The start of something new

  • So, I am working on a story about the lands of skyrim. Taking the tips from my first blog, I decided to start somewhat different.

    As a teaser, I have for you: my first paragraph!

    Waking up, with the smell of her brown hair still in my nose, knowing it is nothing more than a long gone memory, I let the warm salty tears run down my face. I can still feel the fear in her eyes piercing right through my heart as she voices the words I've learned to dread: 'They  are here'.

    On that moment i realize nothing has really changed. I still wake up every morning hoping to smell the cabbage soup she had learned to cook so well. I still open my eyes, hoping to hear my little brother laugh at a joke he is too young to fully understand.

    It does not take more than 6 seconds for that hope of a calm peaceful life to shatter into a million little pieces, and after that I let the sadness take over. It helps me through the day, picking cabbage for this farmer whose name I don't care to learn. It became a piece of me, something that defines the features of my face, the way I put one foot in front of the other.

    So, I hope it sets the tone for my adventure, but now I would like to hear from you if it was Ok, and what should change. Help me by saying what was good and what should change.

    Thank you

    Your friend
