Union of the Bounty Hunter: Part 3

  • Night consumed all, enveloping the land, rocks and trees with its dark embrace. The only lights that pierced through the veil were the moons, Masser and Secunda, and a simple camp fire.


    The smoke snaked its way into the air, taking with it the aroma of cooking meat. And something else, something baser, something wet. The scent was carried further by the wind and into the noses of two werewolves. They looked up from their game of chase and sniffed heavily.


    The smaller of the two, around the size of the average human Nord, covered in white fur growled hungrily. The red brute beside him, Red, she smelt it too. Their tongues now rolled out of their maws, dripping with saliva, hungry for a treat of meat. Together they bounded off towards the lonely looking orange glow of the fire.


    Xian looked up over his shoulder, hearing the two approach. Several long seconds past before the duo skidded to a stop, making sure not to stumble over each other. The two stared at the lone Argonian, wishing for him to toss them a leg or rib of the elk that was currently being roasted over the fire.


    “Knew that would get your attention,” the ebony scaled lizard remarked. “The leg isn’t finished yet. Well, not enough for a regular stomach.” Red and Albino looked at one another and back to Xian. The two of them were still a bit weary of the lizard, after what he did to them some hours ago in Brittleshin. Well, mainly Albino.


    A misunderstanding had occurred between Aela, Sotek and he deep in the bowels of Brittleshin. The Companions had mistaken him for the vampire they were supposed to kill but his skills of keeping them at bay were too great and were forced to transform. Albino was first, charging at Xian, much to his delight for a good fight but was quickly disappointed and grew tired of the little skirmish.


    Red came next, roaring her rage and gained both their attentions. It was that short distraction that the bounty hunter needed to knock the white wolf to the ground and place a dagger to the back of his skull. It put a stop to Red’s approach and well placed threat forced Aela back to them.


    Negotiations and secrets revealed, the trio worked together to complete the assignment. When it was finished they left the network of tunnels and exited the cave on the Northern side of the mountain, finding it to be too dark to return to Whiterun. Another conversation and fire later, the two wolves returned with a dead elk that Xian carved and currently was roasting.


    The Hunter looked to them both and rolled his eyes.


    “By the Hist, you two are too damn skeptical of me. I’m too tired to even try to screw with you. Calm down and feast on the carcass,” he waved to the remains of the dead animal. It was missing two of its legs, one in front and behind. While Aela and Sotek themselves were alright with the bounty hunter that did not mean their lupine doubles felt the same.


    With one look at the blood and meat Red and Albino charged. Their teeth ripped long stripes of meat and muscle from the bone and chewed noisily. Both of them growled happily as the sustenance crawled down each throat.


    Xian sighed and thought aloud. “What, split personalities and stomachs?” More mead was poured gingerly onto the meat, steam erupting as cold liquid met hot meat. The elk legs were golden and charred, a delicacy for him. Normally it was either sabre cat or wolf meat for a late night treat.


    The two wolves ignored comment and continued to gorge on the now mostly skeleton of an elk. All that remained after their feast were the hooves, antlers and bones, all dripping with the dark, crimson liquid of life. They looked to each other and growled their content, licking their red teeth clean.


    Xian looked over to them, spying the bare bones of the creature. His silver eyes studied the skeleton and wolves. He kept several journals on his person filled with information on nearly every creature imaginable in Skyrim. The Argonian was a bounty hunter who learned from his kills, namely their general weak spots and other potential sour spots.


    It also included the humans, elves and beasts of Tamriel.


    These two werewolves, however, were something else. He’d never heard of people with Lycanthropy having split personalities with their wolf form. If Xian wished to learn more about them, he would have to do it quite soon. Or the possibility will be out of his clawed clutches for a long while.


    Red caught him glancing their way and bared her deadly teeth, a growl vibrating in her throat.


    “That is enough red wolf. Your threat does not frighten me.” He closed his eyes, reminiscing on a distant memory. “I’ve heard many of the same threats. How could this one be shaken by your own?”


    The sound of cracking bone and grating jaws sounded as Red shrank back to the red haired Aela.


    “Maybe because she still does not forgive you for threatening her mate?”


    “Then she can hold a grudge against me for the rest of her life. Do have her remember it was the both of you who set upon me.” Xian pointed a finger towards the Nord woman and the white wolf that was now rubbing his snout against her hand, working his way under her arm. “Friendly son of a bitch, isn’t he?”


    She patted his head, the snow fur peeking its way between her fingers. Her voice contained a slight node of resentment.


    “To those he knows and cares for lizard. Do note I don’t trust you entirely either.”


    “Even after our little battle against the vampire?” Xian smirked. “Come now, not even with my decision to keep the Companions little secret?”


