
  • Wind blowing over snow-laden heights

    Aetherial ribbons of dazzling light

    Twin moons rising on a frosty night

    Over Skyrim

    Snowy and white.


    Frothy waves breaking on the icy shore

    Blue crystal cliffs echoing the ocean's roar

    Northern coasts braving winter's maw

    In the fatherland

    Home of Kyne and Shor.


    Upon thermals soaring flew the sacred bird

    Sister-Hawk flying over crypts and heroes interred

    Her piercing voice crying, carrying nature's word

    Across tundra

    Her music was heard.


    The ravages of war rend this ancient domain

    Mortal savages battling until only corpses remain

    The Book of the Dead's passages filled with names

    In this realm

    Of queens and thanes.


    Sovngarde's souls multiplying with every death

    Each warrior buying another's last whispered breath

    In a civil war raging, the land riven and cleft

    In Skyrim

    Home of widows bereft.


2 Comments   |   The Long-Chapper and 4 others like this.
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  October 15, 2016
    You know, the mind boggles at the effort and care you take in creating your poems and yet you STILL will not put together a Table of Contents to showcase them.....
    Do I really have to be the Bad Wolf of the Blog and start biting here?
    The Blo...  more
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  October 15, 2016
    YAY! Skyrim poetry. There is something about the imagery in this one that is very beautiful. I especially like the third stanza. Reminds me of one of my favorite John Denver songs.  :D