U.O.T.W. Chapter 12 The Enemy Within


    Early next morning as the sun was breaking, Sotek awoke with a start to see Farkas standing over him.

    “Up!!! It’s time to see what you can really do”. With that Farkas left the undercroft and headed out the back to the courtyard. Sotek got up, put on his armor and grabbed his weapons then headed outside.


    In the courtyard everyone was waiting. Aela sat to one side playing about with some arrows while Farkas sat a few feet behind her with his sword in hand. The whelps were sitting around the place like scattered ants. Some sat by themselves while others stayed in small groups. Kodlak and Eorlund were the only ones missing. In the centre of the yard wielding a two handed sword, patiently waited Vilkas. Sotek gulped as he looked at the solid stature of the Nord who was clearly ready to fight.


    “Draw your sword”. Vilkas demanded. Sotek did as he was told. With his shield and sword at the ready, Vilkas wasted no time and quickly stepped forwards hitting Soteks sword as hard as he could. The impact tore Soteks sword straight out of his hand sending it off clanging into the ground. “Do you even know how to use that thing”? He sneered.


    Sotek looked across to his weapon then went and picked it up before resuming his stance.

    “Yes. I hold the handle end and hit with the point”.


    The whelps all laughed but that just infuriated Vilkas who turned angrily at them.

    “This is not a joke!”


    “Sorry, but I make no joke”. Soteks face was serious which was obvious to everyone as he blankly watched Vilkas rant at him.


    Aela starred in complete disbelief as she watched the scene play out before her as realism dawned slowly over her.

    “Oh my god…”


    Farkas turned to her in surprise.



    She just sat there shaking her head at Sotek.

    “He means it. My god he really means it. He hasn’t got a bloody clue”


    Vilkas came at him again viciously swinging his weapon, Sotek tried to block but couldn’t hold Vilkas back. Yet again his sword was thrown from his grasp. This time however he also got knocked back and fell on the ground.


    Vilkas had enough at Sotek’s inadequacies and yelled forcibly at him.

    “Don’t bother picking it up!”


    Sotek got back up on his feet, left his sword where it lay and just positioned himself with his shield as if to block another strike. Vilkas starred at him for a few seconds before roaring in anger. He threw his own weapon on the ground and stormed off away from the practice area to join the other companions.


    Next in line was Farkas who drew his sword and shield as he approached Sotek. He pointed towards Sotek’s own weapon then took a defensive stance.

    “Hit me with your sword”.


    Sotek retrieved his sword and swung at Farkas who easily blocked the clumsy attack. He then retaliated with his own shield knocking Sotek to the ground. Sotek got up and tried again but with equal results once again finding himself sitting in the dirt. After getting up a third time he attacked again but Farkas just sidestepped then bashed Sotek in the side with his shield. Once more Sotek was sent sprawling into the ground. Sotek got back up and poised himself again, but Farkas refusing to carry on. He went over to his chair and sat down.


    Aela got up and moved across the courtyard shaking her head at Sotek’s complete lack of training.

    "Whelp grab your bow or whatever you call that thing”. As she growled at him she felt disgust at the state of his bow.


    Sotek went to the side placed his sword and shield down then picked up his bow. He knew it was in a bit of a state, but it still worked. He just shrugged, and then picked up his quiver. Everyone else moved to the side. Suddenly Aela shouted out.



    Sotek pulled up his bow whilst he tried to grab an arrow just to see one thud into the ground by his feet. Aela was clearly not impressed.

    “Faster you moron… Get ready… “Draw”.


    As quick as he could he lifted his bow, and actually managed to grab an arrow just to hear another thump as an arrow embedded itself into the ground a few inches away from his foot.


    All this time the Harbinger and the blacksmith were watching from the forge above them.

    “Aela!” Kodlak called out to her making everyone turn around in surprise to see him bearing down at them all.


    Aela’s eyes fixed on Sotek glaringly as she snarled out in reply.

    “Yes Harbinger?”


    Kodlak who was used to Aela’s attitude slightly shook his head at her before calling back down to her.

    “Why don’t you train him?”


    She turned and looked at Sotek with a face full of thunder, glaring at him while she spoke.

    “Yes Harbinger”. Over the next few hours Aela trained Sotek, but she did so brutally. She whipped his leg with an arrow to move his feet apart, whilst she whacked his elbow so he would lift it higher. She even slapped his jaw so he would lift his chin.


    Eorlund, who was watching alongside the Harbinger, spoke quietly.

    “She don’t like him”.




    “Oh hell she doesn’t like anybody. No, his sword… She don’t like him, she resists him. It’s not fair”.


    “What do you suggest?” the Harbinger asked.


    “Send him to me. I’ll sort him out”. As if Eorlund had an afterthought he turned towards the Harbinger and threw a question straight at him. “Tell me something… Do you want him to stay or leave?”


