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  • The Dagon Archives VII

    The Dagon Archives VII The cave's chill goes straight through your bones. The walls are covered with cold, enormous ice blocks, slowly dripping as you radiate heat. You decide to wait a second before descending down the icy cave. Each breath is like a small mist of a bone-chilling freezing sensation...
  • The Dagon Archives VI

    The Dagon archives VI  The constant clicking of the wheel was getting on you nerve, same with the shaking of the carriage as it continues the unsteady stone path to Riften.   "As if the rain wasn't enough,” you think to yourself as you wonder how it can get any worse.   The sky seems to share your a...
  • The Dagon Archives V

    DAGON ARCHIVES V  The dusty path was completely dark and quiet. You knew that the darkness meant danger. The deer’s bloody body would make for a perfect snack for the savage wolves that must be nearby. The silence breaks and you here the crickets chirping and the leaves flying in the wind. The gust ...
  • The Dagon Archives IV

    The Dagon Archives IV  As you walk out of the Nordic crypt to the beautiful fauna of the city square you realized you need some gear because you don't want a repeat of what happened last time in the wilderness. You look around looking for a merchant or blacksmith. As you are looking you here the sou...
  • The Dagon Archives III

    The Dagon Archives III You slowly open your eyes trying to adjust to the light that seeped through the cracks in between planks on the ceiling. You slowly get up, stretching and yawning. You seem to be able to walk with no pain. As you walk around the barracks you see some guards sleeping for their ...
  • The Dagon Archives II

    The Dagon Archives II You run up the slight slope up to the city, you know that your life is on the line and that at any minute you can pass out. You run into the first guard you see only to pass out to from the blood lose. You feel your head crashing down onto the stone path and murmured shouts of ...
  • The Dagon Archives I

    THE DAGON ARCHIVES I You wake up bloody and panting. You look around and see burnt and collapsed trees around you, then you take a look at yourself. The rags you are wearing are covered in blood and your forehead is bleeding. While loosing a lot of blood you have no Idea how this cut happened and...