    “Especially that!” The werewolf under her arm stirred a bit, trying to find a comfortable position. “That secret can ruin us! My family! The only life I’ve known dammit!” A now clawed fingertip waggled dangerously close underneath Xian’s snout. “You take that from me and so help me not even Sotek can protect you!”


    For once the black Argonian did not respond with a snide comment. He looked down to her claw and into her own silver-gray eyes. Not many people he had seen had eyes the same color, or close to, as himself. Behind the ferocity and palpable anger within them was a young woman with everything at her hands: family, friends. Even a lover.


    Everything he didn’t or left abandoned.


    The bounty hunter gazed onto the near drooping werewolf, his green eyes leering at him in wonder. He gently moved the lethal claw from under his chin and spoke in a soft, soothing voice.


    “Why would I take that which you value most?”


    “Because you can.”


    “Aren’t you vile?” He exhaled heavily. “As much as you disbelieve me, I do not steal from others. Why would I take your family? At least you didn’t leave yours by choice.”


    That was an answer she was not prepared for. Recoiling on the spot, disturbing Albino and causing him to yelp in confusion. The claw had receded and was, once again, a regular finger nail.


    “You… You did what?”


    He nodded somberly. “You heard this one. I left my family almost a decade ago.”


    Albino sauntered off towards the elk body, finding the conversation tiresome and irritating. Disturbing a wolf’s sleep was not healthy for the wolf or the disturber.




    The Argonian looked over the Nord werewolf, eyes narrowing. “You have not earned that part of my life. Lucky I even told you that small snippet.” It was a nerve of his he did not want touched by anyone. And he didn’t mean for it to come out as a hiss, but it did. “My past will remain hidden, just out of reach.”


    Aela sighed. “Fine, forget I asked then.”


    “Already have.” He looked to the cooking meat and poked it with a finger. “It’s finished. Have your lover-”


    “Mate,” she corrected sternly. “Get it right!”


    “Whatever. Have him turn back to the green lizard that he is.”


    Her fiery hair tumbled and swayed as she looked towards the white wolf who was busy resting nearby. She paced to him, rubbing his ears and making him open those pretty green eyes of his.


    “Come on boy let him back in,” Aela coaxed. “Let him back.”


    Albino looked to her meaningfully before a horrible, pained cry echoed through the camp. Terrible convulsions shook the werewolf’s body, rocking him back and forth as the metamorphosis finally began. Each snap and break of the bones caused more agony for the beast, his wails becoming less bestial and more like an Argonian.


    Ten seconds. Ten disgusting seconds that seemed to last for an hour rang in Aela’s and Xian’s ears before a panting Sotek lay spread eagle on the ground. They stared at him with sorrow in their eyes. Groggily he got up, using the good arm to hold him up.


    “What… is going on?”


    “Nothing,” answered Xian. “The leg’s done. And before you start the damn thing is more than enough for the three of us.”


    “Good,” he murmured rubbing his stomach. “I feel I could eat my horse.”


    “Who says you haven’t tried?” Aela jested with a caring smile.


    “… That was an accident.”


    “Hah, sounds like quite the story.”


    “No, no story at all. Nope.” Sotek started to squirm his way behind the elk’s shredded body, trying in vain to make himself smaller.


    “Right,” Xian replied taking the leg from the fire. It was cooked to what was considered extremely edible for him. Wonderfully golden with spots of black dotted throughout. The steam rose and juices oozed from the meat just begging to be ripped open. “Come on now, both of you.”


    The Nord took a sniff of the steaming meat, nearly melting at the smell. But at that moment her face contorted to one of confusion.


    “What’s in the meat? It smells… different.”


    “Yeah,” Sotek agreed. “Normally it wouldn’t have that strange aroma.”


    Xian took one of his daggers, cleaned of any blood and rotten flesh, and cut large slabs for all three of them. “Maybe it would be the ale that it absorbed while cooking.”


    “You did what now? Why?” Aela scrunched her nose. “Waste of a good bottle.”


    “Because I didn’t feel like drinking it all now and felt like getting a buzz without taking a swig.” The bounty hunter shook his head at red-wolf’s response. “Don’t give me that look. With how much a Nord usually drinks.”


    “I’d like to put that false truth down,” Sotek replied, shuffling closer and taking his offered share. “She drinks more.”


    “Oi, bastard!” Her hand clapped him in the chest. “You know that’s not right either!”


    The green lizard recoiled a little to the strike but all it did was cause him slight discomfort. With no bone to hold he brought the bad arm to grasp. Tearing a piece away it soon disappeared in his mouth despite the heat. “That’s actually not too bad.”