    The Harbinger looked at Eorlund with a slightly startled expression then spoke quietly so they wouldn’t be over heard.

    “Sotek’s a Dragonborn. He’s already helped the Jarl’s guards kill a dragon by the west tower”


    The blacksmith was shocked to say the least.

    “What! Him! Hell he can’t even hold a sword let alone fight”


    Kodlak sighed and nodded in agreement.

    “He dealt the killing blow. Imagine if he could fight. We have to help where we can”.


    Eorlund gazed down at the hapless Argonian and nodded slowly as a plan started forming in his mind.

    “Send him to me tonight”. With that the blacksmith turned around and started to work on some iron.


    That evening everyone was sitting at the table laughing and joking, except for Sotek who sat by himself at a small table watching the group as a whole. The Harbinger who had kept an eye on him waited until it was dark then approached him.

    “Eorlund needs a hand. Can you help him please, he‘s at the Skyforge”.


    Sotek rose to his feet before answering. His reply was dry but straight to the point.

    “Yes Harbinger”. Without another word Sotek headed outside.


    As soon as he left Aela nodded to Farkas. He in turn nudged Vilkas who was sitting next to him. The three of them got up and approached the Harbinger. He took the three companions aside.

    “What’s the matter?”


    Farkas was the first to speak up.

    “It’s Sotek, he’s useless. He don’t belong here”


    Slowly nodding, he half heartedly agreed.

    “I grant you he’s not much of a fighter”.


    With that Aela practically exploded.

    “Much of a fighter? He can’t bloody fight at all… He can’t shoot, cant block. Oh yea, he’s got a flame. Oh goody, well when the next seasons crops gather for an attack we’ll be ok wont we!!! All he can do is fall on his bloody arse”


    The Harbinger let out a sigh then spoke.

    “Aela! He stands… Vilkas shouted and hollered at him. Farkas here beat him about knowing full well he couldn’t take the blows. And you…” For the first time in a long while he raised his voice to Aela. “You beat him, you whipped, screamed, yelled and even hit him. None of you gave him the slightest chance, and yet despite all that”. Then his voice softened to its usual tone while he caught his breath. “Despite all that, he took it. He took all you three could throw at him and he never once backed down and never complained, but took it all and tried”.


    He then pointed his finger at each of them and gave the three companions a stern warning.

    “I warn you, I warn you all. What he lacks in skill he certainly makes up for in spirit and skill can be taught. One day he may surpass you all. Oh you can beat him, you can whip him and you can certainly knock him on his backside, but I don’t think he will ever truly be defeated”. Without another word he walked off leaving the three standing there. Aela, Vilkas and Farkas thought back on that day, all three of them now realizing that they gave him hell and he took it all. Despite their best efforts, Sotek still came back for more.




14 Comments   |   SpookyBorn2021 and 2 others like this.
  • SpottedFawn
    SpottedFawn   ·  July 12, 2018
    Fun chapter! I like how Kodlak schooled them all by pointing out Sotek's resilience. Go Sotek! He's even more green than Reidar. x'D

    In terms of improvement, I think this chapter would benefit a lot from a more condensed, streamlined recap of...  more
    • Sotek
      Fun chapter! I like how Kodlak schooled them all by pointing out Sotek's resilience. Go Sotek! He's even more green than Reidar. x'D

      In terms of improvement, I think this chapter would benefit a lot from a more condensed, streamlined recap of the Farkas ...  more
        ·  July 13, 2018
      I'll look into that SF. Glad you enjoyed it.
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  March 29, 2016
    Thanks everyone, glad you all enjoyed it.
    This is where the story really kicks off.
  • Relycs
    Relycs   ·  March 28, 2016
    Great chapter.
  • Aela The Huntress
    Aela The Huntress   ·  August 29, 2015
    “It’s Sotek, he’s useless. He don’t belong here” This sounds like one of our arguments. Hehehe…
    What really stands out is that despite the fact that Sotek is useless (Sorry but he is, Rhassppp) He still stands up to them.
    There’s one line at t...  more
  • Paws
    Paws   ·  August 14, 2015
    Very well said, really enjoyed this chapter.
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  July 15, 2015
    Yea he really holds his own don't he. Way to go Sotek...
  • Idesto
    Idesto   ·  July 15, 2015
    *Sotek's* Damn spellchecker!
  • Idesto
    Idesto   ·  July 15, 2015
    Good chapter. I learnt a lot about Site's character. I like the bit where he grabs his bow and everyone edges away :)
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  June 2, 2015
    He does go though a rough time with them. Aela especially initially at least untill he wins them over. 
  • Meli
    Meli   ·  June 2, 2015
    I like the interaction between Sotek and the Circle, very honest and in keeping with what I have seen of the Companions questline