The Last: Introduction

  • Hello ladys and gentlemen! This here o' blog post is gonna be the adventures of The Last. A group which once swore an oath to protect the world from Mehrunes Dagon and the Mythic Dawn. So without futher ado I will now present the characters:

    Garanis Adalis: An old Altmer mage which serves as Arch-Mage in the College of Winterhold. He uses Destuction as his main school and lightning as his preferred element. He is kind and mysterious. He is suspicuos of others and not very quick on his feet. Quote: ''I am not a master. I am but a humble servant to the god of wisdom.''

    Gug Gurag-Balog: A Orc warrior mainly focusing on charging into battle but coordinates his attacsks like a master stratagist. Despite his size he is very quick. He is a former member of the Blades. He is short tempreded and he never backs down from a fight. Quote: ''You call that a puch?''

    Lachance Black-Cloak: A young Bosmer theif which serves as leader of the Theives Guild in Riften and is a Nightingale. He is charming and shares his wealth with those who deserve it. He is a master marksman and people say he is the best theif in Skyrim. He also has ties to the Dark Brotherhood. Quote: ''Sorry to pop-in unannoucened.''

    Phew! Well looks like thats all the main characters there. The first part will be up tomorrow! (If I have time.) Take care.


1 Comment
  • Soneca the Exiled
    Soneca the Exiled   ·  June 14, 2013
    Ill follow that, if youre interested in some more characters i could give you a couple of ideas