    “Seriously?” she inquired.


    “I wouldn’t say otherwise, right?” He blinked a few times rather quickly. “The ale is there but not that much to alter the taste of the meat.”


    Xian smirked triumphantly. “Told you.”


    Alea grunted. “Fine, fine, give me a damn piece.” A chunk of meat made its way to her open palms, causing her to wince at the heat. Pinching a small portion between her fingernails the Nord popped the elk into her open maw. It was actually not that terrible. “It’s…!”


    “Not bad, is it?” Xian asked with a sly grin.


    “It’s not something I’d eat all the time and prefer not to again.”


    “How did I know you’d say something like that?” Sotek chuckled.


    “Because you know how I think.”


    “Not fully.”


    “Then catch up already,” she laughed at him. 


    “It’s hard to keep up with someone when they tend to react rather than think things through.”


    Xian made his presence known.


    “How about before you two pounce on each other or whatever, do keep in mind I am right here.”


    Alea rolled her eyes. “That was not where that was heading.”


    “Uh-huh,” the ebony lizard remarked.


    “Oh…” Sotek replied feeling rejected.


    Xian groaned at his marsh-brother’s disappointment. “At least don’t do it with me present. People often ignore me when I’m in a tavern or my rented room.”


    “You are a sick bastard.”


    “No sicker than the next person.”


    “That doesn’t… you can’t know that!”


    “That’s my point,” the hunter plainly stated.


    “That’s a shitty point lizard!” Aela spat.


    “Shut up and eat.” Gods and Hist! Xian cursed to himself. How old are these fucking idiots?! How can they… no don’t answer that question. Don’t need your pride to be damaged by those who look like they just saw their twentieth summer. Sure know how to get on my nerves already, little shits.


    Surprising even the hunter himself Aela actually huffed at his remark but tossed her portion in disgust. A waste of good mead she thought over and over. Blanking Xian out completely she climbed to her feet and picked up her bow, leaving her pack behind. She approached Sotek, who was looking up at her in curiosity, until she lightly tapped his let with the tip of her boot. “Wait for me.” Without another word she slipped off and disappeared into the darkness.


    “The fuck is wrong with that woman?” Xian asked.


    “She’s… headstrong. Mix that with her lupine blood and, well, you got Aela.”


    “You’ve got a pain in the ass is what you got.”


    “Maybe so Xian,” Sotek agreed rubbing his slung shoulder. “But she’s my pain in the ass.”


    The black scaled lizard said nothing to retort; instead merely stared at his egg-brother before turning his gaze to the camp fire. My pain in the ass, he repeated. Ugh, dammit.


    Long moments of silence past until the sound of footsteps caught Xian’s and Sotek’s attention. The Companion, however, smelt something on the enclosing individual. He knew exactly who it was and what she now carried. Over the hump of a hill emerged a smirking Aela. Within her grasp was her bow and two gutted rabbits over her shoulder. The Nord help them up, brandishing her kills and relishing in the feeling it gave her to irk Xian some more.


    “Rabbit anyone?”




    An hour had passed and the moon had set, blanketing the vast world in darkness. Only the soft glow and gurgle of the campfire gave any light and sound. The scent of blood masked by the smell of smoke.


    Sotek and Aela laid against one another, staying together for warmth under the furs. The night had grown unusually cool even for the Argonian who preferred his bathing water with ice. Xian had disturbed him with his tossing and turning.


    “Hey,” Aela sleepily asked rubbing her eyes. “What’s up?”




    “Then keep it to yourself and don’t wake me!” She prodded his chest to make him squirm a little. “Remember not to wake a sleeping woman. Especially when she has Red up her arsenal.”


    “Yess, don’t remind me,” he shivered. Having seen Red go berserk in the Undercroft of Jorvaskarr, let along left it in his shoulder being nearly destroyed, Sotek marveled at what carnage a rudely awakened Red would possibly do. But he instantly regretted that notion and gulped. REALLY don’t wanna think on that! And I thought Aela was bad enough.  


    “Ugh, now that you have me up,” she complained, “you’d better have a good way to make me fall back asleep.”


    “And what would, could, that be hmm?” He had a pretty good idea of what it was but they had company. “Don’t answer. I have a feeling I know.”


    “Well it isn’t that you idiot! Try again.”                           


    Well there goes that theory! Sotek thought. “You still worried about Xian and the secret?”


    “YES!” she spat. A gurgling hiss caused both of them to look towards the lizard in question as he tossed to his side dragging the fur with him. “We are making a mistake and you know it!” I don’t care how much he reassured me! I will never trust that man’s word!


