, it does sound better.
    the arrow hit the apple off center, cutting out a chunk and sending it spinning to the ground.
    I've added 'initial...  more
  • FlameLord
    FlameLord   ·  September 15, 2015
    1.Getting me to bed”. She gave a little laugh, but kept her eyes closed as eth strain of the last few days took its toll. Should be the
    2.You dare take anyone else”. She thretengly stated as she laughed while she playfully beat hi...  more
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  June 13, 2015
    You know I've no idea why I switch to present tense. It's a pain and it seldom works for me. Thansk for that. Nicely spotted Meli yes it should be prospective. I'll fix those two points straight away.
    It makes the whole thing worth wile knowing that...  more
  • Meli
    Meli   ·  June 13, 2015
    Another good chapter Sotek, couple of things:
    "Aela goes up to him feeling overly pleased with his progress." - You're switching between past and present tense in the narrative, try this with "Aela went up to him", see if that fits better
    "Ea...  more
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  June 7, 2015
    Nope to be honest its quite mild compared to 'bastard' and other swear words so I think it'll be fine. 
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  June 7, 2015
    In mine, it's Torvar and Athis, and Athis always wins. Albee is considering asking for a part of the proceeds, as his holy tenets say nothing on gambling.  
    Well they haven't pulled it yet. 
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  June 7, 2015
    Oh Farkas and Vilkas are always up for a wager and Sotek always has a wild scheme to make money off them.