    “All I know is that it looked like you two were talking,” Sotek began. “But I have no idea about what. After all Albino was listening, I only got a glimpse of the confrontation. So what’d you guys say. Maybe I can doubly reassure you.”


    “I doubt it asshole!” Aela huffed in annoyance. It was clear the Nord was fighting very powerful emotions, her own and Red’s. Sweat beaded at the cusp of her hear and dripped from her brow. “He said he wasn’t going to say.”



    “And that’s it?”


    She shot him a glare that made Albino cower. “Fucker!” More huffing to lower her heart rate. “What I value most is my family, the Companions! You! He said… he said, asked, why he’d take that away from me.”


    “He asked ‘why would he?’” the green lizard repeated. He thought back to the conversation Xian and he had inside Brittleshin, about the Companions as well as the vampire. He was willing to sit down and listen. It didn’t mean he trusted his egg-brother but he gave him some form of relief.




    “Aela back inside the Pass he and I talked, as I know you heard. He sat and listened to me. Gives me the impression he’s more willing to talk than most others of his occupation.”


    “He’s still a bounty hunter! He has no honor!”


    “He obviously has enough that he isn’t stabbing us in our sleep.”


    “Yes I heard you speak, you damned bastard!” Aela hissed. Her hair fell past her face catching the fire’s light casting bars of shadow to the earth. “But he hasn’t swayed me. And neither have you!”


    Sotek sighed. “I know; believe me I know.” Silence fell onto them as a new though made him furrow his brow. “Remember how I said you and he were speaking while I was Albino?” She nodded. “Was there something mo-”


    “No…!” The two Companions nearly jumped out of their skin. They turned to Xian who appeared to be in a wrestling match with a nightmare. Whatever it was it was really causing him to tremble. “Maven… Who… re… Don’t you harm… godson!”


    They gawked at his back, brows raised in confusion.


    “He’s got a godson,” Aela repeated to herself. “So what?”


    “Well he mentioned Maven. Has to be Maven Black-Briar from Riften,” the green lizard concluded. “But exactly, so what?”


    “I have no damn idea.” She rubbed her eyes trying to break the sleep from them but to no avail. “Now I’m getting tired again. Finally!”


    “I see that.”


    Aela looked out into the distance seemingly watching something that she could not see. Or wishing she wasn’t so tired to unleash her blood once again. “Then I suppose we’ll see what happens when morning comes around.”


    “Yes, yes we will,” Sotek replied placing his hand on her shoulder again. “I promise it will work out.”


    “It had better.” She threw her arms around him making sure to take great care not to disturb his slung shoulder.


    With some patience Sotek was able to steadily lower himself to the ground while Aela threw the fur on top of them. Her head was placed to his chest once more, the constant beating of his heart, a steady rhythm to fall asleep to. Eventually neither could take it no more and closed their eyes as they embraced the sensation.




    The sun was past its highest peak of the day before any of the three stirred from their slumber. The misadventure in Brittleshin Pass had kept everyone’s attention for much of the evening. The spats and meal afterwards were to blame as well. More than half of the new day already gone.


    “Well shit,” Xian shrugged before stretching the sleep out of his limbs.


    “Kodlak and the others are probably wonder where we even are,” Sotek babbled.


    “That or the apes are betting how late we’ll be,” Aela scowled.


    “Farkas and Vilkas are really like that?” the hunter asked.


    The mates replied in unison, “Yeah.”


    “Then have fun with them.” He reached for his cuirass and the other pieces of his armor set. The silver shined in the gleam of the sun occasionally catching the others in the eye. “Time for my payment for a vampire.” The usual.


    “Sounds like a plan then.” Sotek made a grab for his fur and pack. “Come on then, Aela; Whiterun awaits.”


    “Hang on. We’re just going to leave?”




    “What about Xian?” she asked gesturing to him with a thumb.


    “What about him?” He lifted the pack and strapped it over his shoulder before beginning to walk in the general direction of Whiterun. “He’s free to go where he pleases. We aren’t killers or blackmailers, we have honor after all. Now hurry up before I leave you here.”


    Aela looked from Sotek to Xian pondering what to do next. Her better judgement told her to follow and that she did.


    “Besides,” he continued, “there’s a lot of food back at Jorrvaskr and we’re all starving.”


    Cheeky motherfucker, Xian thought smiling to himself. Using the promise of food to lure me like an idiot wolf. The mountains were to his back and the plains welcomed him to the front, sprawling with winds passing everything.


    There is always tomorrow. “Alright, fine. I’ll come.”




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1 Comment   |   The Long-Chapper and 2 others like this.
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  January 24, 2017
    lol, those three, what a cute little trio of cuteness!